
Bon Appetite : a Horsemen in a world of Curses

imagine if fami got into jujutsu kaisen, a world with no chainsaw man, no death devil, a moden version of Japan, modern art of culinary, a world of food that won't cease to exist ! that all happened after she got busted and killed by war devil, upon her death she found herself not in hell rather in a misogynist clan, in a completely new world. What's her resolution for her new chance in life ? Will she bear the cruelty of her clan ? clearly I don't own both mangas soon.

Ps_Zaki · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

A Zenin

4h hours of sleep, I might seek professional help

Btw guys fami's powers got some restrictions related to her consumption of food, so her eating scenes sometimes is a must.

Ps. It's gonna be well known that yui prefers fami to be called among the clan.

Enjoy !


Fami woke up, her body unexpectedly all healed up and refreshed, despite the memory of her near-death moment just hours before.

She was drenched in blood, the cell as dark as ever but it was open, or at least the door was broken. She stood, followed the light to outside, upon leaving the dark place she was met with a sunny day, in the middle of a forest.

Her eyes fell on different kinds of effigies, besides the ones of Guillotine, doll and Fire, there were miniature figures of the cursed spirits she fought.

Cockroach spirit

Lust spirit

Darkness spirit

Her innate cursed technique is Starvation, a technique similar to her devil powers she was born with, which consist from :

Enhancing Healing: Fami has immense cursed energy, her cursed technique relies on a lapse flow of energy, that makes the remaining overflowing energy in her body mostly reversal, that cause her to reflexively perform reversed cursed technique. Manipulating the flow allows her to heal others effectively.

Enslavement: As Fami embodies the fear of famine or starvation, her ability reflects this nature. She is able to turn the "hungry" into her "pawns" to do her bidding, and this ability can work even on a strong entities. Fami can turn those whom she put under her control into miniature effigies of themselves to transport more easily.

However, the spirits under her control cannot use their full strength and that her summoning has restrictions, it depends on her current state of hunger

Falling : The most powerful controllable shikigami that her ability can produce. Falling Devil requires being tamed to enjoy her obedience.

Fire : this one is quite useful as it has both idle transfiguration and fire

manipulation cursed techniques.

Guillotine : One of Fami's many pawns that comes naturally with her technique. Despite being under Fami's control, this spirit exhibits its own level of independence by disobeying its current master's commands on occasion.

Doll : the second powerful shikigami after falling, this one has incredible and different kinds of cursed techniques since it relies on turning any entity (except cursed hybrids like choso) into obedient doll, thus possessing the latter's cursed technique, even the main spirit can copy any technique for a short amount of time.

Cosmo: a pawn that relies on mental attacks similar to the effect of unlimited void.

Teleportation: Fami can appear anywhere she chooses at any moment.


Ogi Zenin moved fluidly through his training exercises in the clan's private dojo, each motion fuelled with cursed energy and powerful. Sweat glistened on his brow as he brought his sword down in final strike. He was breathing heavily but satisfied with his form. The solitude of the training ground was something he cherished. It was a place where he could hone his skills without interruption.

As he wiped his forehead, he sensed a presence. Turning sharply his eyes widened in shock. Standing at the entrance of the dojo was Fami, his illegitimate daughter, he had locked her away in a cell filled with curses to rid himself of the disgrace she represented.

"What...how are you here" he demanded, his voice laced with confusion and a hint of anger.

Fami stood there, her expression cold and emotionless, just as he remembered. She didn't answer his question. She simply stared at him with those piercing eyes that seemed to hold more knowledge than her years should allow.

Head titled to the left as usual.

"Answer me girl" he barked, his frustration growing with her silence. "How did you get out?"

She remained silent, her demeanor unchanging. Ogi felt a surge of anger, his face contorted in rage, but as he looked at her he noticed something different. There was a calm confidence in her stance, a presence that hadn't been there before.

"I've awakened," Fami finally said. Her voice even and devoid of any emotion.

