
Chapter 5: Seashore Fighting

Jisoo just watches them as the robbers run away with thier motorbikes without hurting her although they are hesitated.

Jisoo just goes her way then.


Meanwhile, Mr Kim at the Kim Family luxury mansion, in the grand living room, sits on Versace sofa and enjoy the evening champagne. But his mind isn't enjoying anything  very much. He is thinking about his nephew, Kim Namjoon. He knows the boy isn't dead. But where is he?

This younger Mr Kim or Mr Kim Young is the cousin of the older Mr Kim, Namjoon's father. These two Kims are very close together when they are children. But.. although both are using the same family name, Kim, there has been lots of jealous among relatives. His parents are jealous of Namjoon's father success. Somehow, they had managed to put hatred in this Mr Kim for his older cousin, especially after his parents died when he was 13 and his property was given to the older Kim family as management since he was too young. The younger Mr Kim (Kim Young) didn't like it so much. He believes that some of the older Kim Family comes from his property. Although putting a smile on his face, he secretly went against his elder cousin. Well, the Kim family has several competitors and haters anyway. The older Mr Kim is just dumb enough not to see one of his enemy under his own roof.

/*In here we will just stop on Mr Kim Young background story. We will have a lot more to tell later on.*/

In the luxurious living room, this younger Mr Kim is calling somebody on phone...

"Hello, its Kim Young here, how's your job on finding. .."NJ" . .ummm....Flower  Town. ...ahh I get it...ok...either dead or alive is good.. I'll be waiting for more news...."

Then he put down the phone back.

His wife is just coming into the room then sitting besides him.

Mrs Kim, who used to be Miss Lee before, is a beautiful but a vain young woman. She is highly educated and quick witted which has charmed many men. She indeed cares a lot about her looks and what other thinks about more than anything else...spending a lot on looks. She never wears any clothes more than 3 time. Yes..Mr Kim Young and Miss Lee were perfect match.

In this evening, Mrs Kim Young is asking her husband to go to a party for once.

"Darling, dear...its been a while since your brother funeral has been done.. I think...I suggest that you take a break from work. ...let's enjoy my neice birthday party this weekend..."

He thinks for a moment...enjoy time and forget about the main mission on NJ is not so bad for a while..

"Ok,...dear let's do that!!"


Back in Flower Town,

Jisoo and her mother job as tailor is doing well.. her mother designing of clothes as well as hers could sell off now that they both can now live comfortably than before.

Jisoo sometimes visits Mr Choi garden alongside with Rosé and meets Namjoon whom she believed to be Mr Choi distant nephew.

Both Jisoo and Namjoon are shy to each other at first. They don't talk much whenever they meet altough they want to. Moreover, she is thinking why Namjoon would not go out from the garden very much.

Minho sometimes visits him too.

Jisoo thinks the two men have some secretive issues. She wonder why. Maybe she just thinks too much.

It is one fine day again, she encounter the robbers she saw at near market again.

It happens when she is wondering herself along the shore of the seaside of Flower Town.

She finds those robbers, bandits threatening to kill a police man if he doesn't keep their secret and help them with some of their mission. She sees that they had killed another cop already.

Jisoo tries to run away from the scene but they catches her figure staring at them.

She run as fast as she could to the caves and cliff near shore in order that she has more opportunities to hide than the plain seashore. 

They run after her. One of them shot her and it hid her in the left arm. She falls down.

Jisoo is so scared and sure that her ending will be soon.

Just then, she can hear a stranger or another man who aren't one of them kick one of them.

Jisoo turn and see that it is Namjoon.

She can hear voices.

"Hey....I haven't seen this guy before"

"A stranger, a visitor, ..."

"New kid in town maybe"

They are all saying this while fighting one man...there are four of them.

"Ohh..and he is so familiar. .similer to Kim Nam...."

Namjoon hit the man again and kick the other who come to him.

Namjoon is like wind the other four man trying catch, hit and kick. They all miss. He is just too fast to their games. They all miss to fire their guns and their pockets knifes are knock down too.

It is like a martial arts competition 1 man against four. Jisoo just admire Namjoon's skills of fighting. He is so strong. She doesn't know how to help him. Her left arm is bleeding and hurt.

But just then the other local people come to shore. The robbers run from the scene  and escape again. Leaving them and the injured police and the dead one.

Namjoon follows Jisoo to the hospital.

He finelly relives sigh after the doctor tells him. She will be well again very soon.

Jisoo's mother, Rosé and Suho rush to the hospital.

It is the time,when Suho see Namjoon.

"Umm....do I know you before? "