
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasi
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 8: ɴᴀɪᴠᴇ

The class had just ended. Jade and Vicky quickly gathered their things before heading to the canteen.

It's already time for lunch and it gets easily crowded in the canteen especially during the first quarter of the school year.

"Look! There's so many feet!" Jade giggled at Vicky while hopping on her spot and pointing at other students. Causing some of them to gave her a weird and judging look.

Typical students -_- .

"Calm down Jade!" Vicky stated nervously while trying to hold the gleeful mermaid in place.

However. Jade is just full of energy and she eventually walked away from Vicky when she wasn't looking.

Jade started wandering off in the very huge canteen. Waving hellos and hi to every students who she sees looking at her.

A big smile plastered on her face while she skidded to whatever direction her feet brings her.

She just love putting her legs into good use by walking and jumping around. She wanted to use all the manners she learned about humans.

Jade spotted a school staff cleaning a table. She casually introduced herself and even offered to help the staff.

She was getting quite an attention but her friend Vicky who panicked and thought she left the canteen are already running around the university. Not having an idea of what Jade was doing in the same location where she lost her.

"What the fu**!!!" One of the students suddenly snapped when Jade accidentally bumped on her and made the girl pour her juice on her top.

Everyone started murmurring while Jade...

"Oh sorry!" She said simply and smiled with her eyes almost closed before she almost walked away like nothing happened.

The girl rolled her eyes and let out a huff before she harshly grabbed Jade on her arm and pushed the weird girl in front of her.

Jade pouted in confusion and looked over at the taller girl.

She have a blond long hair with stashes of pink hair as highlights. She had natural freckles and her eyes are ocean blue.

She's beautiful legged human...

Jade couldn't refuse to compliment her beauty in her mind.

"You really think you can just ditch after what you did?!" The girl suddenly said in a threatening manner. But it's nothing that scares a future queen of seven seas.

For mermaids. They tend to have a split personality.

In water, they are naturally aggressive and serious. It's as if their everyday life is all about fight and proving who's the dominant.

But in land, Jade for example is very naive and innocent. But they change the more they stay on land and get to learn more about human cultures.

Her angelic beauty doesn't really compliment with the way she speaks...

Jade thought.

"Is something wrong?" Jade asked causing the girl to huff with more anger boiling in her.

"Look at what you did to my fu**ing top you freak!!!" The girl yelled at her in terror.

Jade flinched and felt goosebumps crept on her body. Something that she never felt before in the sea.

"You think I can let this slide?!! You are a dead meat! You're gonna pay---" The girl was cut off from scaring Jade even more when someone suddenly threw her a glass of juice. The cup hit straight to her head making her more angry.

The girl screamed with more rage as she and the other students who were watching looked at the direction where the glass was thrown from.

Even Jade turned to the same direction and felt her fear rising up to another level.

"I wanted to have a decent lunch and you're fu**ing screaming." Said by a male student in a blunt manner.

Jade scanned him from head to toe.

A black raven hair with highlights of fiery red. He is tall and fit.

But one thing that Jade found so scary from him. Is that weird feeling that easily makes her feel sick. She can somehow hear faint screams of pleads coming from his back. And a glitching and faded image of the man in a dark and demonic form.

Jade never felt real fear in her entire life until this moment.

It made her feel so small.

Land is so strange as mother said...

The guy suddenly looked at her and Jade feel like she's about to shrink.

"And you." He then started walking towards her. Stalking around her with his piercing gaze.

"You'll make---"

"Leave her alone." The male student immediately shot up a look to his left.

Seeing two other students interfere in the scene.

"Great! What a drama!" The girl half-screamed before she bolted out of the canteen after giving a 'this-is-not-over-you-freak' to Jade.

"She's just new to this. So don't touch her." The one with the round and large eyes said. Almost whispering but enough for Jade and the guy to hear it clear because of their heightened sense.

"Tch. This place is filled with filths." The guy snickered whispering to Jade before he started walking away.

The two girls approached Jade and immediately checked to see if she's alright.

"Thanks for helping me! Those people are so weird!" Jade said to the two and giggled with her eyes almost disappearing again.

She didn't seem afraid now compared earlier. The tension was just so new to her and she didn't had the time to think how to react.

"Oh by the way! I'm Jade Lia! Y'all can call me Jade!" The mermaid introduced herself and offered her hand for a handshake.

The girls looked at each other first before the auburn girl accepted her hand first.

Jade could feel some strong energy coming from both of them. And unlike from the guy earlier. The energy was good.

"My name is Coleen! And this is Yvel!" Coleen introduced themselves while exchanging a handshake to each other.

Just as when Vicky came back almost crying with so much panic. She quickly pulled Jade for a hug as she was so worried to death.

After hearing what happened, Vicky thanked Coleen and Yvel before she started scolding Jade and told her to never leave her side again.

"I haven't encountered a pureblooded mermaid before..." Coleen said quietly as they watch Jade and Vicky disappear from her sight.

The two eventually returned to their seat.

They were peacefully eating lunch when they both sensed a tension coming from the left area of the cafeteria.

When they came to check it out, they found Jade whom Coleen immediately recognized as a mermaid from her strong scent. And another one with a very strong and dark entity, the guy who were stalking around Jade and threw a glass of juice at the brat girl.

Their scents were clashing to each other and Yvel knew it's gonna lead to a bad result if they hadn't interfere.

"Her friend is a halfblood. I've met many of them from where I used to live." Coleen stated.

"But you said she's a pureblooded mermaid. Why would she come here? She would've known how vile the land is for her." Yvel said as she proceeded to eat from her plate of pasta.

"We don't know why. But there's definitely a strong reason behind it." Coleen said and chuckled.

"Do you think she knows what we are? I mean she's a pureblood right. So she definitely have an advance senses like us. Do you think she can tell what we are?" Yvel asked.

She wasn't just concern of themselves being discovered by someone so naive.

She was also fascinated by the fact that they just met a real mermaid from which she've only heard from her mother's stories.

She thought they're only myths. But meeting one now proves her wrong. And it opened her a chests of questions about them.

She was glad that Coleen is very close to animals and old creatures such as them. Coleen had been in many places due to her hiding from black sorcerers.

She's been all over the world longer than Yvel did so she had met almost different races and can now easily tell which is which.

She's like an almanac of different races that habits the earth.

"It depends on her own skills and strengths. If she's a top pureblood. It's only a matter of time for her before she realizes that we're not just mere mortals." Coleen explained.

"She's new on land. I'm sure of that because of how she was acting. But a pureblood like her learns very quick. So I won't be surprise at all if she suddenly change!" She added.

After a few more minutes. The bell rang indicating that lunch is over. All of the students started running out of the canteen to make it for their next classes.


"How interesting...." Rhian turned her heel to look at Vladimir with a smug smile on her face.

"I'm underwhelmed! Your city is literally invaded by a true demon from hell! And you still find it interesting!" Vladimir scoffed while drinking from his cup of blood disguised in a cup of black coffee.

"Exactly..." Rhian chuckled and crossed her arms as they both started walking towards the exit of the canteen.

"A demon..."

"A black sorcerer bearing a demon's mark..."

"A naive pureblooded mermaid..."

"The last of the white sorcerers..."

"And my little sister who is a moon goddesss..."

"Can't this story get more interesting?"

I hope you liked the chapter.

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