
Blue moons

Kamrun_Uddin_5689 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


Again someone is dead..... it's been three days..... this all starts from that day.....

1 week ago.....

Olivia(me): Ahhh....its hurt, ..brother...(crying)sob sob...Ahhh.....I am sorry...I will come...Ahhh...

Olivia(me): huh...that was a nightmare (cry)sob sob...huh wait where am I, This place don't look like my home... Home...Ahhh...why I can't remember how my home look like.... What is happening to me....I just remember my name is Olivia...my surname huh I don't remember....My brother is Jameson....Ahhh my head hurts...(looking around) Is this someone...that person...

Olivia(me):Hey, This is a boy...hey excuse me wake up...who are....(notice a letter Ethan) oh is this letter for him so his name is Ethan...Ethan hey wake up....

Ethan:Ahh..my head hurts...hmmm...who are you??

Olivia(me): Hi, my name is Olivia...and yours is Ethan right...( point to the letter)

Ethan: hmm...(see the letter)...but why am I here??and what is this letter about you have one as well(point in Olivias hand)

Olivia(me): hmm...let me check....(open the letter)...

Letter:Hello, Olivia...I hope you like that place...you are one of the lucky person from other 6 who have the opportunity to come here...we know your wish and we can fulfil it...

Ethan:Mine was same..just the name change...

Olivia(me): so, is that mean...we are total 7 people in here..

Ava: Ahhhhhh....where am I??

Olivia: other one...lets check...

Jackson: You are too loud....stop screaming...

Marco: Aha....looks like we are going to have lots of adventures here..

Jake: stop it...lets see what is happening to us first..

Sophia: My head is hurting a lot...

Aiden: Do you see the situation.....

Olivia(me): Hi everyone my name is Olivia...

Jackson: huh..now she start introduction...in that kind of situation

Olivia(me): (Can't he just talk normally)

Aiden: But I think this is a great start...umm...Hi my name is Aiden...

Sophia: well...my name is...

Olivia(me): Sophia right....

Sophia: huh....how did you know..

Olivia(me): (point in hand)....

(Introduction and letter reading finish)

Olivia(me): As letter say we will be 7 people here....but here we are me(olivia), Ethan, Ava, Sophia, Jake, Aiden, Jackson and Marco... 8 people...

Marco: That mean one of us shouldn't be here right..

Olivia(me): huh,something like that....

Maya: Hey....guys...y...you...

Damon: This is impossible...What is your name again??

Olivia(me): m...me...I...I am Olivia..Do you know me??

Damon: oh...no...sorry for destruction...By the way....Welcome to wizard house..

Ava: Wizard..

Maya: yes..if you can complete the game of curse and brake the curse....you will be free from here and can have a gift that you want...

Olivia(me):Ahhhhhhhhhh....Ahhhhhhhh.....My head....Ahhhhhh.....My head hurts...it fells like my head is burning....Ahh..(faint)

Damon:(catch Olivia) huh....hang on there....maya...

Maya: She need to Drink it...

Everyone: What is happening here....

Sophia: I...I am a doctor....I can....

Damon: (Angry) I said you can't do anything....didn't you hear.....you can't go from here and....

Ava:She just talk to you sweetly why are you become angry suddenly....

Damon: Whatever.....(stand and take Olivia)....

Jackson:Where are you taken her.....??

Ethan: What you want to do with her and us...??

Marco:huh....can you tell me what we need to do??and why we are here...

Maya: Well...you are here to complete a task if you pass you can have what you want and go back your home safely....But, but, but if you loose the game you will be die.....and your first task start now....you need to fix the time of that clock....

Jake: What if I refuse to play....

Maya: Then....(swap)....yeah all of you die like him....

Aiden: Ahh...you kill him...

Damon: oh...you kill him...uhh pity man....you should not tell that....now look what happen...


Damon: She need to drink my blood..

Ethan: No...what you want for her....why you are killing us...

Damon: Don't worry....I am not killing her...

Olivia(me): (open eyes) Bro...Brother....(grab Damons hand) Don't leave me Brother...

Damon: Take her to her room and take them to their Maya....

Maya: ok....

( After 4 Days)

Olivia(me): Wake up....Ahhh....my head....

