

Edward whose ancestral origin is from a long-lost bloodline of werewolves is bitten by a rogue vampire. He deifies the odds and becomes the first hybrid (half vampire, half werewolf). He is forced to take sides between the two sworn rivals. His love life is complicated too. Torn between choosing his childhood friend and a charming vampire general's daughter. The witches in town emerge from the shadows to hunt the hybrid in town whom they believe is capable of siring hybrids.

George_mwirigi · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Midnight Awakening

As Lorenzo and Edward walked past the eerie cemetery, a place of solemn rest for the departed, Lorenzo couldn't resist his morbid sense of humor. He cracked a joke about the dead that made Edward chuckle, momentarily easing the tension that always seemed to linger between them.

"You know," Lorenzo began, a mischievous glint in his eye, "we could always glamour these poor souls and offer them a little taste of the supernatural. Give them a break from their pain"

Edward raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Lorenzo's suggestion. He had always assumed Lorenzo was ruthless, but this idea hinted at a hint of compassion he hadn't expected. He felt a flicker of something akin to hope, but quickly suppressed it, sealing off his humanity once again.

Lorenzo noticed the brief change in Edward's demeanor and decided to show him a glimpse of his own perspective. "Watch and learn," he said cryptically.

Lorenzo began to glamour the first person. causing him to go completely still, i

he's eyes glazed over with a vacant expression. Edward hesitated but followed Lorenzo's lead. They moved through the cemetery, glamouring the rest of the mourners, making them docile.

Edward, however, was taken aback when Lorenzo suddenly sank his fangs into the neck of the first glamoured person. He watched in surprise as his sire began to feed.

"I thought we were just going to feed them our blood," Edward protested.

Lorenzo withdrew from the lifeless body, blood staining his lips, and grinned wickedly. "Oh, Edward, I have different plans for them."

Without warning, Lorenzo snapped the neck of the first person ending its temporary existence. Edward hesitated, but the sire bond, that unbreakable connection between vampire and progeny, compelled him to follow suit. They continued to dispatch the remaining glamoured bodies.

After their grim task was complete, Lorenzo turned to Edward. "Now, my young one, go to the nearby hospital and fetch some blood bags. We'll need them when our new companions awaken and experience their transformation."

Edward nodded, still grappling with the darkness of the act they had just committed. Lorenzo's true nature was revealed once again.

(in Grogan town)

He found himself on a peculiar mission, this time in the heart of Grogan town near the cemetery. Lorenzo had sent him to a hospital to procure blood bags for the newly turning vampires . The task was crucial, and Edward knew he had to blend in with the living as he entered the sterile world of medicine.

The hospital's lobby buzzed with activity. Edward, dressed in casual attire, entered, doing his best to appear inconspicuous. He approached the front desk, where a receptionist was engrossed in paperwork.

"Excuse me," Edward began, a note of uncertainty in his voice, "I'm here to pick up a...uh...special delivery?"

The receptionist, a kind-looking woman with a sympathetic smile, nodded understandingly. "Of course, dear. You must be from the blood bank. I'll call someone to assist you."

Edward leaned against the counter, feigning patience. Moments later, a nurse named Janet arrived, pushing a cart laden with blood bags, like a macabre mobile refreshment stand.

Hi there," Janet greeted Edward cheerfully. "I assume you're here for the blood delivery? We appreciate your regular donations."

Edward gave her a tight smile, realizing he had been mistaken for a regular donor. "Yes, that's me. I'm always happy to help."

Janet began to load the bags into a cooler, oblivious to Edward's true intentions. "We rely on people like you to keep our supply steady. Some of our patients depend on it."

Edward thought If only she knew that some of those blood bags were destined for a different kind of patient.

As Janet finished packing the cooler, Edward offered a polite thank you before making his exit. He had what he came for, and now he needed to return to the cemetery.

However, just as he turned to leave, he was stopped by a booming voice that echoed through the hospital corridor. "Edward, my boy, what brings you to this temple of healing?"

Startled, Edward turned to find Lorenzo strolling down the hall in his usual charismatic manner.

"Lorenzo," Edward hissed in a hushed tone, "you're supposed to be waiting at the cemetery"

Lorenzo chuckled, flashing a dazzling smile at a passing nurse. "I got bored waiting, my dear fledgling. Besides, I thought I'd provide a little moral support."

Edward rolled his eyes, feeling the weight of his sire's presence. "Let's just get these blood bags to the others. We don't want them getting too thirsty."

They returned to the cemetery, a place of profound silence interrupted only by the whispering winds and the shuffling of leaves. They stood among the gravestones, a cooler filled with blood bags at their feet. It was the appointed hour, and they waited in silence as the moon hung low in the sky.

Edward, curious about his sire's past, finally broke the silence. "Lorenzo, how did you become a vampire?"

Lorenzo turned his piercing gaze to Edward and grinned. "Ah, my young one, you're asking about my origin story. Well, let's see... I was born in the 18th century, during a time when powdered wigs were all the rage, and revolutions were brewing in the New World."

Edward raised an eyebrow. "The 18th century? That makes you..."

"Over three centuries old, my dear boy," Lorenzo interrupted with a wink. "I've seen empires rise and fall, witnessed the birth of new nations, and danced through countless eras."

Edward was genuinely intrigued. "Tell me, what historical moments have you witnessed?"

Lorenzo's eyes sparkled with memories. "I was there when Mozart composed his masterpieces, and I watched as the first locomotive chugged its way into the Industrial Age. I've seen wars and peace treaties, revolutions and revelations. History, Edward, is a tapestry of human folly and triumph, and I've had a front-row seat."

Edward couldn't help but be awed by his sire's experiences, but his curiosity turned to the matter at hand. "Lorenzo, what do you plan to do with the vampire we're waiting for?"

Lorenzo grinned mysteriously. "Ah, my dear Edward, that's a secret I'm not inclined to share.On the other hand You're the one keeping secrets from me. Like how you can walk in the sun?"

Edward felt a twinge of frustration.

Lorenzo's laughter filled the night air. "Oh, you thought I didn't know? My dear boy, I've known you since the day I sired you, don't forget my blood runs in your veins. Secrets have a way of unraveling."

As they continued to banter, the ground beneath them began to tremble. With a sudden burst of energy, a group of newly turned vampires erupted from their graves, disoriented and thirsting for blood.

Lorenzo wasted no time. He grabbed several blood bags from the cooler and tossed them toward the startled vampires. "Feed, my children! You are my army, and soon we have a mission!"

Confused and desperate, the vampires tore into the blood bags, drinking greedily as their sire, Lorenzo, stood before them, a gleam of triumph in his eyes.

Edward watched the scene unfold, a mixture of awe and trepidation in his heart. In the world of vampires, each chapter revealed new mysteries and secrets, and he was just beginning to scratch the surface of the complex tapestry that was his existence.