
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasi
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 53: ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴛᴇs

"Is that all of them?" Yalex asked as they regrouped and jumped back to the air bubble in front of Samuel's room. Ilian and Jade both remained in the water.

"We should leave now. I think we've been here for 24 hours already so that would be enough to complete our mission here!" Rhian added while squeezing the water out of her clothes.

"Let's get the hell out of here before more of them comes!" Blue muttered as he pushed the door open.

They were surprised to see Trevor awake. The younger immediately assured them that he's fine.

Rhian took Jade's clothes before closing the doors.

'I wish I could take you with me.'

'It's alright. Either way, we can not always be together. I have my own mission to keep peace in the water. And you too have a mission of your own.'

'I will always pray for your safety Ilian. I pray to see you again when I return.'

'I wish the same. I promise I will be there on your coronation. And we can once again rule the water!'

After bidding each other a farewell. Jade watched as Ilian swims away. Back to the abyss of darkness where she is more free. And away from any orders.

Jade jumped off the water and quickly transformed into her human form. After a few minutes she was done, she put on her clothes and entered the room with Rhian.

"Alright. Let's go." Samuel said and signalled for Trevor to get ready.

"Our next destination. It will be at Rhian's hometown." He said again and everyone turned to look at the vampire.

Rhian didn't need to be told twice as she immediately ransacked her memory to think of her old hometown.

Transylvannia. Castle Frankenstein.

Trevor's eyes began glowing and immediately projected the images from Rhian to the two of their teleporters.

Yalex and Blue took four passengers before leaving to their next destination.

And the sooner they were gone. The air bubble vanished, clashing the water to the empty surface and killing the bonfire in the process.

And since Trevor and Coleen are no longer creating the air bubble. Both of them collapsed on the ground. Feeling overly drained.

Atleast they weren't passed out. Although they look terribly weak.

"Stay sharp! This place knows no welcome. You may find my hometown one of the most savagest places of earth." Rhian said with a wild grin painting her lips.

"Where can we stay in this place?" Yvel asked as she looked around the dark and spooky forest.

There is a village and a castle not far from the dark woods. It's only a walking distance from where they are.

"Cover him. We can't afford anyone here seeing Kitsch." Samuel said and took off his coat. He gave it to Yvel and she used it to cover the baby dragon.

"Behave. We need to find a safe place first before we play." Yvel whispered and cooed at the tiny creature. Fortunately, the baby listens to her.

"Follow me. Once we enter the village. Try not to act suspicous. And don't look at anyone in the eye. Keep your eyes straight to me. Nothing else at any cost!" Rhian warned them before walking ahead of the path that will lead them back to the village.

Samuel and Jade helped Coleen to stand up. The winter prince had to share his energy just so the sorceress can afford to take a long walk to Rhian's old place.

Yalex on the other hand assissted Ysabella and had to carry Trevor in bridal style.

Soon enough, the ten of them arrived at the village. Many pairs of red eyes greeted them along with a very eerie silence.

Rhian walked with confidence and a bi**h faced expression. Her eyes glows red upon battling gazes to their people.

Blue and Yvel walks behind her. Then Ysabella and Yalex. Samuel, Jade and Coleen walked behind them.

"What the fu** are y'all looking at!?" Yalex growled at the vampires. He could easily tell that they're all thirsting for their unannounced visit. Especially on the white creatures.

Trevor and Samuel could only shook their heads. Especially after Rhian had warned them in the forest.

But Yalex will of course not comply to that. In other way. They should be more afraid of him because he is the real dark creature. But they don't know that because his human appearance is strong enough to mask it and he thinks that's really suspensing.

"Just shut up and keep walking." Trevor muttered under his breath. He could feel his body getting unbearably heavy of pain. And that would be thanks to both Yalex and the air bubble.

Soon enough. Rhian had stopped walking as they all came to a stop in front of a very old and huge house.

A few seconds after they stopped. A pureblood woman, a little smaller than Rhian. She had blood red eyes and her hair had highlights of red too.

"Lady Sate..." she opened the door and greeted the vampire. Gently bowing her head at her master.

Rhian did not bother to spare her a glance and casually entered the gates, her friends following right behind her.

The sooner everyone is in. The vampire closed the gates and appeared beside Rhian.

"You haven't visited in a while my lady." She said upon their entrance to the old main hall.

