
Bondrewd, a new beginning

What we know about Bondrewd from the epic "Created in the Abyss" - scientist, genius, "father of the year" and a lot of positive and not so positive qualities. Making this character extremely curious against the background of crowds of schoolchildren and other characters as bland as cardboard. After another "successful" experiment "Lord of Dawn" died, this time finally, and got into a new world, with a clear goal - to save the world, Will Bondrewd be able to save the world, will his attitude to life change, will he get a harem... maybe yes, maybe no. Read it and give me feedback. Postscriptum: this is the author's first work, so don't hit me, at least not hard.

DaoistK0F5Ju · Komik
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35 Chs

Wake up and sing Mr Bundrude, wake up and sing.

"Lord of Dawn" was at a bit of a loss, only moments ago he had died. And now voices unknown to him were saying that they were very much expecting him. But Bondrewd always tried to make the most out of any situation and so he continued the conversation.

"To whom do I have the honour to meet?" said the man with a deliberately feigned expression.

"With your judge, of course, but you can call me Audita." After that the entity finally deigned to appear, it was a young, pretty blonde girl in a white light dress and a halo over her head. 

"If you are standing before me alone, why did it say we at the beginning, or have I not yet seen, any of your friends?" Bondrewd logically reasoned that one could always attack, and before doing so, one could try to extract as much information as possible from the interlocutor.

The interlocutor was a little embarrassed, but still answered. "I am really alone here, but you should know that we are being watched." Audita sighed and continued her speech.

"You're dead, you're not a stupid man, so you've probably already realised it yourself, although it's hardly appropriate to use the term man to you. You are a hardened villain, who did terrible things in his lifetime, about which it is terrible to remember and in a good way, your soul should be forever disembodied from the universe, but I have a proposal to you, will you listen?"

"I will, but first I want to ask you a question." The man deliberately paused, giving his companion time to think.

"Ask me?"

"Who decided that I'm a villain?"

Audita's face took on an expression as if an elephant had stepped on her foot. But hiding her obvious displeasure under a fake smile, she answered. 

"Of course you're a villain, I think you know as well as I do what you've done."

"In that case, explain to me, what is evil?" Bondrewd was not really interested in this question, such philosophical questions for such a pragmatist as him were nothing more than a fiction, but he still hoped that She would reveal more information, or at least be reckless in showing her weakness.

Audita hesitated a little; it seemed to her that the subject was deliberately trying to piss her off with such stupid questions. But the girl answered nonetheless.

"Lying, killing, stealing, and all that sort of thing, you're not a little boy yourself, you should understand."

"And who decided that this is evil." "Lord of Dawn" continued to press the interlocutor.

"Well, first of all, it's as if obvious, and secondly, even in your world, all of the above is considered illegal and condemned."

"I have some remarks on your theses, all your arguments are extremely subjective, in fact we can assume, since earlier you spoke for the universe, in different corners of our universe, what is there even in different corners of one planet norms of behavior and laws will be essentially different. I am sure that in the whole universe there will be a lot of worlds where all the above mentioned is a blessing, and they will be considered evil only from the observer's point of view." Audita's face began to blush, she obviously did not like the direction of this discussion, but she could not retreat.

'This guy is just crazy, he died, and he doesn't give a damn, even the worst scoundrels after death at least lose the ability to be rude, and most of them even mentally turn into cute puppies.' thought the girl, and answered the insolent man.

"Usually we judge by the general concepts of good and evil, which exist in the majority of reasonable people in the universe, and if you are so principled about this issue you can consider yourself condemned by the laws of your world." 

'Please don't go on, don't go on,' the girl prayed to herself; these philosophical questions were not at all her lot. But Bondrewd, of course, went on.

"If we take apart the laws of my world, they are also subjective, but that's not even the point, even if we miss their constant change and misinterpretation, they are easily changed to achieve specific goals, for example, made in "Idofront" artefacts with a they were gladly bought up by the city and the searchers upstairs, and they simply turned a blind eye to my incorrect actions from their point of view for the time being." 

After these words Bondrewd fell silent and glared at Audita, the girl's face showed confusion, but after a couple of minutes she continued.

"Leave their sins on their conscience, they do not whitewash you in any way, and also the end does not justify the means ..."

"You have to see what the end is." Bondrewd said loudly, interrupting the young lady's speech.

"And what is your aim?"

"Science, with a high." After these words, the girl's face was distorted by a strange grimace of surprise and horror, and her mouth began to open little by little, 'yes he is sick' thought the girl, but did not have time to say anything, as the "Lord of Dawn" continued.

"And if I clarify, my actions were aimed at improving humanity, the study of the abyss sooner or later will lead to a radical increase in human capabilities, or do you think that if during the invention of a new drug scientists killed a few test subjects and saved millions after that, are villains in your eyes, or not?" Bondrewd clearly saw that his interlocutor was about to break, the main thing was to stop in time, and after such a mental thrashing it would be possible to bargain for better conditions.

"You can't... speak for everyone, what's best for humanity." Audita said quietly, already regretting that she had allowed the monster to ask her a question.

"That's the thing, nobody can: neither I nor anyone else, not even the persons with power: kings, leaders, managers - all of them rely on their subjective notion of beauty imposing it on other people. Trying to realize their ideas to the extent that resources are available."

"Erm..." was his answer, but the man did not stop and continued.

"So every reasonable man himself determines the permissibility or not of his actions orientated on his moral compass, otherwise any of his actions inevitably ran into spears of criticism and discontent. Which would put an end to any development."

"With...that one." The girl was rapidly losing control of the situation, her face was flushed with colour, her lovely large eyes were running from side to side in search of a clue that simply had no one to give, and her palms were arbitrarily clenched into fists and back again. Bondrewd, who saw the reaction of his "victim", realised it was necessary to finish him off.

"Well, I don't hear your counterarguments."

"I have a lot more ideas I'd like to share with you." 

Hearing these words the girl, as an electric shock, it would definitely be too much, and how to stop the conversation she did not know. She couldn't give up her position, it would make the very notion of a trial meaningless, and secondly, which bothered her much more, it would make her look like a complete fool, to argue further, she didn't have enough time for that, and frankly speaking she didn't have enough brains. 

"Well, if you want your laws to be observed, it would not be a bad idea to declare them openly to everyone while they are still alive, because I think you realise that all sorts of circumstances happen in life." Bondrewd kept pushing.

The man didn't give Audita a chance to say anything in his defense and continued.

"In most cases, ordinary but very clever people will tell you what is right and what is wrong, and it is highly unlikely that their views on life will fully agree with yours."

"And in general, who are the judges, and the main question is whether you are so infallible to solely assert what is good and what is not." 


The man realised that his plan had succeeded when he looked at the judge, the girl's face was as red as the shell of a seven-tailed scorpion, her eyes were frantically darting from side to side, and her hands were waving involuntarily and amusingly in front of her body as if she wanted to stop the flow of tricky questions.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, Bondrewd started to the part of the conversation that interested him and said.

"So, what proposal did you want to address me with, Audita?"