
BNHA: Pain and Love

A man with barely any morals left was transmigrated as Izuku Midoriya about a year before the entrance exam. With Pain's (Deva path) modified powers, he hoped to enjoy his second life to the fullest. This is mostly a slice of life and no dark or really depressing things will happen to them. If you enjoy a light and fluffy read, try this out There is Inchest here, I'll let you guess who she is. There will be blood for a certain cute and misunderstood waifu too. Probably a harem with 3/4 members.

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54 Chs

Chapter 31 - Mitsuki Bakugou - Last

Izuku went out and saw Mitsuki still drying her body off with his towel. It brought him a certain sense of pleasure seeing such a beautiful woman using his private items this nonchalantly. It was as if they were so close to each other, or rather, they are this close and comfortable with each other.

He saw her struggling to completely dry her blonde hair with his towel even if it was short. His towel wasn't meant to be used for drying hair after all and offered to help, "Wanna see a cool trick?"

Izuku walked next to her and reached his hand towards the sink, "Close your eyes," He said, and as Mitsuki followed his words, Izuku pulled all the remaining water near Mitsuki's hair to his palm and let it sink into the drain.

Mitsuki felt a small amount of force pulling the air around her head. It was as if a soft vacuum cleaner was turned on right in front of her face. "That felt weird, was that your quirk?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yes. I can also do this," Izuku said as he used Shinra Tensei on his entire body, pushing all of the bathwater down to the ground and leaving him perfectly dry. "Pretty handy right?"

Mitsuki was awed when she looked at Izuku's demonstration. She wasn't particularly interested in hero-Esq or powerful quirks like endeavor's, but Izuku's quirk seemed to be very useful and versatile, making her envious. "Looks very convenient,"

"I know, right?" Izuku agreed, saying "I also just discovered I can fly too when I try to buy the birth control as quickly as I can," Izuku said, levitating off the ground.

"...pfft!" Instead of being impressed, Mitsuki laughed as she heard how he discovered something new about his quirk just to have sex faster. She couldn't stop herself from hugging his neck and kissing him deeply.

"Want to do a quickie?" Izuku felt her soft and bouncy body and asked, caressing her soft and moist butt from the recent shower. Her body practically glowed after their shower, which only added to her allure.

"Sure, but we'll get dirty again,"

"Don't worry," Izuku carried her by her thigh, putting his dick in all the while, and flew back into the bathroom, "We can just clean as we go,"

Mitsuki moaned, feeling even more aroused as she realized they were levitating while his dick was inside her. 'How the hell am I supposed to stop after this...'

Mitsuki completely forgot about her phone, and it's safe to say the two had a few more rounds of lovemaking. With a little more spiciness to it this time.


"I'm not sure how I should feel. Katsuki didn't even call once, and Masaru is probably still busy working," Mitsuki said, her face showing a very mixed expression.

On the one hand, she's relieved that her family isn't suspicious of anything, but they didn't even ask how she was or what she was up to. A truly perplexing thought.

"It's fine, isn't it? Now you can relax for the rest of the night," Izuku said, setting down a plate of microwaved pizza. They needed to replenish their tank after their quick session before they could do it again if they wanted to later.

"Easy for you to say," Mitsuki grumbled, taking and eating a slice of pizza. It wasn't her first choice of food, but it was all that was left in the fridge, so it'd have to do.

Mitsuki turned to look at Izuku, who was typing on his phone and eating a slice of his own. Her mind was now somewhat clear after the rush, and the recent actions she had done resurfaced.

To say it was embarrassing was an understatement. She acted like a complete nympho around him, constantly asking for more and more, and even when they were done, she still wanted more.

Although she knew it was partly Izuku's fault because he kept asking, shouldn't she be the one who showed restraint as the older one here? In the end, Mitsuki could only sigh and follow Izuku's previous words.

She'd done it, and there was nothing she could do now but move on and deal with the consequences later. Regret will only consume her if she allows it to grow.

"Who are you texting? Inko?" Mitsuki inquired, intrigued. Aside from him awakening a quirk and transforming into a scumbag, she knew very little about this new Izuku.

"No, I texted her while you were sleeping, and this is my..." Izuku paused for a moment, unsure of his current relationship with Toga. "She's my friend, I think," he said, unsure.

He wanted to say he was her guardian, but he kissed her, so that wasn't it. Empathetic lover? Lover out of pity? Friends with benefits? Izuku didn't bother and just went with a more normal answer.

"What's with the pause?" Mitsuki asked, suspiciously. "Did you pick up another housewife?" Her tone was unsurprised as she inquired. As if his acquiring another housewife like her is normal at this point.

"It's complicated," Izuku said wryly, "She used to be my stalker and now we're just friends…I think,"

"Stalker?" Mitsuki parroted. She felt it was amazing how many surprises she was getting from Izuku today, "Are you sure that's safe? She's not dangerous?"

Izuku waved his hand and said, "She's harmless. I disciplined her already,".

He had already educated Toga on things he tolerates and things he doesn't. She can never touch or go near anyone close to him. This includes Mitsuki's family and even Inko's yoga friends. As for everyone else? Who cares.

It does concern him how many texts and calls she sends him on a daily basis, but given that he's basically a NEET with nothing to do but work out, it's still fine.

"Discipline…" Mitsuki repeated the word, but in a strange tone, as she looked at Izuku suspiciously again and said, "If you say so, but just be careful,"

Mitsuki then opened her phone and, with a concerned expression, showed Izuku a news article. "There was an unsolved homicide case near your school. People are dangerous these days, and I know your quirk is powerful, but you still need to be cautious,"

'Oh right, that's her,' Izuku felt a tingling and wanted to say that just to see what Mitsuki's reaction would be. But of course, he's not that crazy. He didn't want to ruin what relationship he now has with Mitsuki again.

"Are you worried about me now?" Izuku cheekily said.

Mitsuki didn't take his tease well and pinched his nose playfully, "Yes, yes, whatever you say you brat," She said, enjoying their moment together.