

I always dreamed of becoming a football player but I because I had a weak body I didn't but now that changed because now I got reincarnited in blue lock with a system

bsatn_888 · Komik
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8 Chs


When I woke the next day I went to rewatch the game to look on what to Improve and I noticed that there was a couple of things that could improve on the tactics , after I was done with that I went to the guys they were on the pitch.

I came near them they seemed to notice me ,then

told them about the tactics and we started training .

we spent the past three days trainging and geting used to the tactics ,and soon the match day came.


we got inside the pitch ,the first thing I did was scaning the players I did not recognize anyone from their team , everyone went to their positions

and the game soon started

in the 9th minute the ball was with kazou , he passed the ball towards Rin got the ball and started dribbling to the goal but he could go Inside the box two defenders came and closed him route to the goal ,he passed a high ball to me,

when the pass was near I shot a powerful volley

the ball hit the right side of the ball and went Inside the net ,the keaper was could'nt even move I ran to the corner flag and celebrated ,the guys celebrated with me ,I then looked at Rin and said " that was a great pass"

Rin looked at me then smiled " and that was also a great volley " I smiled back and returned back to my position, soon the game started and the score was 1-0 .

on the 25th minute the ball was with Kazou ,

kazou was dribbling on the left wing the right back tried to get the ball of him ,but kazou started accelerating on the wing the right back trien to keep up with him ,kazou after reaching the edge of the box sent a cross at me , there was a two defenders marking me one of them jumped

to clear the ball ,then I jumped and reached the ball before him and headed it at the bottem left side of the goal the jumped to save it , his fingers

hit the ball but in the end It wasn't enough ,

and It was a goal the score now was 2-0 .

whn seeing that it was a goal I ran stright to kazou and hugged him and we celebrated ,

we then returned to our positions and the game started .

the ball was with team d midfielder ,when Rin came and put pressid on him upon seeing Rin he passed the ball to the left back ,as the ball was going I intercepted it and started Running with the ball one defender tried tackling but I did a roulette on him started dribbling with my full speed ,the last defender tried to foul me but he could'nt reach me ,when I got to the box the keaper tried rushing me and scoop the ball from me ,but before he could did a fake shot and he dove ,I then went past him and scored.

soon the game ended and the score 5-0 with me scoring a hat-trick and shido scoring one and

kazou scoring the other


Ego's POV ||

inside a room Jinpachi Ego could be seen grinning masively while watching a football Taro's goal , ' his dribbling is very good but the thing that made this goal was his speed ,I don't think there is a football player faster than him other than loki

and even that is up to debate ' Ego thought while rewatching the goal ' even his first goal he knew

the defenders would close Rin so he positioned

himself in the perfect place for Rin to pass the ball and his shot was amaizing , and in the second goal he jumped 88cm an the air'.

thinking about that he said "but you still have'nt showed me your ego ,but soon you will"
