
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · Komik
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20 Chs

Team A vs Team D

Tenya and Tsuyu were starting to feel a bit nervous, they hadn't run into Izuku's or Ochaco at all and they had already searched the first three floors. They approached the top floor slowly, where they had suspected the nuclear weapon was.

"Midoryia is such a mystery." Tsuyu mentioned as they walked, scaling the building from bottom to top. "How does he get around? And his stammering makes it harder for me to understand him. And nobody really knows about his Quirk other then it's name, Destruction. It sounds a little scary."

"I agree," Tenya said. "It's a little suspicious but whatever his personal business is, it's not what we should be worrying about right now."

Tenya and Tsuyu finally reached the fifth floor, they very last floor. They were certain the door would have been locked, but it wasn't. "Did they forget the door?"

Tenya had run through his thought as Tsuyu opened the door. He didn't think they left the door unlocked on accident, unless it was a coincidence and they really did just forget. But this was too easy. Neither Ochaco or Izuku had attacked yet. Tenya was sure about Ochaco's Quirk, but knew next to nothing about Izuku's. And Izuku was blind, he knew it wouldn't be easy but, it should be easy enough.

They entered the large white room. There was nothing. When they found Ochaco and a Izuku, they hid behind a pillar that way they wouldn't be seen just yet.

Izuku, without his blindfold or his bangs blocking his eyes, had a very calm look in his eyes. His white eyes showed no sense of worry which made Tenya suspect that they had something up their sleeve.

"Huh? What are they doing? Izuku and Ochaco are just standing there." Eijiro said.

"Wait, there's something next to them. It looks like some really big stones or something." Minds pointed out.

Katsuki focused his mind on Izuku, studying the look in his eyes. Calm, determined but not overconfident. "Deku wins."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, young man." All Might said. "We can't be sure that Izuku and Ochaco will win."

"Deku's already won."

"How do you know?" Hanta questioned.

"Because he's got that look in his eyes," Katsuki snapped while pulling out Izuku's notes.

"Isn't that Izuku's?" Mina pointed at the notebook.

"I'm the one who wrote it down for him, Raccoon Eyes! Tch, Deku's won. Glasses and Tongue-Twister are the ones who aren't doing anything."

"What do you mean?" Mezo asked.

"Stop asking stupid question, Sugar-Freak!"

Tsuyu stuck her tongue out and tried slithering it across to the nuclear weapon. Izuku heard the movement of her tongue and took a step towards it. Tsuyu paused, nervously fidgeting with the tip of her hair.

Tenya jumped in and started running toward the nuclear weapon. Ochaco grabbed the stone and made them float, than pushing towards Izuku's reach. "Hurry, Deku! Tenya is really fast!"

Izuku's gloves retracted as he reached for the stones. They shattered, still afloat. Ochaco used a thin sheet of metal to fan the stones which was now dust. It started to spread everywhere. Tenya put the brakes on and stopped his run toward the nuclear weapon. He couldn't see a thing.

Ochaco landed on top of Tsuyu and used the capture tape All Might gave to Izuku and Ochaco. "Sorry, Tsu. I don't mean to be rough."

Tenya was lost in the dust surrounding him. Izuku was right behind him, holding capture tape. He dashed toward Tenya unwrapping the tape. Tenya moved to the side and out of the way. Izuku scratched the ground, sending broken rock and stones at Tenya. The small pieces of dirt had slipped through Tenya's helmet and had gotten into his eyes. He blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the dirt. "Midoryia isn't one to mess around with. I can tell." The dirt in Tenya's eyes had been rid of, now he could see clearly. He looked around, trying to figure out where Izuku was.

"Tenya can't find Izuku anywhere. There's too much dust." Hagakure said.

"No shit Sherlock," Katsuki snapped.

Finally, the dust started to calm down. Tenya could see things better now. Izuku's silhouette could be seen through the dust. Tenya quickly shifted gears and dashed towards Izuku. He sped up more and lifted his leg, shooting for a kick. Much to his shock, the force disappeared as Izuku blocked the kick. Tenya noticed that Izuku's gloves were gone, he panicked, thinking he would end up the injured one.

