

I always have this feeling that something awkward is going to happen along the line in my life. Is very obvious but as for now, am just living an abnormal childhood life with my parents and my brother. Incase you just wanna know my name is Purity and my brother Hope. We live in one nucleated part of the continent called Africa. My parents are easy going but sometimes they don't take it easy on me and is funny how everytime I was fall victim. And mind me we live in a public compound with lots of neighbours, which I must say are pesticide.

"Purity!!" A voice belonging to a twelve year old boy who decided to act as a thug to his sister cut through my thought. "Why do you choose to steal, huh, you better return her toy before I beat you up"

"And who said am with it" I replied sharply

"You've got guts to talk back at me right?" He said . His expression was filled with disgust and I found myself having joy because of that. I guess he lost it as he slapped me on my face. I stared daggers at him and decide to walk away but I felt a hand pulling me backwards, I wasn't ready for the forceful impart as I ended up falling down

"Hey, you don't move till' you've provided the toy. Get that into your head"

"I can't believe she actually stole Anny's toy" came a blonde girl about my age

"She's a thief, don't you get?" Another replied

"Unbelievable! I blame her parents for not training her well" came another kid

I got up fed up with all the insults and nonsense they were blabbering. I gently stood up, staring at each and every body in the playground I noticed their facial expression and none of them was on my side. I stared angrily at the brat that claims I stole his sister's toy. He was just a big plum boy trying to impress his sister and friends. Different thought began to run through my head.

"You think I stole your sister's damn toy, right?" I yelled directly at the guy's face "Where's the evidence you've got"

"You were the only one playing in the sandbox and that's where she left it stupid"he said about to slap me again I knew fighting was useless so I closed my eyes waiting patiently for the impact but it never reached my face instead I heard a familiar voice

"Hey, who do you think you are" that was my brother he sounded angry his fist clenching and unclenching " bullying an eight year old child,huh, are you nuts?" I wondered how he knew I was here, well I guess this is the sereno where we say news travels fast.

"And who are you to stop me" the guy asked looking surprised. One could easily guess that he was not expecting an opponent about his own age.

"Am her brother, idiot" Hope replied pushing the guy with all his energy. The boy stood up staring angrily at his new opponent. "Your sister is a thief" he screamed with all his might. My brother slapped him as soon as he let out those hurtful words on me. Soon enough the sound of fists exchanged was heard. It created a little scene as the children around were all shouting, few adults around immediately came to the scene but the other guy had already sustained injuries on various parts of his body and was bleeding seriously from his nose.

The blood began to drip fast and fast. Soon the boy was covered with blood, I blinked my eyes a few times to be sure of what am seeing but things got worst the adults who just separated the right and the children round the park was also bleeding staring at me crazily their smile was creepy. I looked at my brother who was also covered with blood, he seems to be bleeding the most, he gave me an aweful smirk


I woke up sweating profusely all over my body. I turned and realized I was the only person in the room. The others have all gone out for morning prayers. I stared at the clock it was thirteen minutes past 9. It then dawned on me that have missed morning breakfast. I stood up hurriedly picking up my towel and rushing to the bathroom.