
Blue Archive: I am sensei son ( Devil and Angel )

The boy, who wanted to just look for his father, but he gave up, so one day he was attacked and saved by a girl after that he and her become friend and he started to help her with all her plans, they both started to use there plans to use everything, he was shocked when she was defeated, and he was mad especially once she came back so damaged, and this time he, had enough, they defeated the angel but but now they woke up the devil. main characters name: Ritsuka hey guys this is my first Blue Archive fanfic, also the MC is not going to be a hero, I had enough of heros on my fanfic, anyway hope people like this. Main characters: Ritsuka and Misono Mika Ship : Ritsuka X Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Derivasi dari game
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14 Chs

what was your day like

As Ritsuka entered his house, the aroma of cooked food greeted him warmly. He followed the scent to the kitchen where he found his roommate and friend, the girl who had saved him and was now his partner in crime—Misono Mika. Her presence always carried a mix of intrigue and caution, a reflection of her complex reputation in Kivotos.

Misono Mika, with her striking presence and enigmatic aura, turned to greet Ritsuka with a playful smile. "Welcome home," she said casually, her tone betraying a hint of mischief.

Ritsuka nodded in acknowledgment, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "What's on the menu tonight?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Mika gestured to the dishes spread out on the counter, each one prepared with precision and flair. "I thought we could use a good meal after today's adventures," she remarked, her eyes glinting with a shared understanding.

Ritsuka chuckled softly, recalling the earlier encounter on the streets. "You could say that," he replied cryptically, knowing Mika was always a step ahead in their unconventional pursuits.

Their partnership had evolved out of necessity and mutual respect, forged in the crucible of Kivotos' challenges and opportunities. Mika, with her resourcefulness and daring, complemented Ritsuka's calm demeanor and strategic mind.

As they sat down to enjoy the meal together, conversation flowed easily between them. They discussed their plans for the future, the intricacies of navigating Kivotos' underworld, and the occasional banter that underscored their deep bond.

Despite Mika's mixed reputation and the shadows that often trailed their actions, Ritsuka trusted her implicitly. Together, they navigated the complexities of their world with a shared determination to carve out their own paths and protect those they cared about.

As the evening unfolded, bathed in the warmth of their camaraderie and shared ambitions, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unlikely partnership that had brought Mika into his life. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with—a testament to the resilience and strength forged in the crucible of Kivotos' streets.

"So, how was your first day?" Misono Mika asked, her eyes fixed on Ritsuka as she stirred a pot on the stove. "How was it, meeting your father again?"

Ritsuka leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "It was... interesting," he replied, recalling the events of the day. "As for Sensei, he doesn't even remember his real name. Memories can be a strange thing. To think my dad would become like this... He's really different from who I remember."

Mika raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Different how?" she probed gently, sensing the mix of emotions in Ritsuka's voice.

Ritsuka sighed, running a hand through his hair. "When I was younger, he was always so strong and decisive. Now, he seems... lost, in a way. Like he's trying to find himself all over again. It's like he's a different person."

Mika nodded slowly, her gaze thoughtful. "People change, especially after traumatic events. Maybe he's trying to protect you in his own way, even if he doesn't remember everything."

Ritsuka shrugged, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Maybe. But it's hard to see him like this, knowing what he used to be."

Mika set down the spoon she was holding and walked over to Ritsuka, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You'll figure it out, Ritsuka. And if there's anything you need, you know I've got your back," she said softly, her tone filled with genuine support.

Ritsuka looked up at her, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thanks, Mika. I know I can always count on you."

She smiled, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly before returning to her cooking. "So, any interesting encounters with your classmates?" she asked, changing the subject to lighten the mood.

Ritsuka chuckled. "Yeah, they're an interesting bunch. Hoshino, Serika, Ayane, Nonomi... They've got their quirks, but they seem like good people. It's a bit strange, though, how everyone here is so comfortable with weapons."

Mika laughed softly. "Welcome to Kivotos. Where the unusual is the norm."

As the evening continued, Ritsuka felt a sense of comfort in Mika's presence. Despite the complexities of his new life and the challenges that lay ahead, he knew he wasn't alone. With Mika by his side, he felt ready to face whatever the future held, and maybe, just maybe, find a way to reconnect with his father and uncover the truths hidden in the shadows of Kivotos.

"But in all honesty," Ritsuka said, his gaze steady on Mika, "I like this new version of my dad. I guess losing his memory is a good thing. After all, he's no longer the cold general who didn't care about anything. It's sickening to me... How dare he forget everything he put me through? How dare he forget that day?"

