
The Lover of the Doctor's Daughter

Nelson naturally knew what the "Moon God Society" was, so I didn't need to explain much to him.


Nelson said, "Even if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have told you."


I exclaimed, "How did you find out?"


Nelson replied, "The local police received a report of a fight at a place long suspected to be a gathering spot for the Moon God Society. The other party involved in the fight was just a young man in a suit. I thought it might be you!"


I paused for a moment, then exclaimed, "So that was someone from the Moon God Society!"


I remembered the skilled judo master, the two thugs posing as poor carpenters, and their sudden departure, all shrouded in mystery.


It seemed that the Moon God Society's attention was on me even before I visited the embassy of that certain country. Because at the time of the altercation with the judo master, I hadn't yet met with the embassy officials.


After a moment of contemplation, I briefly recounted the fight to Nelson and said, "Now, if you only want to pursue the whereabouts of that metal box, then I'll have to find a way out on my own."


Nelson remained silent for a while, obviously annoyed, but since I wasn't under his authority, he couldn't get angry with me.


After a long silence, Nelson sighed softly and said, "I didn't expect you to say that."


I raised my voice, "I got involved in that dangerous and boring vortex just for Fanghai. If it's just for that metal box, then I naturally want out."


Nelson looked out the window and said, "Fine, but in a city with over ten million people like Tokyo, how will you find Fanghai?"


I replied, "You said Fanghai came to Japan on a holiday granted by the highest authority of a certain country's space development agency. Can he avoid reporting back? When the time comes, won't he naturally show up?"


Nelson said, "Right, the holiday lasts three months, and one month has already passed. After Fanghai's holiday ends, it will be time for a crucial phase in the country's exploration of Saturn. They won't have time to conduct a full investigation."


I protested, "Why not?"


Nelson explained, "I'm not entirely sure, but it's mainly because the ring around Saturn is composed of a type of metal vapor layer that doesn't exist on Earth. The current plan relies on the special gravitational pull of that vapor layer to ensure that the spacecraft can reach its destination smoothly. However, the attraction of the vapor layer fluctuates. If they miss the opportunity after two months, they'll have to wait several decades for a similar chance."


The complexity of the situation was unprecedented.


It not only involved two powerful countries on Earth but also extended to a distant planet, and crucially, revolved around a mysterious individual with blue blood!


My head was buzzing with confusion, and I couldn't make sense of it. After a while, I asked, "What do you suggest we do?"


Nelson said, "My suggestion is, regardless of who's tracking you, ignore them. I believe you can shake them off safely. Right now, your priority is to investigate the origin of that hard metal box. In Japan, where it could have been welded."


He had already said that, so I interrupted him before he finished, saying, "Why?"


Nelson looked me in the eye and said, "Because I believe two things are connected. When you went to the embassy of that certain country, although you didn't find Fanghai, you discovered that mysterious metal box. I firmly believe that the box is the key to everything."


I chuckled bitterly, realizing that investigating the origin of that box wasn't difficult. I could have easily agreed to it, but under the current circumstances, I didn't want to!


Mr. Nelson said, "If you don't want to go, after you recover, I'll do it myself."


I said, "Can't the international police send capable people anymore?" Nelson sighed lightly and said, "I believe you also feel that finding a cooperative partner isn't easy, and you're the most suitable person."


A sense of camaraderie surged within me. I stood up and said, "I'll go now."


Nelson said, "Regarding this matter, I have no clue at the moment, but I can give you one piece of advice: don't oversimplify things."


I replied, "I know. I know a few famous private detectives in Tokyo. I believe they can help me."


Mr. Nelson urged, "But never tell them the truth about the matter."


I nodded and said, "Got it." As I walked towards the door, Nelson called out, "Come back. You haven't finished telling me about Hua Wen Fang."


I returned to his bedside. Last time, I was just about to mention everything about Hua Wen Fang, but the sudden appearance of those thugs interrupted me.


This time, there was no one to interrupt me.


I detailed Fanghai's strange blood and his terrifying "hypnotic" power that seemed to induce suicidal thoughts, as well as his mysterious weapon that nearly rendered me helpless.