Ogi's eyes narrowed. "Awakened? What do you mean?"

Fami didn't elaborate. She simply watched him. Her silence speaking volumes.

"Is it Ten Shadows Technique?" he asked, trying to decipher her newfound strength. The Ten Shadows Technique was an powerful ability within the Zenin clan, one that could manifest shikigami to fight on the user's behalf. A privilege, a gift from heaven, a bridge to the glory of the clan, an ability the old man would worship her if she had it.

She didn't deny it, but Ogi could tell it wasn't that, whatever her technique was, it was something else, something that had allowed her to escape a cell filled with curses.

A mixture of anger and grudging respect filled him. For her to have survived and escaped, she must have indeed awakened to something powerful. "Impressive" he muttered, though his tone grudging.

There was brief silence before Fami spoke again. "You promised" she said, her voice was steady. "If I could prove my strength, I would be recognized as direct member of the Zenin clan."

Ogi felt a rush of irritation at being reminded of his own words, he had never expected her to survive, let alone stand before him demanding what was rightfully hers by his own decree. His initial instinct was to deny her to refuse and send her back to that cursed cell, but he knew that would not be wise, whatever her technique was, it was formidable.

"You dare to demand this of me?" he growled, stepping closer to her, his presence imposing. "You an illegitimate child, think you can claim a place among the Zenin?"

Fami's gaze didn't waver, she stood her ground, titling her head with an empty expression.

Ogi stared at her for long moment weighing his options, to deny her now could invite trouble, especially if she decided to demonstrate her newfound abilities. But to accept her would be to admit that she had proven herself, something he was loath to do.

"Very well" he finally said, his voice was cold and sharp. "You will be recognized as member of the Zenin clan. But know this, girl. Your place here will not be easy. You will have to prove yourself every day. Any sign of weakness will be your downfall."

Fami nodded once accepting his terms without complaint. Ogi watched her, a mixture of frustration and annoyance flickered in his eyes. She had survived against all odds, that, at least deserved a begrudging respect.

"Go now." He ordered. "We will see if you truly belong among us."

Fami turned to walk away, her cold demeanor unbroken. Ogi watched her go, the challenges that lay ahead for her would be many, she had proven her strength but he would make sure she earned her place every step of the way.


Fami walked through the grand corridors of the Zenin estate, her footsteps echoing softly against polished wooden floors. The servants escorting her maintained a respectful distance, their eyes were averted and heads slightly bowed. Fami found it mildly boring; even in this new world, presence of power commanded respect. The air was filled with the faint scent of jasmine a subtle reminder of the estate's opulence.

As they passed a group of whispering maids, snippets of conversation caught Fami's attention. "Did you hear? The master's wife is going to have twins soon" one of them murmured.

"Yes but the master doesn't seem excited at all." Another replied "He hardly even acknowledges it."

Fami's expression remained neutral. Family dynamics were a universal constant, fathers were distant and preoccupied, mothers clung to hope, children were caught in between. She dismissed the thought as they reached the door to her new room. The lead servant a middle-aged woman with sharp eyes, pushed open the door and stepped aside.

"This will be your room Lady Yui." She said, bowing low. "If there is anything you need please let us know."

Fami stepped inside taking in her surroundings. The room was spacious and had elegant furnishings. A large window overlooked the sprawling gardens. The bed was draped in rich fabrics, a writing desk stood in one corner, it was complete with parchment and ink. Fami moved to the window, glancing out at the well-manicured grounds, it was far cry from the chaos and desolation of her past place. She felt no particular attachment to it.

"That will be all" she said without turning around. The servants quickly exited, leaving her alone.

As the sun dipped below the horizon a maid arrived with tray of food. Fami eyed the modest meal; rice, vegetables and a small portion of meat; with mild disinterest. She had always needed more to sustain her.

"This won't do" she said flatly. "Bring me more."

