
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

ThePpp_Pppp · Komik
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245 Chs

My rank is 261 (13)

"See I was right, being to afraid to use to your own weapons make you weaker"I said looking at Chigiri.

I then looked at our defence before I open my mouth and let out"I going to be honest and im saying this with all my heart, you guys suck at defending"

Raichi eyes to twitch at that comment and seem to want to lash out at me for that but as he looked straight into my eyes.

He stopped as he seemed to rethink his decision and he stopped himself from whatever he wanted to do you me.

"I mean that kinda to be expected as you guys were strikers before this started"I said looking at them before I pass my hands through my hair as kind of just scratch it a little bit.

"At least get good enough so that our defence doesn't get destroyed by a mediocre team"I said letting out a sigh.

I was truly disappointed with our defence, I knew that none of them were on my level as I have been training in the sport basically since I could walk.

My father is a soccer player and my mom is a model business woman, so you could say I come from money.

I did train in some Academy of some great clubs because of my talent and my dad ambition to make me learn from the best.

"If you think it do easy why don't you do it yourself"Raichi said sounding a bit pissed of and seemingly getting out of his trance-like zone.

"Why would I do that when I'm doing just fine as a striker, you are the one doing a shitty job not me"I said looking at him to which he seemed pissed.

This kid give me the vibe give of an angry pomeranian, I would understand it if he got mad that the strikers were doing a bad job but no, we are doing fine.

The problem here is our defense and midfield, with Isagi moving up to midfield there is no one with good enough vision to pass the ball around.

I look at Kira and the familiar image of an average-sized but lean built young man with reddish brown hair and slim green eyes that were framed by an array of long lower lashes  was seen overlapping with his body to which I just smile.

"Bingo"I said as I had found a way to fix this flaw that we had in our team.

I had completely ignored the angry pomeranian yelling at me in the background as I had fixed our midfield problem although slighty.

'So Bachira should probably go down to the right-wing so he could use his dribbling a lot more and Chigiri should probably go to the left wing, I think he should be able to be build a lot of speed there and even if I think Isagi should probably be moved back to attacking midfield he seem dedicated on becoming the best striker so Kira might be his replacement in the midfield. '

I thought to myself with a hand on my chin, this could work but that would leave out Kunagami's shooting power and I think that should also be very useful so why not also move him to the striker position?

'We could try that formation out during practice'I thought to myself as I walk away with a teenager on my back.

Time skip

I had reached the locker room before I shook Bachira off my shoulder saying "That is where the ride ends"

I then open my locker and took out my phone from it and I could see that I had missed a few message from my mom.

I open the phone before I tap on the message app icon before I scroll up to see that I had a few unreads message from my mom.

I clicked on her picture as I saw the message.

<Congratulation on getting that letter and I hope you conquer this program>

A soft smile appears on my lips as I read the message, even though she was busy she still made some time for me.

<Your sister is fine now, she miss you a lot though>

<Your dad wanted to know how is your training doing and what is your ranking in the program>

My smile disappeared from my face as I saw the last message, My smile disappear as I didn't think he had time for this as he is a busy man.

Guess even though he still have a lot of work to do, I am still his son, guess he made time for me.I just hope he doesn't do something to embarrass me.

I sight as I got out of this mental monologue that I was having with myself before I tapped <Tell her that I miss her a lot and tell Dad that my training is going well as for my current ranking>

I tapped before I looked at my shoulder and saw the number 88 in there and so I just sight as I could feel my father future disappointment in my ranking once he found out.

[....and as for my rank, I'm number 261 out of 300]

A/N I made a small mistake and while reading the manga I realize it, there was no rank 1 in the first selection and the highest someone could go is 261 as they are five wings 5.