Everything about Fanghai sounded so bizarre that if Nelson hadn't worked with me many times and known that what I said was not fiction, he might have thought I was dreaming.


He listened quietly and said, "I'll consult the most authoritative medical professionals about this matter. Why would someone have blue blood? And how is blue blood related to what he did in a certain country's Saturn exploration program?"


I said, "Maybe he wanted to make a big splash?"


Nelson said, "Even if that's the case, it's not worth making a fuss over. The problem lies in him adding a single-person cabin to the spacecraft, as if he was preparing to personally fly into space!"


I asked, "Doesn't that damage the spacecraft?"


Nelson replied, "No, as I've said before, on the contrary, he added many devices to the spacecraft. According to the research, these devices are beneficial for space travel. Recently, I received a report that scientists from a certain country have discovered a new device invented by Fanghai."


I was curious and asked, "What is it?"


Nelson said, "He made a device that can utilize a certain type of radiation in space to become a form of light energy, protecting the spacecraft so that when meteors in space encounter that protective light, they immediately turn into tiny dust!"


I exclaimed, "Just this invention alone would be enough to earn him a Nobel Prize!"


Nelson replied, "That's why scientists from a certain country unanimously believe he's independently improving the Saturn exploration project, not sabotaging it. Therefore, the investigation into him is also being conducted discreetly. Hua Wen Fang himself is unaware."


I paced back and forth and asked, "Why are you so convinced that the box is related to Hua Wen Fang?"


Nelson rubbed his hands and said, "Some things are hard to explain why. It's just my intuition. But I believe the appearance of that box coincided with our efforts against Hua Wen Fang. And the fact that the embassy of that certain country takes it so seriously, isn't there a lot to read into? So I believe the matter may be related to Hua Wen Fang."


I sighed and said, "Alright, I'll investigate the origin of the box. But I'll still search for Fanghai."


Nelson reached out and patted my shoulder, saying, "Don't forget, you're still a target for both the Moon God Society and the embassy of that certain country."


I smiled bitterly and said, "I came to Japan to take a break, but unexpectedly, I've encountered so many troubles."


Nelson said meaningfully, "People don't get to rest."


I turned around and walked towards the door of the ward, saying, "I hope you can contact the local police station. I was planning to stay in the hospital, but now that I need to move, I can't stay here. I want to work as a newly recruited laborer at the police station, and I hope to get a bed in the police dormitory."


Nelson said, "That's easy. Contact me in an hour, and I'll let you know where you can stay."


I didn't linger any longer and left on my own.


My identity would change to that of a laborer at the local police station. I thought of those people waiting outside my hotel room and couldn't help but laugh. I left the hospital and sat down in a small café, spreading out the newspaper I bought on the street. Several newspapers were criticizing the recent strict inspection measures implemented by the police.


I couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Despite such strict inspections, Fanghai hadn't appeared.


Fanghai might still be in Tokyo, but why was he hiding? Did he already know that I didn't die in the snowy fields of Hokkaido and had come to Tokyo, yet refused to let me go?


The thought sent a chill down my spine.


Honestly, I wasn't afraid of powerful enemies. I had faced the mafia and the Hook Gang, whom others wouldn't dare confront. But Fanghai, he was such a mysterious and unpredictable person. Even now, I still didn't understand what weapon Fanghai used to inflict such serious injuries on me!


Then I saw a very strange missing person ad in the newspaper: "Attention chess friends of Madame Fujiko's shop, please contact me. Sawaki Seiro."


What caught my attention was the name "Sawaki Seiro," because that was the name of Dr. Sawaki, who treated me in the hospital. And "chess friends of Madame Fujiko's shop" naturally referred to me.


I hadn't contacted him since I left the hospital, and I didn't leave an address there. Dr. Sawaki, a world-renowned medical doctor, had something urgent to discuss with me?


The missing person ad didn't have Dr. Sawaki's address, but finding out his address was too easy. Just call any newspaper office, and I would know because Dr. Sawaki was a famous doctor in Japan. After finishing my coffee, I obtained Dr. Sawaki's address through this method. But I didn't immediately go there.


