

Story of a young vampire who is tough and strong-willed. Nikol must fight against the rest of the world she was born into to be in the world she was created for. Her maker, her lover, her mate, he knew she would be strong. She has defied all odds so far, but even he can't predict what is to come for her future. Will she find her place in her new world or will the chaos be too much for her? Jump into the blood-filled rabbit hole and find out. *Disclaimer: These are not human-friendly vampires. There is a lot of death, murder, and bloody good fun. If you want a human and vampire friends story, this is not for you. If you want carnage, a lead who isn't afraid of blood on her hands, and a familial bond that can stand against the test of time, this is your story. Enjoy the chaos as you learn about their world.

KLucus · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Sisterly Comfort

"Coming." Nadaline replied. She quickly grabbed her bag with other outfits and tossed her computer and charger into it. She walked into the living room, seeing her father at the door making small talk with Angel.

"Why are you so dressed up?" He used that term for 'wearing so little clothing'. He used to object to her outfits, but after she turned eighteen he didn't push as much. 

"We are going to the mall. Look, I'll be home Monday night. I have clothes, my computer, and I will see you then." She finished her statements and turned to leave after giving her father a kiss on the cheek. She would miss him when it was time to leave this life. She'd miss all of her family, even Sarah.

She turned and walked out of the door. Angel and her walked back to the car. Her best friend's sleek black hair swirling around her dainty shoulders as she did. Her rose beige skin practically glowing in the street lights. Angel was born in Korea, and after being turned her skin held some color to its pigment, unlike Nikol. She'd been ridiculously pale as a human, so she was only paler now that her blood was cold. "Thanks for getting me." she said to Angel who was driving down the road.

"No problem, what else do sisters do for each other." she said with her usual sing-song voice. It often made Nikol smile, Angel had to be the sweetest sounding person she had ever heard. She was someone who could definitely pass as human, she just sounded too nice to be anything else.

"Well human sisters fight all day, we on the other hand know what the other is thinking, so we know when we are pissing each other off." The two girls began to laugh. They were going about one‐twenty and had the radio blasting as loud as it got. 

They pulled up into her driveway after about twenty minutes. The song they were listening to had just gone off as they got out. The house was one of those big, old, Victorian houses. The ones Nikol had always wanted when she envisioned growing up. She still planned to get one when she finally left her house to start her life without all the secrets. 

Her family would think she was off in college and she would be in an old castle-like home, hunting at night, somewhere up north. It would be just her, Nicholas, Angel, and Andrew and maybe Angel's parents or brothers on occasion. The two couples living together in one big old house. They had Nicholas' home as the clan home for now, but she wanted a Victorian style home.

"Hi, Nikol. Nice to see you again." said Victor, Angela's dad. He was a little taller than Nikol, with short cut black hair and deep green eyes. Angel had turned her parents just five years after her first rising, which was young for a maker. She released them from her maker control once they got their new abilities under control and could hunt successfully. Now they were one big, immortal family.

"Nice to see you too, and you as well Veronica." Her long black hair was nearly identical to Angel's but her eyes were the same green as Victor rather than the misty blue Angel and Nikol had. She was a little shorter than him, but still taller than Nikol.

Angel's mom came and gave her a hug. "Lovely to see you again dear." 

"Okay, nice to see everyone, but we got places to be, let's go!" Angel was already making her way up the stairs pulling Nikol along for the ride. Nikol let go of Veronica with a smile as she followed Angel up to her room.

Once they got upstairs they went straight to Angel's room. It was the farthest down the hallway and the one you saw as you got upstairs. Her mom and dad's room was the first one in the hallway. Her closest-to-age brother had the room closest to Angel. Her other brother had the one closest to their parents. The bathroom, computer room, and extra bedroom were on the other side of the hallway. 

Her brothers were rarely ever home. The oldest in physical age, Will, taught at a college. He had been barely a month old when Angel turned, but he chose to stay human when offered his choice. He would still visit for holidays, but the rest of the year he lived away in his own life. He was forty-five now and seemed to still be happy with his choice in staying human. Nikol never understood that decision, but she respected it nonetheless.

