
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 1


Youth is such a beautiful thing isn't?

Weekends are the days l long for in this apocalyptic world.

Even though humanity was at the brick of destruction somehow they found a way to climb up the ranks and live again.

Surprisingly it takes more than the apocalypse to destroy them, l guess.

Well apart from surviving the apocalypse luckily they were 'blessed' but to some its called cursed.

Capitalism,Magic and the unknown runs deep in this new founded society.lt's been set between historic and modern times which l still fucking don't understand really,main reason maybe because l was born after the bloody times but still,here l am sitting through this boring lecture of things l wouldn't actually apply in the real world.

Even though the world advanced in both technology and circle of life it still sucks being a student who limited with ridiculous laws and bound with untold expectations,which l fucking personally don't care about them.

But due to internal and external attacks from humans and non human creatures we are expected to be prepared to face unknown and known when it comes,due to us being 'young generation' that is rising up,so we can make our society proud with our achievements ,victories and so forth and so on.

My rage runs deep with the lecturer extending lesson when the bell rang hours ago,l know am exaggerating here,actually it was minutes ago but still,extending is a crime and l just wanna fucking go home and enjoy my weekend without seeing my colleagues because they are kind of annoying to be around.Personally l don't need a reason to dislike them l just do.

You can call me the antisocial kid whose always back of class wearing a hoodie,silence is her best friend and loneliness is her companion and the dark aura'keep away'is her,herself ,its not by the circle of life or anything but l chose to be this way.

l personally don't wish to be the main character or villain which is quite tempting to say the least but the side character who no one seems notice or pay attention to but only the name is what they hear mainly due to the class attendance call and physical assessment test which are a pain in every way possible.

My abilities in both physical and magic is in the average zone same applies to academic zone and anything in school or categorised in that category.Missions that are assigned to us in our early days somehow l escaped and survived,mostly carried in some or all because l was always grouped up with the egoistic,self centred kind so there was no time for me to 'shine' or 'glamour' my way through popularity sort of.

My mindset is also average but when we are out of the walls l abandon the average and become the crazy kid that l am,it immediately starts when l cross over that gate at the end of the school day whether it be a weekend or a holiday its free time for me l don't give a care to say the least.Am the first one out that door but here am still sitting and waiting for this bold man to finish up a boring lesson.

L stared out the window looking the new founded world beyond our school gates.Still uninterested but impressed.