
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs


When Yongrong finally made his entrance, the blue dragon before him wore a ferocious, triumphant grin, as if thinking, "I've finally caught you."

Yongrong was the target of immense hostility from this dragon. Just yesterday, when his qualification for the duel was revoked, the dragon almost lunged at him, restrained only by the authority of the Dragon Feeder. Swallowing his frustration, he had not expected to face Yongrong directly today, his heart brimming with the joy of impending revenge.

"Being close to the center of power fools you into thinking you possess it, fool. The Feeder grants no favors," he sneered.

The young dragons usually dove straight into combat, but this one, savoring his moment, boasted, "My name is Kaiso Roderick. Remember who defeated you."

Yongrong had been watching him, assessing his strength and speed, and concluded that he had no advantage over himself. Thus, Yongrong braced himself, simply nodding to his opponent and taking a deep breath.

Kaiso, not one to waste a moment, charged forward, not at full speed, but with caution, ready to respond to any move Yongrong might make.

But Yongrong remained still, just breathing deeply, expanding his lungs to their limit. Kaiso didn't miss this chance, raising a cloud of dust as he ran like a rumbling chariot, and swiped his claw downward.

Yongrong barely managed a symbolic block with his forelimb. As both were pure-blooded blue dragons, no one could entirely deflect such a blow unscathed. Kaiso's claw tore a bloody chunk of scales from Yongrong's limb.

The fight continued, with Kaiso not understanding Yongrong's lack of retaliation. After a series of claws and a shoulder bump, Kaiso was left puzzled, wondering if Yongrong was too scared to fight back.

"Never mind, I'll just knock him down," thought Kaiso, closing in for a bite. But just then, Yongrong, who had been defensively covering his head, suddenly lowered his claws, revealing a face wreathed in electric arcs.

Yongrong, ready at last, grinned at his opponent. The next moment, he unleashed a "gigantic" lightning ball for a young dragon, blindingly bright with a dark red halo. Upon touching Kaiso, it exploded.

Luckily, dragon vision can withstand such brightness, or no one would have known what happened. In an instant, Kaiso's massive body, five meters in length, was flung away, his scales turned red-hot and falling off, hissing and smoking as they hit the ground.

As Kaiso lay unconscious, the smell of cooked meat wafted from him. The young dragons around were stunned; even for a magic-resistant blue dragon, the impact of the lightning breath was unimaginable.

The Dragon Feeder, Quis, soon arrived, witnessing the aftermath. He took Kaiso away without a word, knowing that as long as the dragons weren't dead, it was a minor issue.

Yongrong, breaking the silence, called for Hel to help him record the fight, as he had done the day before. He then left the arena, heading back to his den.

Kazan, eager for a challenge, protested Yongrong's departure, but understood the immense energy Yongrong had expended.

Back in his den, Yongrong pondered the strength and drawbacks of his lightning breath. Despite the immense power, the preparation time and energy consumption were significant. He knew he needed to master this skill further and develop other combat techniques. He also planned to learn from the black dragon Posa, renowned for his battle skills.

As Yongrong relaxed, he contemplated the importance of mastering combat techniques for a dragon of his kind, ready to face diverse enemies in the future.