
Chapter 2 ROUTINES

Holy Mary Care was an Orphanage home was founded in the year 1852. It was developed by some christian missionaries. It housed more than five million children. It was a British school created to teach children how to read, write and acquire some intellectual skills. It is under the Catholic Missionary Association.

Since i lost my parent, I found myself in this strange land and among strange people. It's still a shock to everyone how I got to England from Africa. I know better than to be surprise because my life have never being normal.

"Purity!! What were you doing yesterday night that you woke up so late" Mrs Markson said walking towards me with concern and a little frown on her face. She was the only the only person that understands me in this place."you're looking so pale, miss"

"Here" she said handling me an empty plate "Go to the cafeteria, meet chief and ask her to give you your meal. After that come back here and join the others learn" She instructed "Hurry up now girl, go" she smiled briefly.

"Thank you ma'am " I replied rushing out. Instead of going to the cateferia, I found myself going over to the garden. The garden is the second largest place in the compound. The garden contained different species of various kinds of plants. Some are carnivores while other are not. The garden was design like a maze with a little pathway at the entrance which I must admit is silly but beautiful. I opened the gate slowly peeping inside I began walking towards the pathway when a sound startled me.

"Hu Hu" the sound of a barking dog brought me back to reality. It was Max the gardener's dog. I stared at him sternly which I earned a warning or maybe pitiful growl in return

"You better run off. If you don't wanna lose your tail" I warned

"Purity, what are you doing here..." It was the gardener Matthew. He seems a little busy and was surprise to see me. He stared at me then the dog, I guess he heard me threatening his dog as he pulled the dog behind me in some kind of protecting manner. I scoffed like seriously

"Your supposed to be in class now not here" he continued.

"Good morning Mr Matthew" I mumbled walking away

"Purity, hold on. You can't go in there" he said from behind his voice coming from far as I ran into the garden changing direction, thankfully the maze was useful soon I quickly lost him.


"What were you doing in the garden during learning hours?" Sister Janet asked giving me a scornful look

"I was learning...in the garden" I replied

"You supposed to be in a class" she said under her breath

"I choose were I want to learn, madam" I replied turning my back on her. I was about to step out when...

"Come back here miss" she seems to be running out of patience. "because of your insolent attitude you almost broke Mr Matthew's leg when he was trying to run after you" she queried furrowing her brow.

"I didn't send him" I replied sharply " I was doing jolly well on my own"

"Purity accept you're guilty and apologize to Mr Matthew" she replied

"His alive not dead...I only apologies to the dead" I replied taking a glance round the office, we were the only people inside the office. The office, well not that fashionable just official with a shelf by the corner, different pictures of Jesus and his disciples, some Pope and past reverend father, the holy chaplet and some other sacred images. The furnace was burning up the woods quickly emitting heat round the room. A large table in her front with chairs for unfortunate victims like myself. The paint suits the atmosphere giving it some holy features. I stared back at her watching every movement of her lips.

I guess Mr Matthew and Mrs Markson are in the corridor waiting patiently for justice. Mrs Markson as usual was always on my side, I guess she's scolding Mr Matthew by now, complaining how unfortunate I can be sometimes.

"Miss Purity, this orphanage can't handle your rudely behavior towards the staffs..."

"Mrs Markson is not complaining" I cut in grinning at her.

"I don't know how she deals with you" she fired.


"So have been busy working out a way we can get you transferred" she smiled adjusting her glasses

"Really?" I asked not really surprised though "Yes, and we can't wait to get you out of this premises" I chuckled lightly at her response. This woman really wants to get rid of me.

"You'll all miss me badly and there will be chaos" I retorted

"There will be no chaos as you are no longer with us" she frowned her deep black eyes not leaving my body at all.

"The students will complain and protest"

"The same students you had them hospitalized" she repliedbangrily throwing some old reports containing names of each student hospitalized last two weeks.

"They were already on my death list . They get what they earned" I smirked.

"Enough!!!" She yelled "Now, leave my office, I don't want to see you here again through out this week and next" she breathed out then fake a smile at me. "Go apologize to the gardener "

"You know I wouldn't do that." I snapped stomping out of the room without waiting for her response, I could hear her complaining about how stubborn I am. As expected Mrs Markson and Mr Matthew were sitting outside waiting patiently for me.

"Oh! Sweet girl. I hope she didn't give you any hard punishment" came Mrs Markson embracing me in a tight hug.

"Just arranging the girls room for two weeks and apologizing to Mr. Matthew" I replied.

"Don't worry am sure you'll survive " she said her voice filled with concern. "Now hurry up you must be very hungry, I'll prepare your favorite meal... you like rice crispy, plantain, scrambled eggs, sushi..."she kept on talking non stop.

"I think rice crispy will do"

"Oh lovely, I'll have chief make it just now" she smiled placing my hand in her's as we walk towards the kitchen.

"But ma'am she didn't apologies" came Mr Matthew but Mrs Markson was too busy talking to have heard what Mr Matthew said.