Her younger brother, Everett, was born about a year after Angel was turned. He kept to himself, eating off of animals and going to school with humans. He had been turned when he was eighteen seemingly excited at the opportunity to learn forever. He spent most of his time living his teenage years into standard early adulthood. He had numerous diplomas under various names from his time in colleges across the world. 

Nikol's clan, including Angel, couldn't understand his feeding off of animals. It was the most disgusting thing they had ever tried when he convinced them to do it just once. None of them could imagine going to high school or even college year after year either. He was content with his way of living though. 

He had also been much more successful blending his human life with his new one than Nikol had been. He'd been doing it longer, but sometimes it felt like that wasn't what mattered. When Nikol got to talk to Everett it felt like talking to a human. 

He still cared about things the same way, still had similar goals. He just wanted an infinite amount of time to learn and gain his goals. She didn't feel like that. She wasn't sure she had any goals at this point. Just seemed like an endless day of repeating existence. Trying to find a balance she wasn't sure could exist.

"I like this outfit, but we wouldn't match. So I was thinking I'd wear this one instead." Angel commented pointing to two outfits that were lying on her untouched bed. Her comment brought Nikol back out of her mind and to the present.

"This one; we'll match in outfits, just inverted colors." Nikol pointed to the outfit much like hers but it was red with black lining instead. Angel got dressed quickly while Nikol looked out the window. She helped Angel pick her makeup by showing her exactly what she used. Angel chose a lighter eyeshadow color but stuck to the grey over black eyeliner.

They always went to bashes in matching outfits and with matching makeup. It helped them draw attention to get easy claims to the humans. Angel was Nicholas' first turn and even when Nadaline knew her before becoming Nikol they had been like sisters. When the girls had first met it was an instant friendship. Apparently, Angel told Nicholas from the start Nikol would be around for a while so she wasted no time in building their sistership. 

"Are you hoping for a calm night or a wild one?" 

"Wild, I could use a good anger relief right now. Although I'm not too sure what I'm angry at." The two girls began laughing; the night was always a wild time at the bash. 

How Angel hoped things never changed, she knew better than that of course, as did Nikol. Nikol knew that things always changed, people always changed them, and it always left someone with two choices; get left behind or be the one changing them. She and her clan tried hard to change them so they didn't join the group left behind. 

Their clan was the largest in the area if you counted their partnering clans. Angel's parents weren't an official part of their clan, which was why their eyes differed, but they were partners. Their clans worked together, not opposing one another. There were a few others in the area that Nicholas had built such relationships with. 

If he pulled all his partner clans together they were probably contenders for first or second largest in the world. He'd built a lot of partnerships over his years and as he'd often told Nikol, it was better to have partners than enemies. 

There were the legitimate leaders of the areas and then there were the clans who controlled the area based on their strength. The leader of Nikol's area was very quiet in rules and regulations. Their clan was the strongest in her area (and most others) even without their partners, so they were the real rule enforcers. They also made most of the rules, the few there were, that weren't old and set in stone before their time. 

That was the clan she was brought into, and she was often very thankful to Nicholas for that fact. She could have ended up in a clan who had no real strength, members scattered because of difficulty co-existing as many did, or worse so many low-skill and low-strength members even if they did try and fight together they were easily defeated by a skilled opponent. 

Overall, her clan was the only one she'd learned about that she'd ever had considered joining if she'd made her own choice. Staying human, that had never been a choice since the day she'd learned the truth. This is who she was, and who she was always meant to be, she was sure of it.

Nikol and Angel left, their car ride to the clan home only took a few minutes. Nicholas and Andrew were already inside with the television turned on, waiting for them. The girls were discussing scheduling a shopping day soon. Angel wanted some new clothes for the season change. 

The girls pulled up and parked on the road in front of the house. "Nikol, I know you haven't made any choices just yet. Just know your possible turnlings will be here soon. You will make a choice you can't change. I say at least have some fun with it." Nikol smiled at her and shook her head. How could she push for such seriousness in her visions and then play them off in the same breath? 

"Any hints on which way I should go?" What are the two paths? Just how bad of a problem was the 'large problem'?

