
Blue Nexus

In a world where the medieval scenery blends with 21st-century technology and spiritual elements, Ren Sun, a young man from the forgotten Village of Marfi, aspires to achieve ultimate strength to eradicate the hunger that plagues his community. Facing challenges and utilizing mysterious abilities, Ren Sun confronts the hostility of the villagers who consider him a Nephilim. However, the arrival of a Dark Elf, Mary Elfiray, unveils hidden secrets in the village and reveals the mysterious power of the Nexus, an ancient force with the potential to rewrite reality itself. Ren Sun's quest transcends mere power acquisition, involving the hope for a fresh start for Blue Nexus. In a narrative brimming with emotion, strength and hope intertwine, promising to change the fate of an entire world. All Rights Reserved.

BlueMorsbr · Fantasi
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2 Chs

**Chapter 1: Forgotten Memories**

The first memory that haunted my mind, a distant glimpse of childhood, occurred when I was only three years old. It was a recurring dream, a world of glass surrounded by bubbles rising from the green waters, never ceasing. It was as if I were trapped in an enchanting sphere.

Eight years had passed since that vision, and now I resided under the imposing shadow of a majestic tree at the top of Marfi Village. A simple place, forgotten by the great nations, but my sanctuary. One day, as the rising sun poured its golden light, an apple fell from above and hit my head. I looked up and saw my friend with blue feathers, Blur, perched nearby, holding it with its beak. The hunger consuming me was insatiable, but the gratitude for that unexpected gift was immense.

"Thank you, Blur. Even green, this apple is a delight. Let's descend," I thanked the bird with a nod, while its joyful song filled the air.

With unsteady steps, I advanced toward the village. The aroma of delicious delicacies wafted through the air, and my belly rumbled like a hungry monster. Unfortunately, I didn't possess the currency to acquire any of these delights. I approached the apple stand, my hungry gaze fixed on the appetizing fruit.

The vendor, examining me from head to toe, pronounced, "Hey, kid, this costs 5 Draki."

An oppressive silence hung in the atmosphere, like the dry wind of a desert. "Is he not hearing me?" thought the vendor, as hunger burned in my eyes.

It was then that he picked up a green and bruised apple, held it up to the sun, and looked at my face. With a cold voice, he declared, "If you don't have money, get out of here, you filthy stray." With a harsh gesture, he threw the apple in my direction, shattering it into crumbs.

The pain of hunger was unbearable. I bent down to pick up the apple's fragments, now mixed with the earth. Seeing my agony, the vendor began to laugh, like a king mocking his subjects while enjoying a piece of bread full of luxuries. However, the worst was yet to come.

He approached me and noticed something different. "Hey, kid, are you a Simia? Wait a minute!" Grabbing my face, he looked into my black eyes with pupils shaped like a white X in the center, similar to a Simia's. However, my reddish-orange hair and the absence of the characteristic nighttime blackness that Simias had left him confused.

Before he could assault me, an innate survival instinct blossomed within me. With agile movements, I dodged the imminent punch and retreated. I knew I was at a disadvantage, but I wouldn't allow them to harm me without resistance.

"Help! A Nephelim is attacking me!" The vendor shouted, attracting the attention of the surrounding villagers.

I promptly defended myself against any assault, while other villagers joined the vendor in attacking me ruthlessly. However, I wasn't just a helpless victim. Even weakened by hunger, I still had surprising dexterity and agility, blocking and dodging blows, determined not to yield. Even as a child, I was not defenseless.

"Die, abomination!" One of the villagers grabbed a shovel, about to deliver a fatal blow when the figure of a woman, a Dark Elf, later identified as Mary Elfiray, intervened. Stepping in front of me and taking the impact to her head, but she remained steadfast.

While other villagers continued their attack, I maintained my posture, dodging punches and kicks and performing agile stunts on the ground, terrifying some of the aggressors. My survival instinct drove me, and I wasn't willing to yield easily.

"Who do you think you are? Vigilantes? Nobles? Kings?" Mary expressed her indignation, capturing everyone's attention.

The unequal fight continued, but I wasn't willing to give up. I retreated again, aware that I was outnumbered, but the figure of Mary by my side was a glimmer of hope. It was clear that she could stop all of it, but she preferred to use words, not fists.

She continued to speak in my defense. "Shut up! How dare you attack a child? Remember who we are. Our village means nothing in the Blue Status rankings. Just because someone of high rank says Nephelins are evil!" Her speech drew perplexed looks from the villagers.

The fight began to diminish, and I took the opportunity to catch my breath because I was exhausted. I knew I hadn't won, but I had resisted. While everyone reflected on their actions and looked at the ground, Mary continued to speak in my defense.

"Why do you all hate this boy so much? He hasn't done anything to you yet," she began to delve into deep thoughts, "He hasn't awakened his Renchi, and I don't sense any spiritual presence in him. What is this heavy aura and morality that surrounds him? Is it because he's a hybrid?"

After all the effort, I finally fainted, my body had reached its limit.

Mary began to examine my wounds and soon noticed something surprising. "What? Your wounds are healing! How can he recover without awakening his Renchi?"

Mary was a level E spiritualist, specializing in the element of fire, the lowest ranking among all. However, for the villagers of Marfi Village, she was a protective guardian, a brave woman who defended them from monsters and cared for them with great medical skill. Three days passed before I regained consciousness.

When I finally opened my eyes, I saw Mary kneeling beside me. I looked around, my breath labored, and my skin marked by battle wounds. Finally, I managed to speak: "My name is Ren Sun."

A tense silence hung in the air, but before any words could be exchanged, a resounding roar echoed on the horizon.

Brief Chapter Summary:

In this chapter, Ren Sun recalls his childhood under a tree in Marfi Village and his simple life. When he faces unbearable hunger and tries to buy an apple, he is mocked and attacked by the villagers. Showing determination, he skillfully defends himself against his aggressors before being rescued by Mary Elfiray, a courageous woman. Mary Elfiray defends Ren and reveals a dark secret about the village, causing the villagers to reconsider their actions. The community decides to welcome Ren Sun. Mary Elfiray, a talented medic, takes care of him and discovers that he is mysteriously healing. The chapter ends with Ren Sun waking up and revealing his name, marking the beginning of his journey.

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