
First Day of School

The following morning, I woke up and did my usual morning routine. While getting dressed, I slapped on a fake smile. My older sister, Anna, always told me that when things don't turn out the way you hoped and life or even love brings you down, there's only one thing you can do: fake it till you make it. So, true to her words, I'd fake it till I got better. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I'll just have to wait and see if that happens to be true today.

I made sure that today my make-up was natural, so just mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. My hair was left flowing down in its natural waves. I was dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, a blue and white check-shirt, and white Converse. I took my bag and gathered all my necessary books and papers before I left the comfort of my room. To be honest, I wasn't ready to leave and face my "mate," who indirectly rejected me without even saying it.

When I stepped out of my room, Jaxson's scent overwhelmed me as I made the short walk into the kitchen. Didn't he have his dorm room? I walked into the kitchen searching for something to snack on before I went to check on my friends. We'd probably go to the coffee shop on our way to class. I know that all five of them would need some caffeine to get them going. None of them are morning people, unlike me. Back home, I love mornings, as I am always up before the crack of dawn. You get to see the sunrise on the beach while surfing like no one's watching, which is true.

"Morning Emma!" Ally chirped as she walked into the kitchen, wrapped in Austin's arms.

"Morning Ally, Austin." I nodded as I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.

"Good morning, Emma!" Austin grinned.

"There's nothing "good" about this morning," I grumbled as Jaxson and Liam walked in.

"Not a morning person?" he asked.

"I usually am, it's just...I don't find anything in my liking this particular morning." I said.

"Are you excited for your first day?" I mentally thanked Ally for changing the subject.

"School is school." I shrugged. "Something I've never been excited about."

"But you're a straight "A" student with a 4.2 GPA." She was perplexed by my lack of enthusiasm for school when she said this.

"Wow, your father surely did make sure you learned everything." I laughed. "Just because I'm good at school and get good grades doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Well," she scoffed, "you're a genius."

"I wouldn't go that far, but thanks." Anyway, I've got to go wake up the others." I said while grabbing my bag from the counter.

"Have fun today; I'm pretty sure you'll find something or even someone to your liking." Ally joked about wiggling her eyebrows as I reached the front door.

"I'm sure I will." I smiled back. "I could use a distraction from the boringness of what we call the school." With these new wolves around, it shouldn't be hard at all. I told her, giving her a wink. I heard a low growl coming from Jaxson. I rolled my eyes and sent a quick bye over my shoulder before I left the room.

A few people were wandering around in the hallway, as there was still about an hour left before classes started. I walked down the hall to my friend's room, and as expected, the door was unlocked as usual. None of them, and I mean none of my friends, could ever remember something as simple as locking the door. Shaking my head, I walked in.

"Let's go, people! Wake up!" I shouted, knocking on each of their doors, "CLASSES START IN AN HOUR." "TIME TO BOOGIE YOURSELVES OUT OF YOUR VERY PRECIOUS AND COMFORTABLE BED!"

"Will you please stop the yelling?" Kayden groaned as he walked out of the room he shared with Max in a pair of boxers.

"Crap... "I knew we forgot to do something before going to bed last night," Max grumbled as he walked out, also just wearing boxers.

"Yup!" I nodded. "You all forgot to lock the door, as usual."

"We're up!" Ava said, walking out of her room with Nolan in tow.

"Me too," Kylee said, coming out of her room.

"Chop, chop, you two," I said goodbye, sending Kayden and Max back to their room. "Get ready so we can go to the coffee shop we stopped at on our way to class yesterday, my treat."

They grumbled but went back to their room anyway. Ten minutes later the boys were ready and dressed. We left the dorm and went straight to the coffee shop. I knew the boys would need a pick-me-up; just like they do every morning. We all walked into the shop-which seemed to be like a popular morning shop- with Ava wrapped up in Nolan's embrace, Kayden's arm draped around Kylee's shoulders, and Max's around mine with my arm around his waist. Anyone who didn't know us would think that we are a happy couple. Four of us weren't, but, we all had always been like this. We used to switch up who we were going to walk with, but, after Nolan and Ava mated, only Kylee and I would switch between Kayden and Max.

We got our drinks and I spotted a familiar head of light brown hair out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and sure enough, it was Jaxson. Was he alone? Nope! He was sitting at the back of the shop with some fake-looking girl sitting on his lap. I raised an eyebrow at them as he leaned in and whispered something in her ear which she giggled at. The door opened which sent a breeze into the room. Jaxson's body stiffened and his eyes lifted. His blue eyes met my green eyes.

His eyes narrowed as they zeroed in on Max's arm which was now wrapped around my waist holding me tight to him.

"You okay?" He asked squeezing my waist lightly. I broke my gaze with Jaxson and looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'm good." I lied-my wolf going crazy, she wanted out, she wanted to rip any other girl to shreds who dared touch our mate.