As Ritsuka spoke, memories flooded back with vivid intensity. The sound of a gunshot echoed in his mind, the splash of water as he fell, and the heavy footsteps walking away. The word "failure" reverberated, mingling with his father's cold laugh. He had thought he was going to die that day. That was the day he decided he no longer wanted to be a hero. If the world didn't need a hero, he would be a villain—which he had become.

Mika watched him closely, sensing the turmoil beneath his calm exterior. She knew bits and pieces of Ritsuka's past, but seeing him this vulnerable was a rare sight. "Ritsuka," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy, "it's not easy to let go of the past. But maybe this is a chance for both of you to start over, to build something different from the pain and the hurt."

Ritsuka shook his head, a bitter smile playing on his lips. "Maybe. But it's hard to forget everything. The memories, the scars... they're still there. And part of me doesn't want to forget. It reminds me of why I chose this path."

Mika placed a comforting hand on his arm, her eyes filled with understanding. "I get it. But remember, you don't have to carry that weight alone. We're partners, and we'll face whatever comes together. You don't have to be defined by your past or your father's actions."

Ritsuka looked at her, gratitude and determination mingling in his gaze. "Thanks, Mika. You've always been there for me, and I don't take that for granted."

She smiled, squeezing his arm gently. "That's what friends are for. Now, let's eat before the food gets cold. We've got plenty of work to do tomorrow."

As they settled into their meal, the heaviness of their earlier conversation began to lift. The bond between them, forged through shared struggles and mutual respect, gave Ritsuka a sense of purpose and hope. Despite the darkness of his past and the uncertainty of his future, he

As the last dish was dried and put away, Ritsuka and Mika settled onto the couch, the day's events still lingering in the back of their minds. Mika, ever curious, turned to Ritsuka with a thoughtful expression.

"So, Ritsuka," she began, her eyes fixed on him, "why did you choose Abydos and not my school, Trinity? I mean, especially since Sensei teaches at Abydos."

Ritsuka leaned back, his gaze meeting hers with a calm determination. "Simple," he replied. "It's all part of my plans. Abydos is less crowded, and the chances of getting captured are significantly lower. Trinity, on the other hand, is filled with students. It's too high-profile and makes it difficult to carry out my plans without getting noticed."

Mika nodded, absorbing his reasoning. "That makes sense," she said, a hint of admiration in her voice. "You're always thinking ahead, Ritsuka. But what exactly are these plans of yours? You've mentioned them before, but you never go into detail."

Ritsuka's eyes darkened slightly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "It's better if you don't know everything, Mika. The less you know, the safer you are. Just trust me when I say that everything I'm doing is for a reason."

Mika frowned but didn't press further. She trusted Ritsuka, even if his plans were shrouded in mystery. "Alright," she conceded, "but just remember, I'm here to help. Whatever you need."

Ritsuka appreciated her support, even if he couldn't reveal all the details. "I know, Mika. And I do need you. You're a crucial part of this. We'll change things, but we have to be careful."

As the evening wore on, they sat in comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. The bond they shared was unspoken yet profound, forged through shared experiences and mutual respect. Whatever challenges lay ahead, Ritsuka knew he could count on Mika to stand by his side.

The path he had chosen was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but with Mika's unwavering support and his own determination, Ritsuka felt ready to face whatever came next. Together, they would navigate the complexities of Kivotos, their partnership a beacon of strength in a world filled with shadows.

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Ritsuka lay in bed, staring at his phone. The quiet hum of the city waking up was a stark contrast to the storm brewing in his mind. He was forming a team, one that would help him execute his plans with precision and efficiency. He reviewed the list of potential recruits, each name bringing a unique set of skills and complications.

1. **Black Suit, Leader of Gematria**: A mysterious and powerful figure, known for their strategic mind and ruthless tactics. Convincing them would require a display of strength and intelligence, proving that Ritsuka's plans aligned with Gematria's interests.

2. **Kosaka Wakamo**: A formidable combatant with a reputation for unpredictability. Wakamo would need to see the tangible benefits of joining Ritsuka's cause, perhaps a promise of greater power or a personal vendetta fulfilled.

3. **Tendou Alice (Maybe)**: A wildcard. Alice was known for her shifting allegiances and cunning. To win her over, Ritsuka would need to appeal to her sense of ambition and the potential for significant gain.

4. **Kaiser PMC**: A powerful mercenary group with extensive resources. They would be more straightforward to recruit, provided Ritsuka could offer substantial financial incentives and strategic advantages.

