
The Breeze

After long days of work to the field, she finally got her rest. The young lady who always worked hard to help her parents achieve something for their only child, Margarita. Birds are chirping on Margarita's window, wind blowing softly and soon the sun will shines right through her bed aiming her deep setted kind of eyes only to wake her up. And she could smell the aroma grass outside her window, the sounds of greenfields of the lambs and alas! master sun sunshining as she opened her black-brown eyes, wearing a smile on her face, as she bend on her silk white dress with embroidered flowers of daffodils and she embraced those big and soft white pillows, trying to get a sleep once again. But then, on her door someone's knocking, knocking so hard calling her name. "senorita Margarita, señorita!" it was her old nanny Filea, who took good care of her when she was a little. "I'm up", said she. After she washes, she hurriedly went down to the stairs, glaring at the front door, "ohh what a lovely day, indeed!" soft voice of Margarita. The wind blows on her as if it kissed her, she smiled capturing the deep dimple on her left cheek felt like her pink thin lips felt the wind. "hurry my lady, we have to eat now, it's morning indeed!" exclaimed nanny Filea. "but where are my parents nana?", "oh! they went to the town, they left so early." smiled Filea. "awright, I missed them." Margarita exhaled, while drinking her cup of tea. "hey Nana, can I go to the next forest, last night I thought I saw a small cottage, whilst I'm sitting at the back of the carriage, seems someone was inside of that house!" requesting Margarita. "there is no small cottage in the next forest you're saying." Filea said. The face of Margarita got confused. "but I know what I saw!" , "oh well, when I'm done doing chores we can try to see it." said Filea. Margarita showed a smile on her pink blushing face. Around the medium heat of the sun, Margarita sit up front of their house, then look back and yelled Filea, "nana! I'm outside can we go now?!" hurriedly Filea, "ohh this girl is as strong as a horse, ohh my", "wait up,my lady!" as they walked through the forest, they found a thin passroad she felt like they were inviting them to walk in it.