

Kara felt powerful. The DEO had finally gotten a lead on Cadmus. Taking them down was all that Kara desired at this moment in time. It would be such a relief for Lena to know that her mother was out of the game. Kara didn't want Lena to bear any burdens and so defeating Cadmus had gotten a lot more important to her. Counting in all of the innocent alien lives that would be lost, this could easily be the most important task of Supergirl's life.

Kara's heartbeat sped up slightly when she caught sight of the last building on her checklist. All the other locations had been ordinary warehouses. This had to be it. This had to be Cadmus. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and when she opened them again, she was using her X-Ray.

She couldn't see through the walls. They were lined with led. "Alex, this is it," Kara communicated through the earpiece. "Great. We'll send backup. Don't do anything before we get there, please," Alex said as if she thought that Kara was gonna be impulsive.

Alex was right. Kara didn't want to just sit around. She couldn't wait much longer. With an image of a smiling Lena in mind, Kara closed in on the main building. She burned up several security cameras before completely destroying the main entrance of the building. She couldn't hear anyone inside. She couldn't hear a single breath or heartbeat. Kara thought that all the workers must've just had to be off somewhere else in the surrounding area. Somewhere she couldn't hear them. It was a big chunk of land after all.

In the middle of the room stood a huge diamond-shaped object. It was red and glowing. On the middle of the diamond, Kara saw a black button. She wondered if this was the machine that Cadmus was gonna use to destroy all alien life. The thought made her shiver. "Alex, I went inside," Kara communicated. No answer. "Alex?" She said a little louder this time. No answer. Connection must've been bad out here. At least that was what Kara was telling herself to stay calm. This all seemed a little weird. Was it a trap? Couldn't be, right? No one was around. Kara couldn't hear anyone.

Kara's thoughts were interrupted when a white light flashed throughout the room. Out from behind every command table and crook of the room came soldiers. They were wearing black armor that covered their whole bodies , and they were holding huge, threatening guns.

Their bullets stung. Why did they sting? Kara tried to avoid the shots by flying around the building but, the soldiers  were everywhere. Why had she not been able to hear them coming?

Kara fell to the ground when a shard of kryptonite slashed through her flesh. It had torn apart her suit in the front and her stomach was spilling blood. Had the shard gone just a few inches deeper, it would have been spilling guts.Shards of kryptonite kept slashing through Kara's skin as she screamed in agony. The pain was so intense, she couldn't think.

Suddenly the shots stopped firing and the shards stopped slashing. Lillian's cruel smile was the last thing Kara saw before she shut her eyes.