I squeezed onto a crowded bus and asked for directions along the way. The chaos of Tokyo's roads was unmatched by any city in the world. An hour later, I arrived at a newly built four-story building. On the signboard of the building, I found the sign for "Odaina Detective Agency."


Odaina was a private detective I met in Tokyo a few years ago. We once collaborated on a case related to "business warfare." Since then, we hadn't met. Now his detective agency had moved to the building, indicating he was doing well.


I went straight to the fourth floor, pushed open the door, and found two or three female secretaries working. For the sake of keeping my identity secret, I didn't reveal my name. At this time, I was dressed as a janitor, and the female secretaries didn't even look at me.


I waited for half an hour before I heard a female secretary lazily say, "Mr. Odaina will see you now."


I walked into Odaina's spacious office and coughed. I said a passphrase that only he and I knew.


Odaina looked up, his expression changing from indifference to warmth in an instant. He rushed towards me, even knocking over his chair!


As he tightly shook my hand, I shook my head and said, "You're a lousy detective."


Odaina stared at me, and I continued, "Your office is so fancy, you're going to miss out on countless interesting cases. I bet your recent business has been all about tracking down the husbands of rich wives, right?"


Odaina smiled wryly, clearly admitting that I was right.


Without waiting for him to lament, I said, "I need some information, and I'm sure you have it here."


Odaina became cheerful again and said, "Sure, tell me."


I said, "Are there any factories in Japan capable of performing the latest high-temperature welding of hard metals?"


Odaina said, "I'll have someone look into it." He pressed a button on the intercom and spoke to the staff in the data room. In less than ten minutes, he got an answer. Mr. Nelson's estimate was correct; there were only two such factories in all of Japan.


 One was specialized in precision instrument manufacturing, and the other was renowned worldwide for producing electrical appliances.


After another thirty minutes of phone calls with these two factories, I learned that the precision instrument manufacturing factory had received a special order ten days ago to weld a hard metal box. The person who commissioned them for this task was named Inoue Tsuguo.


To a non-Japanese, this name might not mean much, but to a Japanese person or someone familiar with Japan, it was an astonishing name.


The Inoue family was arguably the largest family in Japan, and Inoue Tsuguo was one of the leading figures in the Inoue family. He owned countless businesses and was a Japanese tycoon.


According to the precision instrument manufacturing factory, they wouldn't have accepted such a job, but since the client was Inoue Tsuguo, it was a different story.


When I asked what was inside the hard metal box, the factory hesitated, saying it was a business secret, and if I wanted detailed information, they would treat me as a journalist.


I also inquired about the composition of the hard metal. According to them, it was an alloy containing a very rare metal, which melted at 8400 degrees Celsius. Its hardness was seven times that of diamond. The factory proudly stated that there were very few places in the world that could cut open the box using high-temperature cutting techniques.


I pondered inwardly. The visit to Odaina was satisfactory, and I called Nelson from Odaina's office to report. Nelson only told me one thing: "Your accommodation has been arranged at the Seventh Police Dormitory. When you get there, you'll have a place to sleep."


I asked Odaina about the location of the Seventh Police Dormitory and bid farewell to him as I walked out.


Odaina seemed weary of his tracking career and seemed eager to do something with me, but I politely declined. He looked very disappointed and didn't say a word.


Odaina was originally a very intelligent private detective, and our collaboration on cases was quite interesting. Perhaps someday, when I have the chance, I'll write about it for the readers, but I won't dwell on it here.


I left the building and bought a few more newspapers on the way. To my surprise, almost every newspaper had Dr. Sawaki's advertisement looking for me.


I felt very hesitant, unsure whether I should go see him or not.


On one hand, Dr. Sawaki was an internationally renowned academic figure who probably wouldn't harm me. But now that the embassy of a certain country had lost track of me, they must be frantic to find me, and could they have used Dr. Sawaki to lure me in?


This was something I couldn't ignore, considering the trick I played on the embassy. They would undoubtedly try every means to hold me accountable!


I headed towards Dr. Sawaki's residence, but when I arrived at his house, I hesitated to go in.


