
"I don't know baby."


I ran to my dorm room, which I didn't have to share since I'm the next Alpha and all. I packed a small bag with a few pairs of clothes. I need to just get away for a couple days to get my head straight. My dad ended up letting Ally and I keep our cars here on campus. So once I was done in my room, I headed out to my car. Driving off campus, I didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do. I just drove.

I drove for hours and hours on end. Going south through Oregon, then south east through Idaho, and back down south where I ended up in Vegas. What was I going to do there? I have no idea. I had been driving for almost twenty hours, only stopping for gas. I didn't eat; I couldn't. I checked into the first hotel I found and headed straight for the room. I didn't bother to remember the name of the place; I'd be gone in 48 hours anyway.
