
Bloody Love(The Blue Ninja)

"You aren't as gentle as you look." she said breaking his line of thought. "Ma, seeing your families cut to pieces by some heartless ninjas would make you be as deadly as them." replied the little boy with boldness. As the only survivor after the attack from the ninjas, he ran away, searching for a place where his idea of revenge was accepted. Finding himself in a dilemma, he was saved by a girl his age, though they parted ways, but fate has its way of playing around. They end up meeting again, but as enemies.

Cathycode · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

The Love Birds

Sussy was the first to get to their table, waiting for the others. Then came Stanley who made sure to take the seat right next to hers', while Andrew sat across them.

Everyone present in the Dinning hall got up and bowed their heads in respect as Master Bong Ju came in. He sat on his chair and every one else did the same.


The trio immediately focused their attention on him, wanting to hear every single thing he was to say.


"Yes master."

"Go join another table."

She got up, bowed her head and proceeded to leave.

Bong Ju took a good look at Stanley who kept stealing glances at Sussy.


Fear gripped Stanley when he heard his name. He was dazed for a while before he bowed his head.

"Have you heard of the two love birds?" asked Bong Ju as he picked up the herbal tea that was just poured into a tea cup.

"No master."

Stanley was a bit shocked, first of all, they all were permitted to have relationships, and also their master never involved himself in anyone's relationship. So why was he bringing up such a topic. And just which love bird was he referring to.

" I believe you've heard of the Silent Killers who tried to escape."

"Yes master" Stanley was quick to respond.

"They are lovers, right?"

"Yes master."

Bong Ju stands up, and everyone else stood up and bowed their heads. But he wasn't leaving immediately as he was yet to finish.

"You would be the one to punish the boy, remember not to kill him, but take him close to death's bay."

"Yes master."

The very moment he stepped out, Sussy returned to their table, and they all ate in silence.


Michael was back on time to meet dinner. After dinner, Michael was planning to sleep, but was unable to, cause Sussy wanted to speak with him.

" Michael" she said with a beautiful smile on her face. "I got news for you Michael, don't mind if we out for some fresh air."

Sitting on a bench right under a tree, her smile kept spreading and she was completely out of the world, that Michael had to snap her back to her senses.

"You sure you okay?"

"Couldn't be any better."

"So what's the news?"

"You've heard of those Silent Killers who tried running away, right?" said Sussy, now with a serious expression.

"Everyone knows."

"Yes, I mean, I get to be the one who's to flog the girl, can't you see, finally Tanaga would be mine." she said with a very wide smile on her face.

"What makes you think the one who is to flog Tanaga is not thinking the same as you. Being that the lady he likes would not even spare him a glance cause she has all her attention on Tanaga. Have you not thought of that?"

This left Sussy in a sad mood as she never bothered to think of that, it never even did cross her mind.

" I really hope that's not the case, cause if that is to be real, he may end up leaving a scar on the love of my life. "

Michael gave her a gentle pat on her right shoulder.

"Let's just hope so. Go to sleep."

They said their good bye and both retired to bed.