"Sorry, Tenya. I didn't mean to scare you." Izuku said while standing behind Tenya. During Tenya's panic, Izuku had shifted from one place to another. Izuku twisted his body so he could kick Tenya back. He landed contact on Tenya's helmet, surprising him. As a surprising result, Tenya fell onto his hands and knees, shaking his head from the sudden shock of the helmets clanging. Izuku immediately used the capture tape to tie Tenya's ankles.

"VILLAINS WIN!" All Might cheered over the speakers.

"What just happened?" Hanta questioned. "And why wasn't Izuku blown away by that kick? It looked so powerful!"

"It's like the the force of impact just disappeared!" Said Rikido.

"His strategy was amazing! Who even thinks of those things? Let alone the force of Tenya's kick disappearing!" Mineta said.

"Tch, it's his Quirk, idiots. Glasses' kick didn't just evaporate. Deku got rid of the force, he destroyed it." Katsuki said while pulling the notebook out of his pocket again.

"Isn't that Izuku's?" Mina pointed out the notebook again.

"I told you, I'm the one who writes all his ideas down, Racoon Eyes!"

"Hmm, interesting. He must have a sharp mind and decent control over his Quirk." Momo studied Izuku over the camera.

Katsuki tossed the notebook in his hands to Momo, who caught it and stared at Katsuki. "Look through that." Katsuki demanded.

Momo opened the book and flipped through the most recently used pages. A light sketch of Tenya in his hero costume and details of his Quirk were written down in notebook. "These are very detailed." Momo said while reading the jotted down notes. "There's info of Tenya's Quirk from the introduction and much more. How did he break down a Quirk he knows so little about?"

"It's what Deku does. He's stupidly good at breaking down and analyzing Quirks he knows little to nothing about. He has a habit of making me jot down all his notes about Quirks. He thinks of things that most people wouldn't even consider."

"These are a very in-depth notes, I'll say." Momo flipped the pages. "But I'm sure, given enough time, everyone in class could do this."

"The difference is the amount of time it takes," Katsuki muttered. "How long do you think it took him to break all of that down?"

"Given the explained details and number of pages, I'd say about an hour, minimum."

"Completely wrong. It took him only ten minutes."

Momo's eyes widened, surprised. "Ten minutes?! He wrote all of this down in the time limit of ten minutes?"

"When it comes to Quirks, Deku is really fast with analyzing Quirks. Strengths, weaknesses, combat style, everything. When he makes a plan of how to defeat a villain, he always throws in three or four back-ups in case the first strategy doesn't follow through. I've seen him break down a villain's Quirk and come up with a strategy to beat to beat the villain faster the Pros dealing with him/her, all of that with just his sense of hearing."

Everyone in class had been listening, absorbing all the incredible things Izuku could do. This blind teenager could do so many things despite being blind. It was like he wasn't blind at all.

"When you fight with Deku, it's not his Quirk you need to worry about, it's that goddamn brain of his. If you give him enough time to think, you're screwed."

"I'm sorry, Tsu. I didn't mean to be so rough." Ochaco rubbed the back of her head, apologizing.

"It's alright, ribbit. It's what you had to do in order to win."

Izuku helped Tenya up, apologizing as well in advance. "D- did I accidentally h- hurt you with my Quirk? I- I'm sorry if I injured you!"

"Not at all. I'm alright. But I am curious, what did you do when I attempted kicked you?"

"O- oh! I- I've just been practicing my Q- Quirk a lot lately. But I- I just destroyed the force of your kick."

"Destroyed the force of my kick? That's incredible!"

Izuku blushed as he pulled his bangs lower over his face. Ever since Izuku joined UA, people have been shooting compliment left and right. Of course, they could just be pitying him. But that was something Izuku didn't want to worry about.

The entire class was stunned, amazed at Izuku's successful plan. Even Momo was impressed, and damn, is she smart. Katsuki smirked at the stunned classmates. "Told ya, Deku beat them like a drum!"

All Might had to agree, despite his decision to try and not be biased. He thought to himself. "In another life, you would've a made one terrifying villain. You're going places, kid."

When Izuku, Tenya, Ochaco and Tsuyu had gotten back with the rest of class, everyone was shooting compliments left and right.

"That was awesome, Izuku!" Eijiro pumped his fists. "The way you blocked that kick was amazing!"

