
Entry on: The Universal Combat/Defense Golems (not done, still editing)


 They have the ability to fly by twisting space around themselves, and can fire devastating energy beams. 

Each golem's arms and legs are extensible, and can be operated independently of each other. A row of concealed flaps is attached to each body part, giving the robots the abilities to launch galaxy disintegrating nukes, energy beams with the power of a concentrated supernova every fraction of a second, space melting acid, and reality tearing arrows out of anywhere on their body.

Physically, the robots are very large, much bigger than a galaxy. Their bodies are roughly humanoid in shape. 

They only listen to the strongest royal family in the Universe or the person who built them. They will automatically destroy any intruders that enter the universe. They will protect their universe at any cost, even destroying the royal family that it is loyal to.