
Bloody Love(The Blue Ninja)

"You aren't as gentle as you look." she said breaking his line of thought. "Ma, seeing your families cut to pieces by some heartless ninjas would make you be as deadly as them." replied the little boy with boldness. As the only survivor after the attack from the ninjas, he ran away, searching for a place where his idea of revenge was accepted. Finding himself in a dilemma, he was saved by a girl his age, though they parted ways, but fate has its way of playing around. They end up meeting again, but as enemies.

Cathycode · Fantasi
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38 Chs

On A Mission


In the Secret Room of the Red Ninjas, the Blood Suckers sat round a table, Master Lee - owner of the Red Ninjas, Master Black - owner of the Black ninjas, Master Whitman - owner of the White Ninjas and Master Stone - owner of the Green Ninjas, along with a student of the Red Ninjas.

This was the girl they had decided to pick as the one to study the last survivor of the Anderson family.

"Starting from today, you are to respond to the name 'Susan'" said Master Lee to the girl.

"You would be leaving our base to study a boy named Michael, the last survivor of the Anderson. Just to have you know, you would be going there to monitor him, find out if he is seeking any form of revenge against those who killed his family. You only have a month to know his plans, his strength, his weakness and his friends. You are to deliver tangible information after a month. Also we might contact you if necessary. Any questions? "

" At the end of it all, I believe you all are after his death. "

" Yes, if it leads to that. "

" Why don't I just kill him and end it all there. "said Susan with indifference.

They all except Lee looked at her with a mocking smile. Wondering how she planned achieve something they all couldn't do, even though he was just a child back then.

" He is not someone you can fight, not to then mention 'kill'. Just do as you are told."

Lee was a bit pissed off after what Black said, but he knew he was right.


Back To Present


Susan felt tired and fed up of it all, she cupped her face in her palms and found herself thinking hard.

'If he truly is someone i can't even fight, if he really is as dangerous as they all make him look like, then shouldn't I be dead by now, or at least he should have noticed I came here with bad intentions.

Then how about me, I keep getting closer to them, of course yes, I have to get close in order to get information, but then, they are willing to be my friends, I've lost the only friend I had, I'm not willing to make friends and lose them again.

I really need to get my head straight, I was sent on a mission to get information, not sent to make friends. '

She stood up, finally deciding to go out for a walk, but stepping out of her room, she found no living soul in the building.


An Hour Later


"You sure she would still be in bed by now?" asked Sussy the moment the came into the house.

Lucian dropped the keys on the table and went into Susan's room to confirm she was still sleeping, cause he didn't want to argue with Sussy.

"Will she really be asleep?" Sussy asked Andrew

"She should, after all, she got herself pretty wasted last night."

Opening the door, they realized she was not on bed. They heard a door open, looking in that direction, they saw Susan.

Susan who had just stepped out of the bathroom, had only a towel to cover her nakedness, as she was not expecting others to be in her room.

Sussy was about to chase them all out to reduce the embarrassment, but she herself stood still when she saw how red Michael's face had turned, she tapped the other two and they left silently, leaving Michael behind.

"I need to dress."

Michael came back to his senses, looked around and realised he was the only one who was still there. He scratched the back of his neck, not knowing what to say.

"I'll be leaving then."

"Go on."

He stops right at the door.

"Come join us for breakfast once you are done."

She nods her head in response.

"I would be closing the door then." he smiles nervously.