"I don't I think I could ever think of something like that!" Hanta added. "You've got some library of a brain."

"You made it look so easy!" Mina bounced. "I always took you for the quiet kid but you're really amazing!"

Izuku blushed. Even with all these loud noises surrounding him, he didn't feel like throwing a tantrum like he usually would.

"T- thanks. I actually didn't think my Quirk would do much. I- I didn't want to destroy the building or hurt anyone."

"It's true that Izuku's Quirk wasn't exactly the right one to work everything out, but the way he used it was wise." Momo nodded.

As everyone kept admiring Izuku's strategic mind, Katsuki noticed the marks on his arms. He grabbed Izuku's wrists and lifted them up to his eye-view. "Retract your gloves, idiot." He demanded.

"H- huh?! W-why do you need me to do that?"

"Because I told you to, stupid nerd!"

"O- ok, ok. I will!"

Izuku retracted his gloves, revealing the peeling skin and cuts on his hands. Katsuki rolled his eyes. "The fuck is this?"

"O- oh. This was just from when I blocked Tenya's kick. And my Quirk kind of messed up my hands as well."

"And here I thought your Quirk doesn't hurt you as much anymore. Stupid." Katsuki pulled out a small roll of special bandages and wrapped Izuku's hands with them. "If your going to injure yourself every time you use your Quirk, than don't try to beat me. Dumbass."

The classmates snickered. Katsuki was acting like a mom. Making sure Izuku doesn't hurt himself and keeping track of him. Katsuki's mouth twitched, overhearing their snickers. "Shut up, you pieces of shit!"

"How did Tenya's kick injure you like that, anyway?" Mashirao pointed at the bruises on Izuku's wrists.

"O- oh! I didn't want to overdo my Quirk, so I only got rid of some of the force. If Tenya had gone a bit faster, it would've been more than just a few bruises. It was a really powerful kick." Izuku practically shoved his notebook toward Katsuki, telling him to write down more stuff about Tenya's Quirk(Momo had given it back to Izuku since it belonged to him).

"Go get yourself fixed up with Recovery Girl." All Might said to Izuku. "Do you need a guide?"

"N- no, that's alright. I- I can manage." Izuku answered.

The next round was Minoru and Momo playing Villains and Yuga and Mashirao playing Heroes. Momo had used her Quirk, Creation, to booby-trap the crap out of the building. Ojiro had to hit the door with his Tail extra flipping hard, trying to get in to the room.

Izuku came back, all cured of his injuries, in the middle of the battle. Katsuki was giving off an aura that made Izuku flinch once he entered the room. His fellow classmates were obviously nervous about the look on Katsuki's face, as a result, they stepped away slowly, not wanting to catch his attention.

Izuku knew this aura. Katsuki was practically a ticking time bomb and was nearly about to explode. Katsuki watched the screen, glaring at Mineta who had been trying to sneak a touch on Momo's ass. He succeeded…three times. Thrice, he was able to get to Momo's bottom. Katsuki had small explosions emitting from his hands. Izuku put a hand on his shoulder. "Uh- Kacchan? Are you ok?"

"That short twerp is gonna die!" Katsuki answered, ready to blow up Mineta.

"What is he doing?"

"He's been trying to grab Miss Smart Ass' behind! And he's succeeded three times!"

"Oh, that doesn't sound really appropriate."

"Damn straight! I'll blow him to hell!"

After every team had a chance to get through the exercise, All Might(and apparently Momo) had briefed them all of their minor mistakes, the girls found themselves in the locker room.

"So, what are first impressions of the boys?" Mina said as she buttoned up her uniform shirt.

"Why?" Kyoka shrugged off her jacket, looking at the pink-skinned girl.

"Isn't it obvious? Who's hot and who's not?"

"Let us all just remember to condemn Minoru, shall we?" Momo said just a shower stall away. She was trying to wash the revolting feeling of that disgusting rat touching her ass…three times.

"Ooh! Ochaco, have you ever let something float up to space?" Hagakure bounced innocently toward Ochaco.

"Not a person." Ochaco tied her shoelaces. "Yet."

"Enough yakking about that perv," Said Mina. "Let's scale it down a bit. The stars of the show. What do you think of Shoto?"