5. **Shiranui Kaya**: A brilliant tactician with a knack for manipulation. Ritsuka would need to demonstrate how her skills could flourish under his leadership, offering her a position where her talents would be recognized and rewarded.

Ritsuka knew he couldn't approach them all at once. Too many questions and too much attention would jeopardize his plans. He needed to be smart and strategic, playing his cards right to ensure each one joined his group willingly and discreetly.

He sat up, formulating his strategy. The first step was to secure a meeting with the Black Suit. Gematria's leader was the linchpin; their support would lend credibility to his cause and attract others. Ritsuka decided to send a carefully worded message, highlighting the potential for mutual benefit and the strength of their combined forces.

Next, he would reach out to Kosaka Wakamo. Her combat skills and unpredictable nature made her a valuable asset, but also a potential loose cannon. He'd need to tread carefully, offering her a challenge that would pique her interest and align her goals with his.

Tendou Alice would be trickier. He'd need to gather intel on her current situation and tailor his approach to her immediate desires, whether it was power, wealth, or revenge. Her allegiance would be fickle, so Ritsuka needed to ensure she saw the long-term benefits of joining his cause.

Kaiser PMC required a more straightforward approach. Ritsuka would prepare a detailed proposal, outlining the financial gains and strategic advantages of their partnership. He'd appeal to their mercenary nature, ensuring the deal was too good to refuse.

Finally, Shiranui Kaya. He'd need to demonstrate how her tactical brilliance would be essential to his plans, offering her a prominent role where her decisions would directly impact their success. Flattery and recognition of her talents would be key.

With a clear plan in mind, Ritsuka got dressed and headed out. The day was just beginning, but his mind was already several steps ahead. As he left the house, he glanced back at Mika, who was still sleeping peacefully. A small smile touched his lips. She was his anchor, and with her by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Today marked the first step in assembling his team, and Ritsuka was determined to succeed. Each move had to be precise, each word carefully chosen. The future of his plans depended on it, and he was ready to play the game to win.

As Ritsuka prepared to head out, ready to take the first steps in recruiting his team, he suddenly heard rapid footsteps behind him. Turning his head, his eyes widened just in time to see a blur of movement before pain exploded across his face. The force of the impact sent him sprawling to the floor.

Groaning, Ritsuka looked up, his vision adjusting to see a girl with pale white skin, wine-red eyes, and baby-pink hair held back by a striking black and white hair clip. It was Natsu, his... friend? Their relationship was complicated, to say the least. She stood over him, anger radiating from her in palpable waves.

"Natsu," Ritsuka managed to say, his voice a mix of confusion and irritation. "What the hell was that for?"

Natsu's eyes narrowed, her expression a blend of hurt and fury. "You know exactly what that's for," she snapped, her tone biting. "Why didn't you join Trinity? Why Abydos of all places?"

Ritsuka rubbed his jaw, trying to process her words through the throbbing pain. "Natsu, I had my reasons. It's not like I didn't think about it."

"Not good enough!" Natsu interrupted, her voice rising. "You just left without explaining anything. You didn't even consider how I might feel about it!"

Ritsuka sighed, pushing himself up to a sitting position. "I didn't join Trinity because it's too high-profile. Too many students, too many eyes. I need to stay under the radar for my plans to work."

Natsu crossed her arms, her glare unwavering. "And you didn't think I could help you? That maybe, just maybe, having someone inside Trinity could be an advantage?"

Ritsuka paused, realizing the depth of her frustration. "Natsu, it's not that I didn't think you could help. It's just... I didn't want to drag you into this. Trinity is dangerous for what I'm planning. Abydos gives me more freedom to maneuver."

Natsu's expression softened slightly, though her anger hadn't completely faded. "You still should have told me. We're supposed to be friends, Ritsuka. Friends don't leave each other in the dark."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. "You're right. I should have told you. I'm sorry, Natsu. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Natsu sighed, the tension between them easing a bit. "Just... don't keep me in the dark again, okay? If we're going to be friends, we need to trust each other."

"Deal," Ritsuka agreed, managing a small smile. "So, what now? Are you going to let me explain my plans, or are you going to keep hitting me with a gun?"

Natsu rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a grin. "I suppose I could let you explain. But you're buying lunch. And I want all the details."

Ritsuka laughed, getting to his feet. "Fair enough. Let's go grab something to eat, and I'll fill you in."

As they walked together, the air between them slowly cleared, the bond of their complicated friendship reaffirmed. Ritsuka knew he had a lot to explain and even more to plan, but with Natsu by his side, he felt a little more confident about the challenges ahead.

To be continued