
Bloody Love(The Blue Ninja)

"You aren't as gentle as you look." she said breaking his line of thought. "Ma, seeing your families cut to pieces by some heartless ninjas would make you be as deadly as them." replied the little boy with boldness. As the only survivor after the attack from the ninjas, he ran away, searching for a place where his idea of revenge was accepted. Finding himself in a dilemma, he was saved by a girl his age, though they parted ways, but fate has its way of playing around. They end up meeting again, but as enemies.

Cathycode · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Seed Planted

The Blue Ninjas Base

Michael was seated on a tree branch, watching the students retire back to the camp, while the seniors went back to the streets.


He was gonna sit here and dream of things which ought to have happened were his family still alive, would probably be getting up from bed by now to get prepared to getting himself to college.

"Hey Michael, it's time to leave."

He looked down and saw Sussy gesturing with her hands, while Andrew and Stanley were having a hot argument over whose students were the best. He jumped down to join them, thereby causing an unusual silence.

"Any special place we going tonight?" Michael asked in an attempt to break the silence.

"We should just go to our various homes." said Sussy.

They all left the base and as they went to their homes, you could hardly see a smile on their faces.

Departing from them at the market square, Michael took a short way home.

Passing through a corner, he saw a young girl who was being rough handled by some thugs, he at first decided to look away, but he had to pass through them to get to his house, seems like he's just gonna squeeze himself through.

"Please, you don't mind excusing me, and when I'm done passing through, you could go on with whatever you were planning to do."

They all turned to look at him and all laughed like maniacs , except for the girl who kept pleading for help, even though her voice was muffled.

" Please help me sir, please, they're gonna rape me, please. "

" Is it a man who pleads for a path to pass, you ask help from." said one of the thugs and they all laughed.

Michael suddenly remembered how weak he was and had been unable to protect his family, but now here was a girl who was about to get assaulted.

" Let go of her. "

They all looked at him and laughed again.

" Hey, who do you think you are, Superman?"

Michael was not willing to fight, but this was a place where justice was denied, no one would mind if they went through the backyard of life.

"Just let go of her if you guys still want your heads on your shoulders."

They all looked at him as if it were a mad one speaking to them. Suddenly, the most heavily built one among them approached him.

"Hey man," he started with a serious face and tone "if you want a taste of her perfect body, just say it, we don't mind sharing."

Michael watched as the man's serious face turned to a laughing face. Seeing the girl pinned to the wall infuriated him.

He moved closer to the muscular man and tapped his shoulder

The moment the man faced him, he remembered that he was a ninja, and if he would fight like one, then the girl would also have to die. He pulled out a sharp short blade.

Seeing him bring out a weapon, they realized he really was trying to play hero, so they brought theirs out. It didn't take Michael long to beat them up.

Seeing they were no match for him, they ran away, leaving those who were completely wasted.

Michael approached the girl, while she whimpered in pain. He saw some wounds on her hands and legs, so he decided to have those treated before sending her off.