
Too good to refuse, too bad you didn't

"You forgot to bring any proof of what you did with you," Natalye pointed out with a bright smile on her face.

'And there we have it,' Leon squinted his eyes a little. 'As soon as you find something, you jump on it like a bitch in heat,' he thought.

Yet, no matter how much he wished to deny the girl's words... she was actually on point.

"I wonder whose fault it is that I wanted to leave that place as soon as possible," Leon muttered, no longer bothering to hide the ugly from his expression.

'It was you who made me too preoccupied thinking how to ditch you to think about gathering necessary evidence,' he thought.

"Who could that be, I wonder?" Natalye's smile turned even brighter.

"So now, if I refuse to do what you want, you will hold me here while sending some of those refugees from the camp to go and burn everything down," Leon said, revealing the plan that he would go with if he were to switch places with the girl.