
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasi
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42 Chs


The battle style of Kazan truly mirrors that of a pure-blooded red dragon—savage, ferocious, each attack an unrestrained display of power. His claws and bites could pierce through steel. When this beast swung its tail, the air itself seemed to scream, the tail swipe unstoppable like a sweeping iron chain.

Ordinary dragons would have been exhausted by now, gasping on the ground, but not Kazan. He looked as vigorous as ever, his movements not slowed in the slightest.

On the other side, Yongrong's fighting style was distinctly different from that of a typical blue dragon. Close-quarters skills, elemental spells, and breath attacks—he mastered them all, always striking in unexpectedly effective ways.

Their battle was like a grand performance for the dragonkin. The evil dragons danced wildly, their speed and power astonishing. The ground beneath them cracked under their trampling, the air filled with electric arcs and flames, dragon breath sweeping the earth accompanied by Kazan's roars and Yongrong's bellows.

In the end, the red and blue figures intertwined, each stained with the other's blood, indistinguishable in their ferocious tangle. The intensity of the battle escalated, an oppressive, thick aura filling the air.

"What are these two up to?" muttered Quis, perched atop a tower. Their power clearly surpassed that of young dragons, stronger even than adolescent ones. Kazan, mixed with red dragon blood, performed beyond any pure-blooded red dragon whelp. And Yongrong was even more extraordinary; no blue dragon of his age could stand a one-on-one fight with a red dragon. His physicality and magical prowess, thanks to his bonds with Belron and Hel, were exceptional.

Their energies were depleting, with Kazan's elemental power running low, his flames dimming. However, the thunder and lightning around Yongrong grew even stronger.

Yongrong's roar signified a tough battle. He managed to gain the upper hand, his teeth sparking with electricity, his claws striking his opponent with relentless force.

Kazan, far from retreating, even abandoned defense, biting back ferociously, targeting not Yongrong's body but his swinging claws. When Yongrong's claw struck Kazan, Kazan's fangs clamped down on it too.

The bite shattered scales and bone, blood gushing. Kazan began shaking his head violently, aiming to tear off Yongrong's right claw entirely. They, being evil dragons, endured the pain with a frightening tolerance, focused only on attacking.

Kazan, undeterred, took a massive hit from Yongrong's other claw, their bodies forcibly separated. Kazan stumbled back, spitting out a chunk of flesh torn from Yongrong's arm, blood and shattered scales and bone covering the ground.

Both dragons were severely injured. Yongrong's right claw hung uselessly, and he could only support himself with his hind legs and tail, his left claw covering his wound. Kazan, though wounded from Yongrong's hit, was breathing heavily, his mouth filled with his own and Yongrong's blood.

The battlefield fell silent, the ferocity and duration of their duel exceeding all past fights. Yet, neither had fallen nor conceded.

After a tense standoff, Yongrong began to gather his remaining magical energy, preparing another devastating spherical lightning attack. Kazan, realizing the decisive moment had come, pushed himself forward, aiming to disrupt Yongrong's attack.

However, injured, Kazan's movements were no longer as swift, and Yongrong, having improved his charging speed, was ready. He released the concentrated magical energy in a deadly sphere of lightning, meeting Kazan's charge.

The mixed-blood dragon was sent flying, tumbling to the ground in a cloud of dust.

Yongrong, exhausted, sat down heavily, inspecting his wounds, knowing all too well the difficulty of defeating Kazan.

Then, from the dust emerged Kazan, still standing despite his grave injuries. Blood poured from his wounds, his wings torn, dragging behind him.

Even in this state, he moved forward, step by step, towards Yongrong.

"What resilience..." Yongrong marveled quietly, too drained to continue fighting, watching Kazan approach.

"I'm glad, Yongrong," Kazan staggered with each step, his wounds pulling with each movement, yet his face showed no pain. "An opponent like you is worth fighting."

He tried to push Yongrong down but collapsed himself, his severe injuries finally taking their toll. Yet, he still attempted to headbutt Yongrong in a last act of defiance.

Yongrong, barely holding himself up, resisted the push. Both dragons, exhausted and wounded, faced each other, their horns and heads touching in a strangely intimate stance.