"You know the rules. I can't influence your choice unless it impacts a life that has a set line. Yours was set with Nicholas, this next part is a fork in the road. You have to go the way you choose. I can say either way we will be there with you." She put a hand on Nikol and pulled her into a hug. Nikol hugged her back wondering why she had mentioned this now. 

Would it be at the bash? Would she meet the person or persons she could change? She was still a young turnling herself, although that didn't affect any of her other skills and abilities. They had all matured faster than most. She wasn't even released from Nicholas officially. Would that impact anything? Only time would tell. 

They climbed the stairs up to the hill to reach a house with light coming from every angle of it. They walked in and saw two guys sitting on the couch talking about them. They snuck in and then jumped over the couch and onto the laps of their mates. 

"How's it going girls?" asked Nicholas. He smiled showing off his glistening white teeth with two fangs easily visible if you knew where to look. Even when they weren't elongated for feeding they were there.

"Pretty good. So what exactly were you guys talking about?" Nikol asked them with a smile and raised eyebrows.

"Like you don't already know." replied Andrew with a smile. Nikol smiled and leaned down to kiss Nicholas on the lips. Angel and Andrew began to laugh, because of course the girls already knew. 

"So, you two really think that me and Angel will gang up on an unknowing man marked by someone else and feed together?" Nikol smiled at Angel while she shared their thoughts in a very inquisitive tone. Angel looked at Andrew and slapped his arm. They all laughed as Andrew and Nicholas nodded their heads with smiles spread on their faces.

"We will not!" Angel crossed her arms and turned her eyes to Nikol. After a moment she shrugged her shoulders, "Most likely." she finished. This time she and Nikol shared a laugh.

"Tell your history, not us." Andrew added with a simple pat on Angel's leg.

"In our defense they violated a rule first. They weren't invited!" Angel said with a single nod from Nikol. The men simply replied with a shared mhm.

"Okay, fair enough, you don't break rules first. I'll agree to that." Andrew gave Angel a small smile and she nodded in approval.

"Of course not, we don't start things." 

"Just finish them." Nikol finished Angel's sentence and the two shared a laugh. "Well, you know what? I am actually a little thirsty now." Nikol said looking and smiling a seductive smile at Nicholas.

"I can fix that." he replied. Nikol bent down and began kissing his neck. He twisted his hand in her hair to hold her face to his neck. She slowly opened her mouth and let her fangs drive deep into his neck. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as she slowly fed off of his blood. She pulled her head up; he untwisted his hand as she did. 

She licked his blood from her mouth and wiped the blood off of his neck as the marks disappeared. Feeding on another of their kind was a temporary boost, but the energy gained from it was not long-lasting as their blood had the same energy draining problem as the one feeding on them. It was more potent, stronger in a sense. It just burned out faster than a human's. 

Angel and Andrew both dropped their mouths, "Ooooohhhhhh, Nikol it's not fair to seduce your mate." They had spoken in perfect unison, as they tended to do. 

Nicholas and Nikol laughed as she slid off his lap and onto the couch, next to him. Angel did the same thing with Andrew. The two girls were in the middle of the couch and the two guys were on the outer sides. They grabbed the remote and turned on the movie 'The Lost Boys'. Andrew got up to turn off the lights. They all sat down and watched the inaccurate movie, just enjoying some quiet time before the chaos of the night came along.

It was about seven-thirty when the doorbell began to ring. A group of guys and girls walked in when Nikol opened the door. Nikol altered her aura, the familiar cool feeling came with the shift. She drew attention to her eyes, lips, and hips as she stood to the side and allowed everyone entry to the home. 

A few of the guys looked at her with wide eyes, "Welcome to the party. Come on in; the party will be starting in about half an hour. Till then feel free to watch a movie with us." As she spoke with a seductive tone in her voice the people started walking in. 

The last guy came in and looked Nikol in the eyes. He had his very messy black hair falling in his eyes, he was taller than Nikol but clearly shorter than Nicholas. His build was muscular and he had clearly cared for himself in his life. Nikol locked his glance making a mental note to consider marking him later then turned and left to go sit by Angel. 

She and Angel would play the single game, seducing guys to feed off of. The first group of party-goers began to pile into various seats or on the floor to watch the movie. One of them was a returning human, they would have been the one who invited the newcomers.