
BNHA: Pain and Love

A man with barely any morals left was transmigrated as Izuku Midoriya about a year before the entrance exam. With Pain's (Deva path) modified powers, he hoped to enjoy his second life to the fullest. This is mostly a slice of life and no dark or really depressing things will happen to them. If you enjoy a light and fluffy read, try this out There is Inchest here, I'll let you guess who she is. There will be blood for a certain cute and misunderstood waifu too. Probably a harem with 3/4 members.

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54 Chs

Chapter 24 - Mitsuki Bakugou 1

(A/N: I recommend waiting a few days since this arc will take a few chapters to get to the end or else it's gonna be annoying to wait for)


Today was his day off of Toga. Izuku hadn't planned anything for the day because she had eaten him quite a bit the day before, enough to last her 2-3 days. Inko was also out with her new Yoga friends, taking a three-day trip to Hosu City.

He thought to go home and pick up Lin to do whatever she wanted. 'Haven't had WcDs in a while…'

As he pondered on what to do next, he felt his shoulders being pat and saw a familiar face,

"Oh, aunt Mitsuki, fancy seeing you here," Izuku greeted. Her home was the same as his, a train ride away, so he wondered why she was at his school.

While Mistuki mainly went to his home to meet Inko, it wouldn't be prudent to say that he had befriended her all the while. He did frequently prepare her food, and Izuku isn't one to act like a child around her, so she had always regarded Izuku as an equal adult.

"I was called in, Katsuki was apparently hurt but he immediately ran when he saw me, so it shouldn't be that bad," Mitsuki sighed. She had grown tired of dealing with her unruly son, and when she tried, all he did was deflect, curse, or flee. It was simply impossible to bring down his ego.

Mitsuki looked down before gasping when she noticed Izuku's tattered clothes. As panic filled her eyes, she pieced everything together in her mind. She grasped and examined Izuku's body "Katsuki did this right? Are you hurt Izuku?!"

Izuku gave a wry smile. He hadn't changed his uniform since Inko wasn't around to worry about him, and yet someone else had taken her place. "Aunt Mitsuki, I'm fine. It wasn't anything serious. We played, and he was the one who got hurt, not me."

Mitsuki didn't believe Izuku. Even though she was aware that the current Izuku was not the same Izuku from before, the track record was already frightening enough that she didn't want to take any more chances.

Izuku had no choice but to relent and let her take his hand and lead him back to his apartment. Once her mother's instinct kicked in, there was no way for Izuku to stop it other than complying.

Izuku took Lin off her jump and kissed her before placing her on her bed as they entered. He saw Mitsuki's worried expression and decided it would be better if things finished faster without Lin messing things up.

"Do you have any immediate burns?" Mitsuki asked as she forced Izuku to unbutton his shirt until he was nearly naked. She examined his body and noticed no burn marks were even remotely present.

"I told you I won, right?" Izuku said, slightly laughing. "Is it so difficult to believe that I'm now stronger than your son?"

Mitsuki breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Izuku was fine. "You're too cheeky now," she snapped as she sat in front of Izuku. "I prefer your previous innocent and sincere expression," she said, slightly pulling his cheek with a smile.

Mitsuki preferred the innocent and cute boy he used to be because it reminded her that there was still peace in the world. This Izuku is much more cheeky, direct, and even dangerous. He is nothing like the previous Izuku, and she can no longer see him as just a mere boy.

She let his cheek go after seeing him pout but not before patting it softly twice while saying, "And just so you know, I'd love it if you are beating the shit out of my son. I'm on your team you know,"

"Really? That's not what a mother should be saying to her son's bully," Izuku joked.

"You? Bullying Katsuki? I'll give you anything if that day were to come," Mitsuki joked back.

After all, she had watched Bakugou grow up, and no one came even close to matching his prowess. It was difficult for her to believe her son could be oppressed by anyone his age, let alone Izuku. Even if she disapproves of Bakugou's attitude a lot, she still had her pride.

Izuku pondered whether he should show her the video he took in order to bag Mitsuki. It's not exactly how he expected to use it, but this seems like a good enough reason to. After all, he did have feelings for the woman in front of him.

To put it into his perspective towards the women around him; If Inko warmed her way into his heart, and Toga reawakened his long-forgotten empathy, then Mitsuki simply strode right into his most carnal desires.

She was literally the ideal woman for him, both physically and emotionally. Her quirk allows her to appear much younger than her actual age while still maintaining the attractive demeanor of a mature woman.

Izuku wasn't sure whether Mitsuki would be willing to entertain his shenanigans, but it was worth a shot. Inko won't be home until the day after tomorrow, and Mitsuki's relationship with her family isn't the best right now. Worst-case scenario: He makes a joke about it and dismisses it as a teenager's stupid joke.

Besides, he was already half-naked anyway, might as well go all the way.

"Heh, then you're going to love this," Izuku smirked and showed her the video.