
Chapter 2: The Betrayal of the Innocent

Rehella, the goddess that summoned them there, looked down on him with an unreadable look on her face.

The rest were looking at Kenjiro weirdly and he didn't really understand why. It also seemed that the class weirdo was understanding something Kenjiro was not. He was even looking at Kenjiro with… respect? But that couldn't be right.

Kenjiro was snapped out of his thoughts as the goddess spoke to him directly for the first time, with all her attention on him he felt a lot of pressure on him. "You're not messing with me, right?" She asked, and although Kenjiro tried he couldn't make out what emotions were in that sentence.

"Of course not." He responded immediately. "But… I'm sure you can help with my status, right? I'm not actually weak, it's just… glitched? It's glitched right?!" He shouted desperately.

Rehella leaned to one side of her throne putting her hand up to her face and over her eyes, and she rubbed them, like she was getting rid of some tension.

When she finally looked back down upon him, when she finally removed her hand from her face, when… when Kenjiro's worst fears were all confirmed. It was that one look that told him everything.

She looked down on him with undisputed hate in her eyes, like he was her worst enemy and he shouldn't have existed. There were many more emotions in her eyes, none of them good, but that was the one that stood out to him the most.

She brought her fist down upon the arm rest and hit it, a mini shock wave that generated wind strong enough to blow his hair back for a few seconds despite the amount of distance between them.

"Don't look at me!" She shouted. "You're pathetic! I used almost all my mana to bring the heroes here and then I got this useless piece of shit! You're useless! Weak! Unwanted! Unneeded!"

She continued with her insults and Kenjiro just stood there shocked at what was happening. He was supposed to be a hero with the rest of his class, but now this happens?

The rest of them weren't even defending him. What was going on?!

Then something else broke through the shouts of the enraged goddess. A shout from someone else.

"You piece of shit! You made the goddess waste her energy on a useless person like you! Who do you think you are?!"

When Kenjiro turned, still shell shocked at what was happening, he saw who shouted it. It was Hideo Urushido, the class muscle head, the dragon slayer… a proper hero. If a real hero was shouting at him… then was what they were saying true?

The goddess also stopped for a second, her throat actually starting to hurt from her shouting. But can you blame her? She is trying to save her world and then she gets this useless piece of shit!

But seeing his own class turn against him was a surprise for her. She thought they would have stuck together, but she guessed that she was going to be wrong sometimes.

"See! Even your own class knows what you really are! A useless person with no purpose in life other than continuing the next generation!" Rehella then scoffs in disgust, and with an almost sadistic look in her eyes she continues her belittling of Kenjiro. "Although, I doubt you could even do that! With someone as pathetic as you, you must be tiny! No, that would be too generous to you, it probably doesn't even work!"

Kenjiro just stands there even more shocked than before. All of this is really starting to catch up with him. How the hell was this- this- this woman a goddess! It shouldn't even be possible- no! It shouldn't be allowed. How could the universe allow such a horrendous person to even claim she was a goddess?!

Then even more shocking to Kenjiro, the rest of the class started insulting him, about anything they could think about. His looks, intelligence, his privates, his skills, stats, his lack of class. Anything they could think about, even creating false things about him, calling him a racist, sexist, homophobic.

Eventually he couldn't listen to all and all the anger that was building up from the insults burst out. "SHUT UP!!" That made everyone go quiet, although it seemed they were only listening to him to see what he would do and after they would go back the insults and once they were bored with that… who knows what then. "Shut up! You can insult all you want, I don't care! Yeah it hurts me, but I have been brought here to be a hero, even if the rest of you don't like it or act like it! I can still be useful, just give me a chance!" Kenjiro begged, he didn't know what would happen if they thought he was useless.

What would they do? Lock him in a room until they defeat the Demon King? Toss him out into some kingdom to survive on his own? Or… something else?

"Man, just shut up!" A female voice yelled out. Kenjiro turned to glare at voice, eyes full of hate. It even surprised her looking at his eyes that seemed so hateful, and that was all focused on her at the moment. But she didn't back down from what she was about to say. "Just face it, you know you aren't going to be useful. You just don't want to be thrown away, but you will be. You'll never be useful me anyone who thinks you would be is either retarded or dead, because there's no way someone that stupid could be alive." She said, the person who spoke was Suzue Yoshioka, the class gyaru and her class was Prostitute Berserker.

"Don't you start!" Kenjiro yelled outraged. "What can you do better than me!? You're just some slut! At least I have some dignity to wait for the right person, while you just sleep around for money! Your-."

He was cut off by someone punching him in the face, the punch was strong but Kenjiro seeing the one who punched him knew that he was holding back.

"Don't start spouting nonsense now that someone who you saw as lesser is now better than you." He said with righteousness flowing in his voice so much he might as well be made out of righteousness, if that was even possible. That was who was talking, Shiro Murayama, class leader, hero, and the walking definition of all that was right. And with his class as Hero, that was even more true.

"What are you on about?" Kenjiro said breathlessly as he lay on the ground. How was this making any sense? He insults one person about the truth, after his whole class verbally attacked him… and now he was the bad guy? How did that make any sense?! It didn't! It wasn't right! It wasn't fair! They were wrong! Not him! They were not heroes!

His mind clouded by hate he charged at Murayama, even if he knew he was going to lose he had to try. He still wanted to prove his worth. Even if he hated them, it didn't mean he wanted to see the world get destroyed.

"Chains of binding darkness."

Chains speared out from shadows, wrapping around his legs first, tripping him up. Then the chains moved to his arms and forced his arms to his lower back. Then another chain appeared coming from one shadow jumping across his upper back and into the shadow on his left.

Try as he might, struggle as he might, Kenjiro knew he wasn't getting out of these chains. It was impossible for him. And all he could do was lay there helplessly as his brain slowly processed everything that was happening since he got here. So far all he knew was that it seemed like a nightmare, and if it was he wanted to wake up right now.

The class weirdo appeared in front of him, holding a chain in his hand that was wrapped around his wrist that went into the shadows. He was the one who wrapped these chains around him. Matsuta Nagashima, class weirdo and his class was Sage. It made sense that he would be able to cast magic this soon.

The goddess was very happy with what was happening down there. If all continued as is, it would come to one natural conclusion… to get rid of the useless hero, kenjiro Yoshihisa. Although at this point calling someone as pathetic as him a hero was an insult to the word itself, never mind the actual heroes.

Rehella was also very impressed by matsuta, his ability to adapt to this world was high. He had caught her interest soon after being summoned, out of everyone there he was by far the calmest. Although he wasn't even worrying when he did get summoned, if anything he seemed… excited.

Matsuta sighed as he stared down at the pathetic form of Kenjiro. It was such a shame, at least to Matsuta, that it was going to be one of those… but that didn't matter, at least not now, he had something to do. A goal to accomplish, and he was going to do it.

"It seems our roles are reversed now. It's funny isn't it, before it was me being hated and you being neutral to everyone, and now it's you being hated, although that's putting it lightly, and me being neutral to everyone." Matsuta sighed as he saw Kenjiro looking up at him, his eyes begging him to free him and help him.

And Kenjiro while he was looking up at Matsuta saw no hatred in his eyes, nor any other emotion. He was apathetic to all this, like none of this mattered to him and it was all just one big show to him. Like he was watching it on his phone.

"I'll tell you now, this isn't going to get any better for you. If anything it'll only get worse, but to be honest… I don't really care." Matsuta said honestly. He then turned and looked at Rehella directly in her eyes. "Goddess, if I may be so rude, since this useless piece of shit has been so rude as to take up your energy, would it trouble you if I suggest a punishment for him?"

Rehella knew Matsuta was kissing ass, geez it was obvious to everyone. But, since he was a useful asset Rehella would listen to him and see what his great idea of punishment would be. "Go ahead, although if I consider it not fitting I will carry out my own punishment."

"Of course." Matsuta said as he bowed a little, a smirk on his face, like he was mocking her but being respectful because of her power. Rehella didn't like it, it was like he knew something she didn't, but she knew that wasn't true, it was probably just his pride flaring because of the power he had now, especially over someone that used to be above him from what she heard a minute ago. "Then, I suggest you throw him out of here, you choose the place and I will kick him out. But of course we couldn't let him die from the fall, so maybe use a spell to make sure he doesn't get hurt. Even if he does survive he won't live for more than a year, he doesn't know how your world works."

Rehella smirked as well. That was an excellent idea. "A brilliant idea, as expected from a Sage." She thought about the location and a hole appeared behind Kenjiro, who at this point was staring blankly in front of him like nothing made sense, like nothing mattered. And to him that was true nothing was making any sense.

The chains dissolved around Kenjiro, melting back into the shadows around him. This woke Kenjiro up a little and he started focusing back on the reality around him.

Matsuta picked Kenjiro up by the back of his school uniform and then managed to get a hold of the front of it so he was looking Matsuta in the eyes as Matsuta himself held Kenjiro above the hole in the floor Rehella made. Where it went Matsuta didn't know, but he knew he was going to drop Kenjiro down there.

With a little smirk on his face as he saw Kenjiro start slowly moving his hands up to Matsutas arm holding him, Matsuta slowly loosened his grip on Kenjiro's collar and spoke something to Kenjiro that only he could hear. The words themselve confused him to no end, as they didn't make any sense.

"See ya." With that Kenjiro moved as fast as he could and tried to grab onto Matsuta as he fell down from who knows how high, everything seemed to slow down as he tried to grab onto him but matsuta pulled his arm back and Kenjiro had nothing to grab onto as time seemed to move at normal speed again and he felt the wind moving around him and the hole he fell through closing as it blended in with the sky Matsuta still looking out of it.

While he was falling Kenjiro saw the clouds move past him and couldn't help but wonder. Was this world even worth saving? If this was how the goddess acted, how it's heroes acted, then how was the rest of the world?

I decided to release the second chapter earlier then I usually would, I only do weekly updates because it gives me time to write chapters in case of a writers block or if I’m in a bad mood.

I only did this to get more people reading it, as that would give me more motivation and get me writing more.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Original_Sincreators' thoughts