
Veil of night

Fan Lin was cultivating in the veil of the dark night. Above him stars filled the whole sky providing an incredibly picturesque scenery

He was currently a level 91 Titled Douluo. He was going to reach level 97 by the next day. He had enough energy stored in his first spirit ring. The energy for the Vast Ocean, the energies from the outer space and finally the energy from Qiangu Deiting.

The calamity of the world was going to come in the upcoming month and he needed to stop it. The Abyssal Ruler was definitely a God level being and Fan Lin didn't know about the strength level of a God.

Just because other people call him a god doesn't mean that he himself would think so as well. He still didn't have the exact estimate on the strength of the God and he wanted to be ready for everything.

According to the intel that he got from know it all who got it from Net geek, the Holy Spirit Cult is going to open the gate of the Abyss in the Extreme North.

Now there were two possibilities. One was that know it all said the truth and the Intel was right. The second being that Know it all gave the wrong Intel and he was lying.

He didn't know if he should believe it or not. That's why he was increasing his strength.

The stronger he was, the less what ifs in his way.

He was going to try something extraordinary stupid. He was going to spread the indestructible shield to the whole Douluo planet.

That way, he would be able to sense everything that is happening in the world. It was the best way that he could think of.

The second being sensing the energy signature. His energy senses were the best in the whole world. Till the time, the energy was not sealed, he could sense it and adding to the fact that he could sense the Godly aura even if the space is sealed was a bonus.

And that's why, he went with the second plan.

Using his indestructible shield was a viable option but he needed to be battle ready all the time and wasting it on the maintenance of a shield which is not even a foolproof plan was a stupid idea. That's why extraordinary stupid.

And now he was increasing his strength just for the sake of increasing his strength.

Now why not to level 98?

Simply because he still wasn't a Spirit Domain realm expert and he can only reach for level 98 for now.

The reason he was not going to level 98 was because he didn't want to. He wanted to reach it only when he reached the Divine Origin realm.

When he came to this world for the first time, he made a promise to himself that he would survive and that he would change the world.

Both of them had been fulfilled. In a way that he wanted to punch his past self. Now he had a new goal. He wanted to be a reputable person and made his workers reputed as well.

They didn't do anything wrong. What they did was right. The one who was wrong was him. Not his men but him.

Now again he was becoming shanty and all.

Okay. So the actual reason was that he lacked energy.

The level difference after becoming a Titled Douluo becomes really huge. A level 95 Titled Douluo can defeat ten's of level 91 Titled Douluo. While a single 98 could defeat ten's of level 97 Douluos.

The gap keeps increasing.

And the Planar Ruler still hasn't given him his cultivation rights. He had to use his personal stored energy to cultivate.

And he alone was like two hundred people. Titled Douluos at that.

So by his extremely precise calculation, his energy reserves will be finished by the time he reached level 97. He then have to go to space and fill it there for the next few days.

Hateful. And he also could not blame the planar ruler as he knew the reason why the Planar Ruler still hasn't given him the rights to cultivate.

Simply put, he needed too much energy. His soul energy purity was more than 400 times the normal.

Meaning that he required nearly 400 times the energy than normal people on his level. The 400x energy would be purified and compressed by him and then he can be full. And it is just him recharging his energy.

In the whole Douluo Continent. The number of people that are in the Level 99 are around 20 and even they don't need that much. But Fan Lin needed it.

After reaching Level 99 he also would not need that much energy as there would not be a reason to use energy after that.

That's why Fan Lin was going to cultivate till level 97 and then teleported to the outer space and quickly collect as much energy as he could and then return.

The danger could happen anytime and he knew that he was over reacting but all the villains who turned into heroes had a bad ending.

It was like that. After becoming a Hero, their invincible halo vanishes and they die a terrible death.

He didn't wanted to have that. Especially since he knew about the extra gifts of the gods. If it was really true and if any other if the member came then he would have to try his hardest. To save his life that is.

He was a Titled Douluo and after reaching this level he knew that his poisons would even work on Titled Douluos. They were not invincible and they had not seen the terror of anti matter.

"Who knows. Now this is going to be a battlefield. The past is going to come and surround us just like a shadow, now we don't know who is the friend and who is the foe. The devil is just the impression of the evil that the humans created. Now who knows what is true or what is false. What is right and what is wrong. What is reality and what is illusion. Please not it be Chunnibyou. Ahh ~ my thoughts came out. What is going to happen. No one knows. Now the only thing that I can do is prepare for the worst and be ready to battle."

Fan Lin stated.

He started to cultivate serious.

A few hours later.

Fan Lin opened his eyes. He had reached Level 97 and it was nothing special. His soul energy was already the maximum and its purity or density didn't increase by even a single point. The quantity increased though. A lot at that.

He nearly had 39 times his total quantity. Just this was a massive increase.

Other than that, he body also went through a complete change. Now his body was far stronger, tougher and smoother.

"I don't like the last part though. Why is my body so smooth. Where is my moustache?"

Fan Lin looked at his reflection in the mirror and commented.

The final thing that was worth celebrating was that he repaired his Three word Battle Armour with the help of the energy.

Now he was battle ready and he teleported to the outer space to absorb energy. He had to absorb as much as he can and then return to the planet to face the upcoming challenge. Except he didn't knew. He really didn't.