"Stop talking to me like we were ever close Maysie. Just get me something to drink. And prepare warm clothes for me and my FRIENDS!" She said to the smaller vampire with complete stern.

Her dominant aura exposed to her made the smaller vampire to lower down her gaze. She bowed her head slightly before taking off to do as told.

"Don't be too harsh on her. She even welcomed you." Yvel scolded her but the vampire simply glared at her before leading them to the lounge.

If was pretty dusty everywhere and was obviously not cleaned for centuries.

"I would assume that Maysie girl stays in here. But what was she doing and not cleaning at all?" Trevor scoffed before shifting his eyes at Coleen.

The two nodded at each other before they casted a small spell that cleaned the entire lounge. The spell isn't that big to consume much energy that will drain them.

"Ahh. Finally. A comfy couch without water everywhere!" Yalex said and laughed.

He gently put Trevor on one of the couch then pulling Ysabella with him to sit down.

The others took their own seat as well. Taking a well deserved rest after their fight not even a half an hour ago.

"I can bring him out now right?" Yvel asked. "He keeps squirming."

"Not yet." Rhian said to her. She's the only one who remained standing. Obviously waiting for her drink.

A few seconds more and Maysie came back with a chalice of fresh blood on her left hand. And the other are warm and new set of clothes for Rhian and her friends.

Rhian threw the clothes to them before taking the chalice and gulping everything in it.

Once she was done. She turned her blood red eyes to Yalex. As if giving him a message.

Yalex grinned and slowly stood up. He walked slowly towards the small vampire. Stalking around her that eventually gave her chills on the spine.

"What is he doing?" Coleen asked Trevor who was busy picking clothes to change into.

"Rhian wants Yalex to kill her. Because Maysie was one of the vampires that betrayed her family and stayed trying to gain her favor." Trevor whispered. He actually just found out about it just now but was more interested of the gothic style of the clothes they were offered to try.

"Come with me. Rhian said you can show me a good place to hunt." Yalex muttered to the vampire's ears. Sending her in a complete trance.

The two eventually walked away from the lounge. And Rhian gestured Yvel that she can now free the dragon from being hidden under the cold and wet coat.

It quickly jumped off to her shoulder and started hitting its small head on hers. As if to tell that he was upset for being hidden so long. Causing the moon goddess to giggle playfully.

"Where can I change?" Trevor asked once he was done picking his clothes.

"Just pick any room you want." Rhian said simply before picking her own clothes like the other girls..

The boys left to get change first. Once they came back, the girls left to get change as well.

"I can't go out of this house. If they sense I'm not here, they will trespass." Rhian said, referring to the vampires that were thirsting over them earlier.

"But we need to hunt! Just look at him!" Yvel moped and pointed at the small dragon that is now biting on the hem of her shirt.

She was a bit irritated, yet find it very cute at the same time.

"Brother hungry. Need food." Ysabella said with a very displeased tone. And you can only imagine how that quickly turned on the demon.

Samuel can understand why Kitsch is always hungry. Because unlike Ysabella, he's inside an egg which means he never eats anything for centuries. While Ysabella who is in her phoenix form. Was very spoiled by her caretaker and eats right on time.

"I'll go hunt. Anyone care to join me?" Yalex asked. His eyes still glued to the phoenix and admiring her to the fullest.

"You look drunk for being whipped. I'll go with you before you massacre everything alive in the forest." Trevor said nonchalantly but that may have turned on the demon moreover.

"Wow. I actually thought you'll never try to make an effort of spending an alone time with me!" He teased and Trevor quickly threw him the stool he was sitting at but the demon effortlessly turned it into ash.

"Get off your filthy dreams! I just need to go out and get a little adrenaline." Trevor defended despite his cheeks growing incredibly hot due to the attention.

"Oh please. If that's what you want. I can give you that." Yalex said proudly and darted him a wink.

"Eew! You're so shameless Yalex! You flirt all the time!" Jade said while grimacing and giggling at the same time.

"Whatever. Think whatever you want! You're a fu**ing psycho." Trevor groaned and stood up to leave first while Yalex just laughed at his reactions.

"Okay. Make sure to not stay out long. Especially don't pick a fight." Samuel warned Yalex before he left to follow Trevor.

"I'll try my best!!!"