
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 8


~Kam's pov~


L open my eyes immediately as l try to steady my breath,sweat still dripping from my forward and blurring my vision.l had this dream countless of times but it never disappoints to scare the fuck out of me everytime.l hurriedly take my meds which were beside me.l don't know how many pills l swallowed but it worked.l could feel fresh air finally coming to my lungs.l pull back my messy hair as l stare at my phone blankly.



Notification:Shippers..Only and for limited price..

L was sure l wouldn't go back to sleep after that even though it was a weekend.l stood up and geared up for my morning run atleast it would be a refresher for my mind.Not many people were out obviously because they were still cozying in their beds.

The morning mist was looming as the cold

dominated the surface.The cold really made you tickle all over and the silence made peace reside in you.

There is a story still going on even after l was brought into this world.lt may have contained true or false information but it still spreads till this day.lt's considered a bedtime story for many children including me of course.lt may be dark and cold for many kids around the globe but it is a mandatory story that is told once or multiple times depending on the child's vibe with it.


Their were spiritual beings before the red coming.They lived in secret and harmony with the human beings.Some were notorious and some were not, it all depended on the deeds and emotions of the humans.

Their were also superior beings which existed and also gave the humans the freedom they had,and the humans evolved the way they wanted without a care in the world.

The humans were knowledgeable in many things and their intelligence factored their growth making them strive to the top of the food chain.Which made them unstoppable. So greed,corruption, violence and slavery perhaps took over.The superiority complex strived between them.

The gods looked upon this and surprisingly they didn't hesitate to bet on these creatures they created.So it started.

☆kill or be killed☆

A war between every creature these gods created including also the humans obviously.The humans didn't see this coming,they were taken a back at how many fell.lt was like half of civilization went down. Technology and Intelligence alone couldn't help them win and due to some gods favouring the otherside, the creatures developed greatly in evolution.More like monstrous.They doubled in both strength and appearance.

Finally the consequences and guilt weighed on them,even the dulets struggled with the fight.Slowly they were climbing down the food chain as more unimaginable things occurred.They never imagined themselves to be there,not in a million years to be the hunted.

¿ Would we die like this?

¿Would this be the end?

¿Would no one help us?

¿Why is this happening?

¿ When did it start?





The gods happily watched in amusement on how the prideful beings have fallen.

Screaming,crying, it was like the music rhythm in the streets.A cute melody to some.The people were in terror running away and hiding but nowhere to hid because no matter what they would be found.

A masterpiece painting is created through the process blood splashed all over,body parts from both humans and the creatures.Cars abandoned with their glasses broken,buildings have this lonely vibe going on or not much to it.Silence is key but also there are the screams of terror that run within.The blood moon emitting it beautiful colour on the cloudless sky.A shadow cast down on these lightless buildings.A beauty truly making each and every soul enchanted to their core by it,it draws them near actually.The theme apocalypse.

Luckily some of the beings took pity on them.They saw that humanity had already undergone it's 'punishment' long enough,so the era of the awakening of magic started.Which helped them survive and come out of the ashes.


Atleast that's what they say.

Now capitalism,magic and the unknown runs deep in this new founded society.lt's been set between historic and modern times

of the war between the humans and the creatures.

The new world also advanced in both technology and circle of life.They built in new methods to counter attack when another red comes.

They continued strengthening their area of defense by making the awakened to gain the ability to think clearly in chaotic combat operations which is critical to their survival and mission accomplishment.The need to be realistic was the key point in their challenging training.The training mainly consisted in recreating combat stress to achieve robust cognitive ability.Which would help them in disaster responses and humanitarian aid which will also benefit military engineering, law enforcements, arms control and so forth and so on.

They also built educational institutions and

training grounds in every established cities around the globe designed to provide adequate learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of these creatures and how to defend themselves from them.The students are under the strict direction of teachers or mentors.But due to internal and external attacks from humans and non human creatures we are expected to be prepared to face unknown and known when it comes,so we can make our society proud with our achievements ,victories and

make a stress-free world of security and calmness,everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom expect for the foe.

L stop for a moment to catch my breath as the feeling of calmness settles in my chest.l look up to admire nature's masterpiece.The golden petals stretching ever outwards into the rich blue. It's like a beautiful flower that blossoms everyday in the horizon indicating a new beginning for all.

Sorry dear readers for the late update but l was too caught up in procrastinating.♡Hope you enjoy it and have a fun ride♡

cutie_dragonflycreators' thoughts