
Blossom At Dawn

After rejecting her marriage proposal, Heritage had decided it was time she lived her life and did what she wanted. Working for the most handsome man she ever saw, as a nanny to his daughter, or falling for her employer may not be what she exactly wanted. But most times, she never knows what she actually wanted, or even needed or even desired. Now, not just doing what she wants, she has to help her brother get free. Then however, she gets him free when the least person she had expected anchored her pain. Heritage is a 23 year old high school graduate, who happens to have interests in children, and anything concerning grooming . Besides being just sweet, she's determined and really strong willed. She lost both parents in an auto crash leaving a huge responsibility of adulthood at a very young age thereby making her sacrificing university, so she resolves to running a nursery and babysitting. Her previous life had revolved around her ex, a lawyer who had a dominating effect on her, like a dog on a leash at arm's length. Her life had worked under his command and the point she rebelled, there was always a consequence. Until she finds a point to break out of the relationship, which leads directly to the beginning of the book. When she finds a way to break out of the relationship, she realizes it's time for her to start her life afresh and run a nursery, starting with babysitting a child or two first. There in the long run, she meets a child whom she starts babysitting and soon she finds herself falling for the child’s father beyond her expectations. He helps her get her brother out of juvenile and as well help her start a nursery after she has her first child. Zach (Windfred), on the other hand is a full based neurosurgeon who’d pick his family first over anything. A simpleminded man who chooses to obey mostly in situations beyond his control. He’s a thirty year old father as well as a widower. He had lost his wife in an homely accident which he could have prevented if he had been around in time, A devotee who would have risked everything to see that his wife was alright later on. He had always been a content man with his family even as though his wife ran a private business but he worked for another establishment. Beyond seeing his family happy, he could have wanted more children. Speculatively, his desire was just a happy home. After losing his wife, he has to part with his child which took a great turn in his life momentarily. In her aunt’s care, his child grew with love. And at some point in the child’s life, she has to return home, thereby a need for a babysitter while her father worked. Apparently, he comes in contact with his child’s nanny as a date even before she is employed as a nanny. He finds delight in her presence more than he had expected and with time he’s falling for her against his own plans. He officially goes out with her as a couple and soon it's all wedding bells. The story is set in the American country, in NYC within the early rain/spring in the year. The weather portrayed is fine with a little gloom. The story is based on love, fear and fight. After her break free from the claws of her ex, a young orphan who takes adulthood in early meets a new employer who is ready to risk everything for her; but she is too scared to love, of course not without helping her brother out of juvenile first, so she has to fight for herself and brother lest all that she ever worked for will be overthrown.

DaoistW4ay5O · perkotaan
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

"This, or that?"


"Your chance of choices are over!" She said wagging her finger, keeping her eyes narrowed.

"This," she pointed to the black dress, " is too short and exposing!", "And this," she said, picking up the red one "I don't know. Red is a bad color. He'd seen me in red already"

"Short and exposing eh?" There was an evil smirk on her face.

"I don't know whatever you're thinking, but it won't work."

"You think so?"

" Babe, you don't even fancy these kinda dates. What's up with you this time?"

Ava only shrugged.

"Well, that, I cannot seem to comprehend. But I have a good feeling, love" There was an hint of pleading in her voice. "Besides he's good looking"

"You met him drunk ma'am. And I'm sure you barely have any idea of what happened that night"

"I had a better hold of myself!"

"Ha! Says the woman who was screaming out of her lungs in public"

"No I wasn't!"

"Yes, you were"

"And you, drunk enough to have misplaced your purse"

Heritage's face went red.

"And now you're going for a date with your knight in shining armor" Now she was reeling with laughter.

She reached for a pillow and gave her a hard smack on her head. "Nobody! Nobody is my knight" she pouted her lips.

Ava scowled and burst out in another round of laughter.

Heritage's phone chimmed from the dresser where it was. Ignoring Matilda, she strode over to check the message that came in.

"He'll be here in 30 minutes" She said,still looking at her phone.

Apparently, Ava had stopped laughing and snuck behind Heritage, snatching her phone over her head.

Without even reading the text she started giggling. "Oouuu, someone's knight just texted her"


Her eyes grew wide as she scrolled up. There seemed to be other texts.

"Damn! And since when had you two been texting?" Her fingers kept scrolling even though she had her eyes on Heritage. "This is a whole lot, woman!"

Heritage's cheeks went pink.

"And you're blushing! Over mere talking about his texts!"

"Ava, I'm not doing this with you right now. Hand me my phone."

"Oouuu, somebody's having a new love life with another Zach"

Her mouth fell open. "What? Hell no!"

"You know what, just get out of my room"

"Ha! For this one man" she sneered.

She placed her hand to her forehead and sat on the bed. "Just hand me my phone and help me here"

The phone chimmed again. It read:

I'll see you in 15, traffic isn't as bad as I expected.

She shrieked and turned to Ava.