Dr. Sawaki lived in a very exquisite house, with a garden that was rare among Tokyo residences. The wall wasn't very high, and from afar, I could see that most of the garden was covered in green grass.


The lawn was neatly trimmed, indicating that the homeowner wasn't someone casual.


I waited outside Dr. Sawaki's house for a whole hour. There were only two people coming in and out: one looked like a maid, and the other was Dr. Sawaki himself carrying a briefcase.


Although I was cautious, waiting like this wasn't a solution. I took off my mask because if I wore the intricately woven nylon fiber mask, Dr. Sawaki wouldn't recognize me. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. After two rings, I heard a crisp and pleasant voice say, "Coming!"


At that moment, my mind was in turmoil. Yet, after hearing the sound of the door opening, it brought about a strangely comforting feeling.


As I wondered who Dr. Sawaki's attendant was, a girl walked out of the iron gate. She wore a blouse and skirt, and her hair was short. Even when she stood in front of me, I found it difficult to say she was beautiful. However, the youthful aura emanating from her made one feel refreshed.


She was someone who would be warmly welcomed anywhere she went.


She appeared to be about eighteen or nineteen years old, and when she saw me, she looked surprised. But her voice remained friendly, soft, and pleasant as she said, "Sir, who are you looking for?"


I replied, "I'm looking for Dr. Sawaki. He invited me."


She tried to hide her suspicion and asked, "Did my father invite you?"


It turned out she was Dr. Sawaki's daughter. I quickly said, "Yes, he advertised in the newspaper to find me."


Before I finished, Miss Sawaki (later, I learned her name was Kisako Sawaki) exclaimed, "Oh, it's you! Please come in. Father has been almost throwing tantrums every day because he couldn't find you."


As she spoke, she opened the door.


I entered the garden and joked, "Miss, your father's advertisement was in the newspaper for everyone to see, so anyone could say the same thing to me. How can you let a stranger in so easily?"


She paused for a moment and then said, "Are you a bad person?"


Her voice was very sweet, and every word she spoke was pleasant to the ears, making one feel inexplicably comfortable.


I quickly replied, "What if I am?" She said, "Don't joke around. Father is waiting for you!"


I followed her inside, walking towards the house.


Kisako's steps were as light as if she were dancing ballet. When she reached the door, she shouted loudly, "Dad, the person you're looking for is here!" Dr. Sawaki's thunderous voice came from inside the house, "Who?"


I immediately said, "It's me."


Dr. Sawaki almost rushed out. As soon as he saw me, he shook my hand and then glanced at Kisako with a stern look. Kisako lowered her head and walked out.


Dr. Sawaki eagerly dragged me into his study and carefully closed the door. His actions indicated that he had something important on his mind.


After he sat down, his fingers were trembling. I moved my chair closer and asked, "Dr. Sawaki, what's on your mind?"


Dr. Sawaki looked up and said, "This is something that only you can help with. I desperately need your assistance!"


As he spoke those two sentences, his face showed signs of great pain. I reached out and held his trembling hand, saying, "Dr. Sawaki, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to help."


Dr. Sawaki's expression improved somewhat. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "It's Kisako, my daughter. I can't let her marry that man!"


Dr. Sawaki's words puzzled me. I thought about it carefully and realized that it might be a problem with his daughter's love life that was causing him headaches, prompting him


 to seek help from others. But when did I become an expert on love problems?


I couldn't help but smile wryly. At the same time, I regretted that I had hastily agreed to help him, thinking he had something extremely important to discuss. Now it seemed that I would waste an afternoon dealing with this boring matter.


Helplessly, I said, "Dr. Sawaki, let your children decide their own marriages."


Dr. Sawaki clenched his fists and said, "I can't! I can't!"


I suppressed my frustration and said, "It seems that Kisako is a daughter who listens to her father. Please tell me the details."


Dr. Sawaki sighed and said, "Kisako was betrothed to someone from childhood, a member of the Inoue family. She has always had a good relationship with her fiancé."


This was a semi-traditional arranged marriage. My response was very indifferent as I said, "Has a third party suddenly appeared?"