The maid hesitated. Confusion and a hint of fear in her eyes. "More my lady?"

Fami's gaze was cold and unyielding. "Yes. More."

The maid hurried away, Fami followed, her curiosity piqued. She entered the kitchen much to the staff's shock and began helping herself to everything she could find, the cooks and servants stood frozen, their eyes wide as she devoured food with a ferocity that belied her composed demeanor.

Plates were emptied. Pots scraped clean. Fami finally felt a semblance of satisfaction.

Fami's usual way of eating was reminiscent of toddler, uninhibited and messy. She grabbed handfuls of rice, stuffing them into her mouth, bits of grain spilling down her chin, her appetite was voracious and unhuman an endless void that seemed impossible to fill. She consumed entire roasted chickens, tearing at the meat with her hands not caring for cutlery or decorum, large pots of stew were lifted and drunk directly from the rim. Her throat gulping down the contents in manner that horrified the watching staff, though some found it also a bit funny.

As she made way back to her room, wiping her mouth with a napkin she had picked up, she overheard more hushed conversations. This time, it was about Toji, her cousin "Did you hear? Toji was thrown in the punishment hole again," someone said.

"But he escaped" another voice added "Left the clan officially this time."

Fami's interest was piqued, Toji managing to escape the punishment hole, a llace even worse than that cell, with zero cursed energy is remarkable and almost unbelievable.

She admired his audacity, though it was ultimately futile, a pawn with such determination could be useful in the future. She mused over this possibility. If he could survive outside the clan, he might become an asset she could exploit.

The estate was quiet. She wandered through the halls that night, the flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the walls. As she turned a corner she nearly collided with Naoya. He was striding purposefully in the opposite direction. He stopped. Looking her up and down with a sneer.

"Watch where you're going, girl." His tone dripped with arrogance "Women should know their place."

Fami regarded him with an icy stare, neutral expression.

Naoya's face flushed with anger. Before he could respond, Fami had already walked past him. His words were worthless nonsense against the steel wall of her indifference. She continued on her way, the encounter already slipping from her mind, to her he wasn't even interesting anyway.

Naoya was known for his misogynistic and bullying nature, despite beinga child, especially towards female members of the clan. He used to go around hitting maids for the smallest things. He found great amusement in belittling others. He stepped in front of Fami again. Refusing to let the slight go.

"Don't think you can just walk away." He hissed. "You're nothing here. Just another useless kitchen wench, don't rely too much on your bastard father."

Fami stopped and turned her head slightly to look at him over her shoulder. "Your desperation for validation is pathetic. Continue your yapping if it makes you good. But know that I don't give a fuck."

She left him standing there seething with rage.

Back in her room she settled into bed. The events of the day replayed in her mind. The whispers of servants. The taste of food. The coldness of her father's indifference. The defiance of Toji and the pathetic attempts of Naoya to assert his superiority. The most important thing which is her awakening. It was a new world, but it held the same old patterns.

Fami lay back on her pillows staring at the ceiling. She had been reborn into Zenin clan, a place of power and prestige, she had navigated the waters of manipulation and survival before, she would do it again. This world might be different but her resolve remained unshaken.

With a final, deep breath Fami closed her eyes. She allowed herself to drift into a light sleep. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new opportunities and she would face them all with same cold unyielding strength that had defined her for centuries.


6 am, training ground of the Zenin clan

Dawn light barely brushed the sky when Fami was dragged from her bed by her father. The rough handling did not surprise her nor did it evoke any resistance. She allowed herself to be led through the sprawling estate. Her feet were cold against the dewy grass as they approached training grounds of the Zenin clan.

Her father, Ogi Zenin, wasted no time. "Show me what you got" he barked. He threw her a wooden sword. "We start with swordsmanship and martial combat."

Fami picked the sword without a word, her expression was unreadable as ever. Ogi attacked without warning, his strikes were swift and precise, a bit harsh for a kid. She did nothing to block or evade, the blows landed on her, each hit sent waves of pain through her body but she remained stoic. Her eyes were fixed on her father.