"He's ok." Momo said while wrapping a towel around herself. "He's a very quiet one. He hasn't talked much aside from the introduction this morning. Even during combat training."

"He definitely gives off a loner vibe." Kyoka said, fixing her tie.

"And what about Izuku?" Mina hopped toward the middle of the locker room. "He came up with such an incredible strategy! He took them down in half the time limit!"

"Not to mention during the entrance exam," Ochaco cheered. "He took down the Zero pointer with just a flick! It was amazing!"

"You mean that giant faux-villain?" Tsuyu put a finger to her chin. "That thing was terrifying."

"Izuku Midoryia! What a wild card!" Mina said. "Although, he kind of injured himself during the exam, didn't he?"

"Oh, yeah." Ochaco picked up her case, which her hero costume was in. "He broke his finger. And today! His hands were all cut up and his skin was peeling."

"Enough talk about Quirks and the entrance exam." Hagakure interrupted. "He looks so cute! Izuku is no doubt the number one star of the show! His eyes are dreamy, his hair looks so fluffy, his blindfold makes him look so innocent yet hot!"

"Mm hmm! He's definitely someone who has good looks!" Ochaco agreed. "Even though he's blind, I admire him so much."

The girls all looked at Ochaco. She stared back at them. Then she realized it. "Ah! No, no, no! I don't mean it that way!"

"Ooooh!" Mina and Hagakure teased.

Ochaco covered her faced with her hands, blushing and floating around the locker room. "I swear it's not like that!"

"You just don't wanna admit it!" Hagakure pointed fingers and slipped her bag over her shoulder. "Ooh, but you might be saved, because he seems to be really attached to Katsuki. Aren't they friends?"

"Yeah, seems like it. It sounds impossible, but when you actually see them, they could make a great couple, if they were gay." Kyoka said. "I don't think I would ever see Katsuki as my boyfriend, though. Anyways, let's go."

The girls walked out of the locker room and headed to the main building where all the classes took place. They could hear Izuku's voice around the corner.

"Hey, Minoru! There's a window that shows inside the girls locker room!"

The girls' jaws dropped. Kyoka gave a disappointed look to Izuku. What a shame, a perfect boy with such a perverted personality, they thought all together.

"Really?! Where?! I knew you were the guy I thought you were!" Minor cheered.

"GOAL!" Izuku pumped his fist into the air.

Katsuki's hands were lit up, he charged at Minoru and sent him flying out the window with a boost of explosion…much more than a boost.

Minoru went flying out the window. I mean like, soaring through air. He went farther than five trees, across UA grounds.

"DIIIIEEEEEE! MOTHERFUCKER!" Katsuki slid on his knees, sticking up both middle fingers. "GO TO HELL, PERV!"

Mina whipped out her phone and took a very, very long stream of pictures of Minoru hanging in a tree exactly six feet off the ground, all bloodied up and unconscious from the crashing of Katsuki's explosions.

"I take back any thoughts I had about Izuku and Katsuki." Kyoka immediately said.

"I thought Katsuki treated us like crap, buuut I take that back. He's got a tiny good bone in him, it's just…pinky size." Mina said while still taking pictures of Minoru in his bloodied state.

"I bet that was a new record!" Izuku cheered.

"Damn right, it was! Fucking nine hundred forty-six meters, bitch!"

"Dang," Hanta winced. "I'm guessing the bro code means nothing to you guys?"

"You sent Minoru flying into the schoolyard!" Eijiro said.

"This P.O.S deserved it!" Katsuki pointed at Minoru across the schoolyard.

"Violence is not to be used in school! We are supposed to be disciplined students of UA High School!" Tenya scolded.

"Well, the thing is, Kacchan and I would pretend to be heroes and we would go around catching the perverts in school. But playing that game got a little old once middle school came around." Izuku laughed a little.

"And what would that change in the game be?" Kyoka asked, curious.

"We would go around, find the perverts in school and…" Izuku paused at the end of the sentence.

"And give them the punishment needed." Katsuki glared and smiled at the same time.

"It's for good cause, so why not?" Mina appeared between Izuku and Katsuki.

"I absolutely love the sound of that!" Hagakure bounced.

Welp, guess Izuku and Katsuki are now the official protectors of the girls. No perverted stuff with them around.