Dr. Sawaki said, "Yes, he's a devil, he's not human!" I chuckled, "Doctor, wouldn't it be much better to let your daughter choose?" Dr. Sawaki replied, "No, in front of that devil, she has no choice!"


As I heard this, I began to realize that things were not as simple as I had imagined.


No choice for Kisako? What did that mean? What power could oppress a family like Dr. Sawaki's?


I paused and asked, "Who is he?"


Dr. Sawaki replied, "He's a colleague of Kisako's at the National Space Research Agency of a certain country." As Dr. Sawaki spoke, I couldn't help but stand up abruptly and ask, "Kisako works at the National Space Agency?"


Dr. Sawaki affirmed, "Yes, she left her home country at a young age and has been studying in that country. Now she's back for a vacation. That devil holds a higher position than her, I apologize, he's from your country, his name is Fang Tian..."


As Dr. Sawaki spoke, I couldn't help but feel dizzy.


My god, Fang Tian! Just now, I almost thought it had nothing to do with me and was about to leave. If I had left just now, I wonder how much loss I would have suffered?


Dr. Sawaki noticed the change in my expression, swayed, and asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"


I massaged my temples with my hand and sat back down, saying, "Doctor, have you met Fang Tian?"


Dr. Sawaki replied, "Yes, I noticed Kisako seemed enchanted by him. She used to be a very determined girl, but after meeting Fang Tian, she lost all her determination, alas!"


Dr. Sawaki rubbed his hands anxiously.


I suggested, "Perhaps Kisako admires her talented superior?" Dr. Sawaki quickly responded, "No, I can't explain the details. If you spend time with them, you'll understand." I asked, "Do I have the chance?" Dr. Sawaki said, "Yes, that devil is visiting Kisako again tonight."


I took a deep breath, "When you least expect it, everything comes to you without any effort," which was a description of me at the time. Tonight, I could meet Fang Tian effortlessly!


I thought for a moment and said, "Doctor, I don't mean to boast, but you've found the right person for this. From what I know, even if Fang Tian isn't a devil, he's a very peculiar person."


Dr. Sawaki exclaimed, "Devil, devil, he'll make me never see my daughter again!"


I was startled and asked, "Where does that come from?"


Dr. Sawaki looked at me for a while, seemingly unsure how to answer. After a long time, he said, "I can't explain why, it's just a kind of... intuition."


I was stunned, "Intuition" again!


Originally, intuition was a very common thing. But recently, I've come across the term "intuition" too many times.


Nelson intuited a connection between the metal box and Fang Tian and stubbornly believed in this intuition. Sawaki intuited that Fang Tian would prevent him from ever seeing his daughter again, also stubbornly believing in this intuition.


This was definitely not the usual attitude of ordinary people towards intuition, and even more so, not the usual attitude of Nelson and Sawaki, both highly intelligent intellectuals.


In that instant, a very strange thought flashed through my mind.


Both of them intuited things related to Fang Tian, and Fang Tian was an extremely strange person. He seemed to possess extraordinary hypnotic powers that allowed his thoughts to enter the minds of others. I assumed it was due to his brainwaves being particularly strong, far surpassing others'.


Brainwaves were already a very peculiar phenomenon, and if Fang Tian's brainwaves were so strong, could it be that there were some thoughts he didn't want others to know about, but because his brainwaves were particularly strong, the parties involved could feel them?


Such a situation often occurred in television broadcasts and receptions. Sometimes, European television receivers could pick up programs from the Americas a year ago.


Sometimes, inexplicable images appeared on the television screen, possibly from tens of thousands of kilometers away. All these phenomena were caused by radio waves.


If I were correct in my assumption, then Fang Tian was probably thinking about that box, causing Nelson to sense a connection between two things. Fang Tian was also thinking about enticing Kisako, which made Dr. Sawaki have such intuitions!


I thought about it several times and felt that anything could happen with a strange person like Fang Tian.


If my inference was correct, then the intuitions of Dr. Sawaki and Nelson were all based on facts, or things that might actually happen. At the time, I was also unable to make a definite judgment. Dr. Sawaki, seeing me silent and pensive, looked increasingly anxious.


