
Chapter 6: New Folk in Town

Somehow, Suho just feels he has found his, target, his duty to Lady Kim So Hyun.

But when Namjoon notice that he is being focused. He looks back at Suho and gives a greeting smile.

They all wait for the doctor to come out of the hospital room where Jisoo is lying.

Finally, the doctor comes out.

"She lost blood. But its good that the bullet did not get to any important parts of the arm...she will wake up very soon"

They all sigh.

Jisoo's mother thanks Namjoon for saving her.

"You are very welcome, Madam...we are near neighbors"....Namjoon smiles again and his friendly dimple shown...Jisoo's mom or we will now call Mrs Jisoo smile back.

Suho doesn't like him very much for a reason...

"Aunt..who is this man....?"

Mrs Jisoo replies,

"Oh...yes we haven't even introduce each other yet...Jisoo says he is Mr Choi's distant Nephew. I haven't talk to Namjoon either...Just see him sometimes at Mr Choi's garden...by the way why don't you guys greet each other...", she turns to Namjoon and says..

"Mr Choi Namjoon, this is Mr Jun Myeon, the head police officer here....but close friends, we just call him Suho....."

"Oh it's very nice to meet you"...Namjoon greets quick and give hand...Suho takes his hand to shake with Namjoon.."Please to meet you Mister, I hope we get will to know more about one another soon, just hope you will enjoy your stay here then"

"Im liking here a lot!", Namjoon replies.

After, awhile they are all allow to visit to Jisoo in the hospital room.

She still looks a little weak.

"I thank you very much Mr Namjoon..I might be dead now...by the way you must get hurt too they hit you a lot too", she says. ..when have chance in their conversation.

"Ohh,...its only tiny bit Miss....I can handle it" ...then they just smile at each other....

Suho doesn't like it very much. Does he just plain get jealous on this unknown new man. No way.

After awhile, Namjoon adds, "Those robbers get away. Therefore, they maybe back again, we need to be very careful"

The time just passes, everyone go home.

Jisoo would need to rest for two more days there.

That night, Suho is thinking about this new folk in town.

Isn't he the man he is looking for. Or this Namjoon just happen to look similar to Mr Kim Namjoon, Miss So Hyun's brother?

It does make sense though that Kim Namjoon would hide his identity anyway. But he still cannot be sure of anything. So he decide to act as he doesn't know anything then.

Then, he looks at the white bunch flowers Jisoo left for him, and smile at it. He knows that it is a pure friendship thank letter. But anything can change and friendship can developed into something more serious. But how will he make it happen? With these thoughts, Suho just go to sleep.

At that same time, Namjoon is thinking a lot about so many things too. He is thinking about Jisoo of course. He still miss the feel of her in his arms when she falls into him in the garden back then. She really is a nice cheerful bubble lady. Namjoon then shook his head...

"Nahh....it's no time to think about any girls you just meet random, Monie...you don't even know how long will you still be alive."

Then he come to his senses and left out a little sigh.. thinking "I wonder how is Hyunie and mother doing!!...I wish to see them again"

He looks around the room is staying in...Minho and Mr Choi are kind to him enough. The room is really good, big enough and clean and has enough furniture for living.

Namjoon goes to see his reflection at the mirror of the vanity...then said to himself. "As long as Im still alive, I will always try my best to uncover whos behind all of these things happening around us and bring justice, So Hyun, Mother...I miss you both.."...he also wonder will they be in danger too? And he quite right about it later.


At that very meanwhile, So Hyun is also in her bedroom thinking about all the incident. Tear falls down from her eyes again. "How is Monie hyung, why couldn't Detective Suho find him yet....what will happen to me and mother"....So Hyun knows thier mother, Mrs Kim still act as a strong person in front of everyone including her, performing her daily jobs at the company and works. But So Hyun knows that her mother would cry sometimes when she thinks no one is seeing her or is left alone. With these thoughts, So Hyun's mind cannot rest.


Back to Flower Town,

Jisoo is back to normal from bullet injury. She is now visiting Mr Choi's garden again. It is morning time...and healthy sun is shining upon the garden there.

Smiling looking at the flowers that are blooming, saying to herself..

"Spring will be over soon, winter is coming....why is this blooming time so short"

At that time, Namjoon is coming behind her.

"Heyo Miss"..he greets bubbly..

Jisoo is a little shook..

"Why do you greet hauntingly, Mr!!"

Namjoon laughs.

"You loves flowers so much Miss?...by the way how is your left arm now?"

Jisoo replies...

"Yes...I love flowers, which girl wouldn't. My arm is ok now. It's not hurt anymore.!"

"That's great!", he remarks...."But not every women I have met loves them like you do"

"Umm...everyone must have different tastes in everything, I guess!"..

There is silent. Then she continue,

"These days, the weather is quite wierd it's rain a lot and its still hot in spring, it is good enough that flowers can still bloom..well at least in here..this garden..."

He then asks, looking at the blue light sky above,

"Well, miss today's weather is quite fine. Would you like walk around here?"

"That sounds good!", is the reply.

So, they take a walk together in the garden, talking along the way.

Jisoo asks..."I never know that Mr Choi has another nephew apart from Minho...where do you live before"

"I was abroad Miss!"

Jisoo is a bit surprise.

"Ohh, so your parents must be well off enough then"

Namjoon is now regret that he had reveal one of his real past.

Then, she comforts him, "It's ok Mister, well off people can enjoy simple life here, too"

Then, he asks back..

"I heard from Uncle Choi that you aren't the native folk here....so where do you live before Miss"

"I am a city girl Mister..."...she pauses then. ."but yep life is also like the wierd unpredictable weather that can rain the summer, that brought me here...but it's ok...I am enjoying life."

They are enjoying their conversation, very comfortable around each like they have known each other for a long time.

But just then, very suddenly, the light blue sky becomes dim and the little drop of rain begins to falls. ...the wind also sweeping through to the place....

Jisoo and Namjoon are like running to find shelter eagerly then. They are both laughing too. ..."it is unpredictable just like you said, Miss"

Nonetheless, it is a fun time for both.