It's all of that bastard's fault! That I am a wanted woman! Why can't he just let me fly free? He doesn't even love me so why does he cause all of this fuss over me leaving him?
The surrounding princes and princess soon lost color in their faces when a dorm wrapped itself around the emperor. Emperor Qaihong looked at the ring in shock "Kyanite Gho, please explain the function of your gift" emperor Qaihong's voice echoed throughout the banquet.
Standing up from her spot she walked in front and stopped by the stairs that lead up to the emperor and empress thrones "I have found a capable formation smith to help me make that ring for you" Kyanite Gho started to explain on how she obtained such an item.
The empress nodded her head thinking it was logical since she didn't since any qi coming from Kyanite Gho body "The dorm that wrapped itself around your body will protect you from most cultivators" finishing up her explanation she bowed and went back to her seat.