He waited patiently for me to speak. Because the question was so difficult to answer, I hesitated to speak. Dr. Sawaki couldn't bear it any longer and asked, "Mr. Wei, what should we do?"


I asked, "Do Miss Kisako and her fiancé know?" Dr. Sawaki sighed and said, "She's completely infatuated, so I naturally can't tell her. I've only told her fiancé about her situation."


As soon as Dr. Sawaki mentioned Kisako's fiancé again, my heart couldn't help but stir.


Kisako's fiancé was from the Inoue family. And the metal box was welded by a precision instrument factory commissioned by Inoue Yukio. What was in the box, perhaps only Inoue Yukio knew.


In that case, there was some connection between Kisako, Inoue, and Fang Tian.


However, what kind of connection existed between them, I had no way of saying.


I simply said, "It's better that Kisako doesn't know. At this point, I'll take my leave."


Dr. Sawaki was taken aback and said, "You don't want to help me?"


I replied, "Of course not, I'm leaving so that Kisako sees that I've left, to ease her suspicion. Then, using a method she doesn't know, I'll sneak into your house and observe Fang Tian and Kisako secretly."


Dr. Sawaki exclaimed, "Excellent, our gardener is on leave, you can be his substitute."


I said, "Of course, but I need to disguise myself before Fang Tian arrives. I'll be back before then."


Dr. Sawaki sighed, shook my hand, and said, "I'm like a person adrift in the sea, you're my only hope. Don't disappoint me, Wei, Kisako..."


He spoke to this point, tears streaming down his face!


I comforted him again before bidding him farewell loudly. Kisako escorted me out. She didn't ask me what her father and I had talked about, and I couldn't think of anything to ask her either. We walked out together to the doorstep, where I said, "Japan is truly a lovely place!"


Generally, Japanese people have a strong sense of patriotism. If someone were to say such a thing to a Japanese person, they would surely agree with enthusiasm.


However, Kisako's response was very indifferent. She only said, "Lovely places, there are countless in the universe!"


As she spoke, she raised her head, shielding her eyes with her hand, and looked at the azure sky.


Hearing her words, I couldn't help but feel puzzled and asked, "Are you saying there are many lovely places on Earth?" But Kisako replied, "No, I mean in the universe!"


I shook my head and said, "Miss, I don't understand what you mean."


Kisako said, "Indeed, few people understand my meaning. Humans live on Earth, forming a terrible concept that Earth is everything, and all development revolves around Earth. But they don't realize that the entire Earth is just a speck of dust in the universe!"


Chewing on Kisako's words, I felt that although they sounded unpleasant, they were extremely reasonable.


Kisako continued, "Some people strive to make themselves the world's number one, while others seek to dominate the entire world. Haha, even if they achieve their goals, so what? They've only managed to dominate a speck of dust in the entire universe."


I said, "Miss Kisako, is it because you work at the Space Research Agency that you have such a transcendent perspective?"


After hearing my words, Kisako's expression changed slightly. It seemed like she realized she had said too much, so she immediately stopped speaking.


By that time, she had already escorted me to the iron gate, and I couldn't linger any longer, so I waved goodbye to her.


I once told Mr. Nelson that I would investigate the origin of that box, but if Fang Tian had any information, then I needed to follow Fang Tian first to understand what kind of person he really was.


As soon as I left Dr. Sawaki's house, I immediately went to the nearby old clothing market, bought a set of clothes like a gardener's attire, and then disguised myself in an alley, making myself look older and wearing reading glasses. Then, I returned to Dr. Sawaki's doorstep.


I found that not only did Kisako not recognize me, but Dr. Sawaki's eyes were also filled with suspicion. He must have been wondering how a person could change so drastically in less than an hour.


I quickly took on the role of a gardener. Kisako and I trimmed flowers and plants together, and I tried not to speak too much to avoid giving myself away. At the same time, I secretly chuckled to myself because I didn't need the accommodation Mr. Nelson had prepared for me.


In just one day, due to the constantly changing circumstances, my identity changed several times!