"Ahhh, he's almost here" Her fingers ran through her hair "I've not even found what to wear." Then realization hit her. "My hair!"

"And makeup!" Dragging heritage by her elbow, she sat her down by the dresser.

She dressed her hair first, curling the end, perming it smoothly. Her blond shone.

Then she grabbed a few brushes, adding color and dabbing it smoothly. She used hot blood lipstick, even though there was no settled clothing yet.

"Just keep your eyelids still," she brought out a mascara "And we'll be done. You won't want to keep your knight in shiny armour waiting"

She was going to reply of course. Ava was quicker.

"One word, and you'll be having mascara as an appetizer"

Heritage's phone seemed to have understood because it chimmed again, popping another message from the same person.

Matilda reached for it.

"Ooou, he's here" she giggled

"Aren't I the one to be excited?"

"Shut up, I'm helping you fix your sad life. You should be grateful!" She shrugged "I'm going to get him. Fix yourself and find one to wear"

"I'm pretty even without makeup"

"Chant it a few more times, perhaps it might come true".

The door slammed.

On her way to the door, she couldn't help but laugh out how silly she's been. Although she was visibly happy for Heritage, Her date was still her enemy.

An enemy till he apologized.

She braced herself for a little acting.

She turned the key and opened the door with a bright smile.

"Welcome to… " Then she dropped her smile. "You!" She narrowed her eyes.

In return, he seemed to have recognized her as well. He only smiled.

"Oh,hi" He chuckled. "I'm sorry we started on the wrong foot. Guess we were just being adults that night"

He looked off.

"Come in" she said, hiding every emotions as possible as she could

"I'm sorry, if that makes it any better" He said as he walked in.

She scoffed.

Her mind was giggling as hell. Such poor gentleman. Anyway, whoever was ready to go out with her best friend should as well prepare for this.

He then stretched out his hand "I'm Zach by the way. Zach Windfred"

She eyed him. Windfred?

Realizing that he could be who she thought he was, she took his hand "I'm Avalyn Drew" Her minutes of acting were over.

"You can call me Ava, that's what my friends call me"

He flashed a smile. "Nice to meet you,"

"Um... where's Herit?"

Herit? He called her Herit?

A soft voice came through the doorway.

"Here, Hello Zach"

Short and exposing it was.

The gown revealed her shoulders, making her hair fall on to her bare skin. Her blonde hair in wavy curls shone, giving a matching tone with her skin. Her eyes, fine hazel, a match with her purse and her heels.

Her silhouette gave an impression on the wall- A model, waiting for one pose, with those legs.

Those legs…

Long, each priding itself for how long they were on exhibition.

He blinked once, then twice.

"Um" he cleared his throat "Hi". His dimples never betrayed his smile.

"Hello Zach" she returned his smile. Placing each step carefully as she walked on to him.

"You're beautiful"

"Thank you. You're not looking bad yourself"

"Shall we?" He opened out his hand.

All Heritage could do was hide the wave of fear that crept on her face.

She did take his hand though.

He led the way, while she trailed. Stealing one more glance at Ava, she could see her mouthing words.

The expression on her face could tell that she found him adorable.

"Awwwn" she mouthed, tilting her head and touching her cheek.

"Never" Heritage shook her head in reply. And turned back to her date, hoping he hadn't seen whatever they just did.

He had a different car from the one she had seen the first time. Was he trying to impress her?

Rich, petty. She thought.

He reached over to the passenger's side and opened the door for her. She smiled and got in.

"Thank you"

Her smile was returned.

He turned over the car to the driver's seat.

She turned to look at this man. He seemed different, neat and by sweet mother goose, fucking handsome.

He wasn't way older or younger. Young and polite. Her eyes traveled to his temple. The hair was neatly brushed, down to his beard. She had images dancing in her head of her playing them. And for some reason, she smiled.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"Uh" She realized she had been absent mindedly staring at his face. And smiling! What was funny? "No. Of course not" She felt her cheeks go warm.

He sent her another dimple, this time in a laugh, revealing his perfectly arranged dentition.

He turned to face her and nudged at her seatbelt. Apparently, the message wasn't clear to her.


Another smile, "don't worry, I'll do it."

He unbuckled his and reached over to hers, buckling it without twitching a muscle.

No. That did not just happen.

She could scream. Did he just …

No, she told herself. This isn't a kiss, why was she being overdramatic.

She threw a glance at him, he already pulled out to the road. He did look nice, smell nice and act polite. In the past few minutes, she had been less than 2 inches close to him.

This heavenly bodied man.

Unconsciously, she threw another glance at his knucles, how they were tight on the steering, imagine them on her throat while she moaned. She smiled at her stupidity. Then her eyes darted to his left fingers. Nope, there was no ring.

She smiled. Then smacked herself intern

ally. Why did that matter?

Now she couldn't take her eyes off him. How was everything perfect? Not even one flaw.

One thing she knew, she had to cut off every relationship with him, unless she wanted to fall for another Zach.