Everyone: Olivia....Finally you wake up


Olivia: What's happening....(run)

(Everyone outside of Avas room)

Damon: She is dead....

Ethan: It's you who kill her right....

Damon: I told you I can't kill anyone....do you think I also kill Maya she is also dead...and why would I do it....we wearwolf don't do such a thing....

Olivia(me): What you all talking about?? Werewolves , killing....

Marko:oh... I see the sleeping beauty finally wake up huh....but who kiss you to wake you up...

Shopia: Stop talking nonsense....well Olivia actually that day suddenly you faint and then you didn't wake up for 4 days....we are stuck here...this is Isabella witch house....and werewolves house as well...as you can see Damon is a werewolves...and we can go home if we finish our all tasks...otherwise we need to die...and we have 24 hours left to complete our first task now....

Olivia: huh...thats...

Damon: come for breakfast everyone...

Olivia: Guys we should check this mansion first...

Jackson: huh....don't think yourself to smart...we already check but nothing found out...

Olivia: let's check again...I have an idea let's finish that task first....

Aiden: But...here sun never rise...

Olivia: What....well, I have another way too....

Jackson: whatever.....

Ethan:what are you going to do...

Olivia: just wait and watch...

(Breakfast table)

Damon: Here is breakfast...

Olivia:wow... do you always make breakfast that nice...Is you have fix time to serve breakfast

Damon: Umm.....Thanks for compliment....yeah I have fix time for serve breakfast like in your world you always eat 9 or 10....

Olivia:( yes....he tell me) oh....its too good... Shopia, Ethan, Jackson, Aiden and Marco lets have some fun after eating...

(After eat)

Olivia:Here you all....come have a sit...

Jackson: I don't have time for fun so bye....

Olivia: wait....we should finish our task first and then find the suspicious room....so guys look what I have make...

Aiden: Oh great....you finish the first task...

Marco: But how can we know if it is right...

Shopia: With her Intelligence....Drama queen...

Olivia: haha..you caught me...

Shopia: Of course.....you think I am stupid like them.....haha

Olivia: Well...I use my imagination to make the time perfect as you know we all eat breakfast in morning like that I found the time when we were eating it was morning time as for time Damon say in our world we eat breakfast at 9 or 10...but the truth is we usually eat our breakfast at 8 or 9 and people always say truth fast even if it's a little then mix it with lie or try to change....So I found that time when we were eating breakfast was 9 o'clock...

Jackson and Marco: huh, what a interesting story...what if you are wrong....we are going..

Olivia: Then prove it.....huh I am going to submit it...

can all of you write after 9 then 10 like it...

Everyone: ok....

Olivia: Now....come with me....Damon....Damon..

Damon: what....

Olivia: here....our first task complete..

Damon: So, Who is the winner

Olivia: All of us...

Damon: Olivia....you are intelligent...but two people didn't help you...Marco and Jackson...

Olivia: Wrong....Actually I found this idea from them when they were fighting about time..so basically we all are safe now...

Damon:well... you second task start now....But this time all people should help Olivia....because this and last task will be on Olivia because her intelligence save all of you..

Jackson: What...Why....

Marco:Isnt we suppose to go home now...

Damon: So your second task is that room there Olivia need to go alone and find a book and solve that books problem.....

Olivia: ok....

Damon: So, come on. here you go..

Olivia: *Deep breath*

Damon: You should come out in 10 minutes and you time start now...

Jackson: Don't go we don't need to play it...

Marco:yeah he is right...

Everyone: we are not playing...

Olivia: I will do it no Matter what...we human is here for help each other...and if today I am dead I will die happily because I am dying for save some peoples life...

Damon:But we need someones blood to open that door.....

Aiden:Goodbye everyone that's my time to go for die...

Everyone: What...

Aiden: I am going to dead today.....i don't want to live here anymore....Knife...

Everyone: what don't do this...

Aiden: As Olivia said one persons life is not big deal for save others and also before coming here I knew it I have cancer and I am dying slowly...but know I think why not dead for other after all someones life will be useful for others....my wife always say we should live for happy and I found my happy....thanks Olivia and goodbye...(stab stab stab)

Everyone: *sob sob* Aiden....

Olivia: Ahhhhh....Ahhhhhh...Ahhhhh...Ahhhh

Damon: What....It can't be she is attracting the book to her and it's coming easily....