
Bloody Love(The Blue Ninja)

"You aren't as gentle as you look." she said breaking his line of thought. "Ma, seeing your families cut to pieces by some heartless ninjas would make you be as deadly as them." replied the little boy with boldness. As the only survivor after the attack from the ninjas, he ran away, searching for a place where his idea of revenge was accepted. Finding himself in a dilemma, he was saved by a girl his age, though they parted ways, but fate has its way of playing around. They end up meeting again, but as enemies.

Cathycode · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Sorry For Your Loss

"Mum, dad, no don't leave me." said little Michael , crying near his parent's corpses.

He had saw all what happened, the little boy had been playing hide and seek with his two sister and while hiding, some ninjas came into their house from nowhere. At least he could identify them as ninjas since he watched films and saw what ninjas looked like.

They had tore his whole families to pieces, he had saw that, he could see clearly from where he his himself. His sister's heads were cut off from their bodies, his father's eyes were plucked out and his heart was laying in a pool of blood in between the man's legs. His mother was cut into two at her waist, going outside, he saw the dead bodies of the two security men and that of the house help, and the tears just couldn't stop flowing.

Going out of the gate for help, he saw the police van coming towards him, the moment a police officer got down, he ran towards him and dragged the police officer into the house to show them what the ninjas had done.

"Did you just say ninjas!"

"Yes, ninjas, they killed my family." replied Michael in tears.

The remaining police officers went round the scene. A female officer ran back to the rest with fear written all over her face.

"Boy, did you perchance see these people?"

There was fear all over her face

"Yes, they were ninjas." he said still crying.

"What's happening?" asked another officer

"They really were ninjas." she replied with fear as she showed them a shuriken blade she saw on the wall with blood all over it.

Immediately after seeing it, that all ran out of the building taking Michael with them. This frightened the little boy some more. If the cops were scared of ninjas how much more he who was just a little boy.

Closing and opening his eyes, he met himself at an orphanage home.

At Creston Orphanage Home Michael met himself. He could not believe he would one day be an orphan at such a young age.

"What is your name?" asked a young woman who was putting on a black hat, black dress, and black shoes.

"Ma, did a family of yours die?" asked Michael who knew fully well it was those who were mourning their loved ones that would put on black from their heads to toes.

"Yes, yes," she replied as she wiped her tears with a white handkerchief "I lost my father, he was such a good father."

"I'm sorry for your loss ma." he said, and tears began to well in his eyes.

"By the way, what's your name?" she asked with smiles.

"Michael, my name is Michael" he replied with an half smile.

"And your age?"

"I'm six years old."

Saying this, tears began to flow freely on his face.

"I'm sorry you lost your family." she said patting him on his shoulder.

He nodded his head in understanding. She then took him over to his new room which he was to share alongside three boys.

"By the way, my name is Mrs James and I am your mentor." she said to the boys who all nodded in agreement.

Watching her leave the room, the remaining three boys approached Michael with smiles on their faces.

"Hey boy, what's your name?" asked the shortest among them.

Michael kept staring at them without saying a word. He moved to his bed, placed his bag under the bed then laid on the bed.

This made the boys annoyed.

"I asked for your name you idiot." said the shortest with anger.

Michael watched them move closer to him, but that didn't frighten him, he was ready to punch them all. Punching their stomachs he thought, would make them go through much more pain.

The moment the tallest got to his side, he gave him a punch, a hard one on the stomach. The boy gripped his stomach and screamed out in pain. Their mentor and some others rushed in and took the boy in pain to the sick bay. Michael was locked in a dark and empty room as punishment, he was to spend three days and nights there.