


The moment the match started, Kenichi and Miruko dashed at each other, both sharing a bloodthirsty grin as they clashed their right forearms together before taking a few steps to rebound and dashing at each other again.

Miruko started the fight out by launching a swift right roundhouse, which Kenichi dodged by ducking to the left and into her weak spot. Retaliating, he spins before swinging a reverse heel kick.

Miruko leans back the moment she sees him spin, letting her dodge the kick smoothly before getting back up to fight again.

She throws a bunch of punches and kicks that were mostly instinctive as they had no form whatsoever, but due to her weird Quirk changing her anatomy, every strike from her was as powerful as Gohru.


With a little difficulty, Kenichi managed to dodge and block all of them before grabbing an overextended left wrist with his left arm and pulling her to him. The pull caused her footing to be slightly off, which was what he was aiming to do as he immediately tried to kick her leg to make her fall to the ground so that he had more options, but it didn't connect.


Maybe it was due to her Quirk, but she jumped preemptively, dodging the low kick as she used her legs to hook around the right side of his neck and his left armpit before shifting her weight forward while angling it so that his right arm could not attack her, causing both of them to fall to the ground.

Tightening her joint-lock technique, she instantly threw a punch at his face.


But stopped a millimetre from his face. With a smirk, he asked.

"Why'd ya stop?"

To which she smirked at him too.

"Why did you?"

The camera pans out as it shows Kenichi's right leg just a few millimetres away from the back of her head. With that, she lets go of the lock and lets him stand up and get ready as they got into their fighting stance.

The warm-up was over. Time to fight for real.

And in that instant, they both disappeared.



The two white blurs clashed, with Kenichi using Soru to keep up with her incredible speed, as sounds of attacks and blocks could be heard.

He can't risk using most of his more extended leg attacks since she was much faster, thus one misstep would make him suffer a lot of damage, but he could use short-range ones as if they were fists.

Throwing a low kick at max speed, he managed to slam his leg into her thigh, but it seemed like it did no damage as she raised her right leg up into the sky before crashing it downwards with her full power.

Raising his left arm at an angle, he lets the axe kick slide off his arm, wincing at the damage that she inclined before clenching his right fist tightly and throwing a punch at her face.

She answered the punch by crossing her arms together, blocking the punch.


That attack was devastating as her arm had a red bruise on her dark skin, but immediately once the momentum was gone, she wrapped both arms around his before jumping and drop-kicking his solar plexus.


Holding back a gasp, he threw a left jab which she blocks by raising her right leg upwards to block it, but instantly he swung his right leg at her left now that she had no other options for defence.


It hits true as she tripped after losing her only supporting leg to the ground. But before she hits the ground, she lets go of his arm beforehand standing and launching a 360° split kick horizontally.

The attack was sudden, so he had no other choice but to block it, raising his left arm as he blocked the attack to the face with his forearm. He then tried to throw a right straight at her face, but suddenly her right leg pushed his arm downwards to the ground, and her feet slammed onto his palm to the ground, rendering it unmovable.

With his arm now on the ground, his body moved alongside, extending his head forward. With that quick opening, she raised her free leg once again upwards before swinging it downwards.

Luna Arc!

But before her attack connected, he immediately slid under his unmovable arm, using his flexibility to dodge the attack.


The ground shook slightly from the force of that attack as he turns to face her with a grin.

"That would have killed me."

"Oh please, that wouldn't hurt nobody!"

They stop their conversation as Kenichi swung a low horizontal kick to which she responds by jumping, twisting in the air to position herself better, dodging the attack before throwing a roundhouse kick to the head.

But with his hands now free, he tilts his head and redirects the kick to the side.


Cocking his fist back, he takes a deep breath before launching a fast jab. She dodges the attack by shifting her weight mid-air, causing the attack to not hit and drop her to the ground.

But he wasn't going to stop. Now that she pulled out her Ultimate Move, it was time for his. He dashes at her with cocked fists, to which she retaliated with her own rush.

Luna Rush!


A series of fist and leg attacks were fended off by her powerful kicks, but when she got an opening and did a kick rush with her legs, Kenichi successfully blocks them with punches and kicks.

The moment she stopped her combo was his time to shine. So with an intake of air, he channels his Quirk, making it overclock itself as he feels the boost in parameters needed for the move to work.

Focusing on his core, he lets out a breath before entering her range.

She instinctively knew that something was coming from the goosebumps that her body was making, warning her that this attack will knock her out so there and then, she throws a roundhouse that was beyond her full power, one strike that would break even the toughest metals.

But she was too late as he mutters.

"Ssam-su Taekkyeon: Nakyong."

In an instant, he uses his left leg to jab Miruko's starting roundhouse kick leg in the shin.


He then hops and immediately performs a front right high kick to her chin sending her upwards.


Finishing the jump, he spins 360° clockwise, ending the Taekkyeon superior technique with a downwards left roundhouse kick full of momentum to the face.


Every hit lands as her whole body slams into the ground, and the ground shakes with the amount of force the final attack held.


Feeling the full strain of the technique, he drops to his knees, panting at the pain of his muscles ripping from the 3 hit attack. He looked over at the unconscious woman before leaning on the ground, with a satisfied grin on his face.



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