
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 2


Finally l reach my happy place.lt had been a tiring and boring day today,but l survived again somehow.

'l guess today am not going there.'

l opened my door and do the usual throw my bag in whichever spot and same goes to my jacket and sweater.

l throw myself in my fluffy soft bed as l get comfortable and let the vanilla scent settle on me as l hug my darling teddy bear.l toss around a couple of times.

A notification pops up in my phone which makes me reach out for it.

**♡Anniversary Day Attendance♡**

l throw away it away without a care where it will end up as l hug tightly my darling teddy bear.

"Teddy let's skip out tomorrow,it won't make a difference anymore whether am there or not.."silence grips me with its hard steel.

l feel the burning tears wanting to escape but l turn and look up at the ceiling to hold up my tears like l always do when l cried,l didn't want to show my weakness even though l was all alone in my room when darkness slowly crept in completely.

l loved the silence but did the silence love me?

This sort of random questions just pops up in my head sometimes but l try to ignore them.With me and my teddy it was already enough, l didn't need anyone else,they were to problematic to deal with.Humans emotions were the weirdest ones of them all which made me want....

l knocked my head in the nearest wall to get my shit back together.l think l hit it hard as blood was now ozzing from injured spot and making my eyesight blurry as l stared in that same position for a while as the moon shined beautiful that night and the silence still making a mockery of me.l actually laughed at the whole pathetic situation.

l touched the injured part again and looked at my small hand which was now covered in my own blood.

"What a lovely colour it is."