"You're weak," Ogi sneered raising his weapon for a finishing blow. "Pathetic."

As his sword descended Fami moved, with a sudden burst of speed, she blocked his strike and countered. Her wooden blade crashed against his with surprising force. Ogi's eyes widened in suprise and the real battle began.

For an hour they fought relentlessly. Hand-to-hand combat merged with swordplay. Each exchange grew more intense. Ogi's strikes became fiercer, but Fami matched him blow for blow. Her technique revealed an inherent mastery that belied her initial passivity.

Ogi's frustration mounted. He abandoned the wooden sword. Drawing his katana he used his cursed technique.

[Cursed technique: Blazing courage]

Flames erupted from the blade. They seared the air with their heat, he swung at her, aiming to overwhelm her defenses.

Fami responded calling upon her own abilities.

[Cursed technique: Shadow styles]

Ogi's surprise was palpable. She executed a simple domain technique.

"You're full of surprises," Ogi muttered. His expression a mix of pride and wariness. But he pushed harder. His flames grew more intense seeking to overpower her, and he did, the old man was just good at this game.

In a final attempt, Fami summoned her Guillotine shikigami, unnoticed by Ogi, the shikigami took the form of a crow with guillotine body. Its wings slashed through Ogi's clothes and shattered his katana.

Grrrrrrrahhhh (A/N idk what am writing)

The bird hovered above menacingly poised before rushing back to Fami. It disappeared into a small figure.

Ogi stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock. He beheld his daughter unscathed and resolute. He approached her. Disbelief was etched on his face. "You... you're not injured," he said almost to himself, like how she wasn't scratched or burned.

Fami straightened, her gaze as cold as ever "I have my own strengths."

Ogi nodded, a hidden respect in his eyes. "You will be training from now on every day at dawn. We will discuss your spirit manipulation abilities further."

With that, he turned and walked away leaving Fami alone on the training ground. She watched him go. A faint smile played on her lips that quickly disappeared, the training had been more revealing for him than for her.

After a brief return to her room where she hastily consumed hearty meal and pocketed some of her father's money. Fami set off for the city. The streets were bustling with activity, merchants set up their stalls, people began their day. She wandered through the narrow alleys. Her eyes scanned the surroundings with slight interest and sense of familiarity.

Her destination was a small antique store, tucked away in a corner of the city. The shopkeeper an elderly man with a kind face, greeted her warmly. "Looking for something special young lady?"

Fami nodded. Her gaze drifted to pair of earrings displayed in a glass case. They were a perfect match for the ones she had worn in her past life.

"I'll take those" she said. Pointing to the earrings.

The shopkeeper nodded retrieving them with care. "A fine choice" he said. "These have a rich history."

Fami nodded slightly handing over money, she placed the earrings on, feeling a strange sense of continuity between her past and present lives. She left the shop.

She wandered through the city. The earrings were a comforting weight against her skin. The streets were vibrant with life, it was a stark contrast to the cold, calculated atmosphere of the Zenin estate. Fami observed the people around her, she noted their interactions their struggles and their joys. It was a different kind of battlefield.

By the time she returned to the estate, the sun was high in the sky. She made her way to her room. Her mind was already planning her next move. The training with her father had been enlightening. It revealed not just her own strengths but also the weaknesses she could exploit in others.

Settling back into her room, Fami allowed herself moment of reflection. The earrings felt like a connection to her past. They were a reminder of the power and influence she once wielded. The earrings are a reference to the Horseman of Famine's depiction in the Book of Revelation, where he is depicted holding scales for weighing food.

A Horsemen arrived at this world.....

With final deep breath, Fami closed her eyes, ready for a new chess match.


End of the chapter

I hope u like it

Next chapter time skip

leave comments or reviews, they're my fuel !

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts