
Bluemoon Valley

Shin, the boy who suddenly awakes in unknown world where magical flowers bloom and mystic creatures roam around. He is tasked to restore a land into it's beautiful origins while collecting the fragments of his past. (this works is inspired from stardew valley)

Lawenvy · Fantasi
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1 Chs


Feeling the sun shining on his body, he opened his eyelids and moved his right hand to block the piercing light.

A flowery scent wafting through the air, and a breeze blowing against his face. Warm and sunny open meadows filled his vision.

"Hmm.. weird, I don't remember being in this place before?"

In fact, he doesn't even remember who he is, or why? He just sat there, confused. He looked around, but nothing seems to offer any clues about his personal matters.

Finally he stood up and dusted off his brown leather pants, he also noticed that he was very short.

"Aaa... Aaa... ". his tiny mouth tried to make a sound, but instead a cute boy's voice sounded. "Great, now what should I do next?"

Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared before his eyes. Her slender body, white wings, and angelic face looks like a being from another world. A soft green aura radiated all over her body, flower petal clinging to her left hair, holding a brown braided hair

"Hello." She speaks with the most beautiful voice the boy ever heard. "My name is Christina, I'm a moon goddess, and you are my precious gift. O human child, thou shall restore the lands of Bluemoon and restore it's prosperity to the fullest, so the people and creatures of this valley shall live happily ever again."

Even though she is a goddess, she ask help from a human. 'strange' says the boy minds, but he put those matters to the side and ask another question instead.

"My goddess, may I ask you one thing?"

"Of course."

"Can you tell me where I came from? I doesn't seem to remember what is happening before my arrival. I... don't even know my name. Can you help me?"

The boy asked so sincerely, that the goddess closed her eyes for a moment, before ready to answer. Seems like she know something about it, but chose to not tell him.

"I'm sorry my human child, you cannot bear the answer...for now. You just need to know that you are special and blessed. Only you, that can stop the propelling darkness that will come to this valley in the next few years, as my power only grows weaker because of the curse I held."

The answer seems quite long but her tone is haste, as if she only got a limited time. But the boy also sees this, the radiating green aura from before seems to grows weaker. Something terrible must be happening to the goddess.

The boy is sad, but he also feels ought to take this job. Finally, the boy nodded and face the goddess once more, but with determination in his eyes. The moon goddess smile graciously, and opened her mouth once again.

"Your name is Shin, the druid of the ingville, the protector of bluemoon, and the light of hope."

The moon goddess hugged the boy, he could feel the warmth of her body. Suddenly, several green rays jumped in and out, and a burst of magical energy flowed through him. "I don't have much time left, this is all I can give you...blessing from the moon goddess. With this, nature will be your friend. But be careful, don't mess with nature, or you will also receive its wrath."

With this warning, the goddess released her grip and slowly walked backwards.

"I wish you success, Shin. Good luck. Don't forget, when the moon turns blue, and the ancient flower grows back, we will meet at the same place."

After the parting sentence, the goddess turned into a small light pollens and flew through the air like a dandelion. Shin watched that scene with a feeling like a rock was hanging from his heart.