

I was super confused! What the heck just happened!? I bit my thumb and sat on one of the bar stools. Wha-huh!? I was so confused I couldn't form a coherent thought. After Jaxson walked away it was as if my thoughts had flown out the window. On top of that, I was speechless. I wouldn't be able to get a word out right now even if I tried to. Shock! That would be an understatement of the world as to what I am feeling right now. I'm way beyond shocked!

I was seated on the same stool for about two hours. During those two hours, I hadn't managed to come up with any explanation for anything that just happened earlier. I need to seriously talk to Liam, maybe he'd be able to help me understand what's going on.

"There you are!" Kylee exclaimed as she pushed through the crown pulling Liam with her. "You alright!?" She asked took in my shocked state.

"I... erm...I don't know." I said when I finally found my voice.

"What happened?" Liam asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"Okaaaay..." Kylee said slowly "Well, we're heading back to campus." I nodded and followed them out of the club.

Back on campus, we parted ways by my friends' room. Liam kept casting glances my way. I knew he wanted to ask me what was wrong but didn't know how to ask. I was still in my semi-shocked state even after we walked into our room. I kicked off my heels and sat on the couch.

"Hey, Liam?" I said looking up at him.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Can I talk to you really quick before we head off to bed?" I asked.

"Sure." He said taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"Okay, so Jaxson came up to me tonight at the club," I said.


"He told me a bunch of things about me. Things I didn't even know, he knew about. Then he kissed my forehead and just walked away."

"Okay?" I knew he was confused just like me.

"I just--I figured since you guys are like best friends you could tell me what the heck is going on."

"Honestly, I don't know." He said "But you might want to ask your friends. Lee and Ava to be exact. I saw them talking to him earlier today."

"Those sneaky little rascals." I hissed.

He chuckled "My guess is he asked them about you."

"Why would he do that!?" I asked getting more confused than I already am.

"Beats me, maybe he wants to start over. I have no idea." He sighed "I think this is not a conversation you have with a guy."

"I know, I just thought to ask you first since you guys are friends and all," I mumbled.

"Why don't you talk to them tomorrow, I'm going to bed. Goodnight Emma." He said getting up and walking off to his room.

"Night Liam," I called out after him.

So, Jaxson asked my friends about me. Why would they tell him though? Now I was getting a headache just thinking about all this. I sighed and walked to my room; I'll get my heels in the morning. I couldn't be bothered about bending down to grab them right now. I fell on my bed and passed out. It's been a long night.

The rest of the weekend passed and not once had I seen Jaxson. It was like he just disappeared after he walked off Friday night. Liam seemed to be pulling the disappearing act as well. I didn't think much of it, thinking that they were off spending some male bonding time. Now that Liam was mated to Lee it was hard to keep them apart. I'm just waiting for the day that Liam moves into their dorm--or Lee moves into ours. I hope it's the latter one--it would be nice to have a friend around--one of my lifelong friends that I've known since forever will be here with me in the same room.

Monday rolled by and still no Jaxson--not that I was looking for him or anything; I wasn't. Liam came back at around lunch and Jaxson wasn't with him. The same thing happened for the next couple of days. By Thursday I was starting to get the feeling he was avoiding me. But whatever I got schoolwork to worry about I'm not going to dwell on the fact that he was not coming to school. Back in my room, I was sitting by the kitchen counter doing my homework when Liam and Lee walked in.

"Well, hello there sexy lady!" Lee purred as she sauntered over to me; she leaned against the counter and battered her eyelashes at me.

I burst out laughing. "You are so weird sometimes," I said shaking my head.

"And yet, you love me anyway." She said, "So, what are you doing?"

"Homework, which is what you should be doing," I said.

"I will, once I'm done moving my things." She said.

"Moving your things? As in moving in here?" I asked hoping I heard correctly.

"Yup!" She said popping the 'P'.

"Yes!" I shouted "Thank God! I was hoping for this since last week."

"So have I," Liam said wrapping his arm around Lee's waist and kissed her temple at the same time.

I scrunched my face. "Please none of that in front of me." I joked.

"None of what? This?" Liam asked before he leaned down and captured Lee's lips with his.

"I'm just going to go get a coffee, see you guys later," I said sliding off the stool before walking out.

The shop was pretty much empty aside from a few people here and there. I ordered a large coffee and then stood to the side so that the person behind me could place their order. There was a soft giggle and I turned to see who it was. Call me curious; I don't care cause I am. For the last week I was wondering where Jaxson was and when I turned around, I got my answer. He was sitting at the back in the same booth I had seen him at with none other than Sarah. No big surprise there.