

Edward whose ancestral origin is from a long-lost bloodline of werewolves is bitten by a rogue vampire. He deifies the odds and becomes the first hybrid (half vampire, half werewolf). He is forced to take sides between the two sworn rivals. His love life is complicated too. Torn between choosing his childhood friend and a charming vampire general's daughter. The witches in town emerge from the shadows to hunt the hybrid in town whom they believe is capable of siring hybrids.

George_mwirigi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

fractured loyalties

Rollin, the son of the Alpha in the heart of the wolf territory, stood at the edge of their camp, his voice carrying over the crackling campfire. The camp was a rugged but well-organized site, surrounded by towering trees that shielded it from prying eyes. Tents made from thick animal hides dotted the clearing, and the soft glow of torches lit up the night.

Rollin's expression was one of frustration as he argued with his girlfriend, Lupa. His tall, imposing figure, with the distinctive mark of the Alpha's lineage etched on his forearm, cast a commanding presence. His eyes, like molten silver, betrayed a mix of concern and suspicion.

Lupa, her features mirroring her name with their lupine beauty, faced him with a determined look. She was a fierce and capable member of the pack, her loyalty to both Rollin and their clan unwavering.

Rollin's voice rang out, the heated words cutting through the cool night air.

"Lupa, you have to admit, it's fishy.A vampire, carries the mark of our wolf clan tattooed on his skin. It's unheard of! Vampires and werewolves have been sworn enemies for centuries."

Lupa's gaze met Rollin's, unyielding. Her auburn hair danced in the breeze, and her eyes, a striking shade of amber, glinted with determination.

"I know it's strange, but you've seen him, Rollin. He's no ordinary vampire. There's something different about him, something that defies our history."

Rollin's frustration deepened, and he ran a hand through his unruly hair. "Different or not, he's dangerous. We need to be cautious. Our pack has faced too many losses in the past."

sensing the anger in him, she created a distraction.

Come with me," lupa said, leading him to her tent across the campfire

Inside the tent she threw back the blanket and then the bedsheet. 

"Lovely sheets," Rollin mumbled, "…so flat. Do you make your bed every day?" 

"Just lay down." lupa replied

" I can't lay with this t.shirt on. It's too hot. It'll twist and bother me." While speaking, Rollin shimmied it over his head.Lupa helped when it snagged on his elbow. She removed hers to.

Rollin noticed a series of small, simple tattoos on the side of Lupa's torso. Each tattoo was a phase of the moon—from waxing to waning, centered by the full moon. 

Lupa recognized Rollin's attention shift from putting her to bed to her tattoo. 

"Like my tattoo?" Lupa giggled. 

"I didn't know you had any tattoos. This moon, it is so you." 

"I got it in my 18th birthday. It's been beside me ever since." 

Rollin drew his finger over the full moon on the intimate flesh aside Lupa's left breast. 

Lupa touched Rollin's hand. "Want to see my other tattoo?" 

"Another one?" 

Lupa pulled Rollin's hand down to her hip. She stretched opened her shorts and moved Rollin's hand inside, just below her bellybutton. The skin was warm and fleshy.

Suddenly, Rollin stopped as did Lupa. It was the moment when the night could give way to a flood.

The two had worked together for several years and kept in touch with each other. When they first met, there was a quick, immediate spark between them. Friendship first, but a hint of attraction for the other remained, though buried very deeply as other things had priority.

In this moment though, Rollin pushed a little further than ever before. He whispered into Lupa's ear gently. "I can't see your tattoo when these shorts are on." 

Lupa turned towards her friend. "Take them off. I won't stop you. I would never, ever stop you," Lupa answered delicately. 

Rollin slid her other hand into the shorts just below the waistband and took them down.He let her cheek glide down Lupa's back until he felt the roundness of Lupa's ass. 

The sudden cool air made Lupa shiver and pushed her to her tiptoes. Her nipples hardened in the chill. 

Rollin stood. His mouth was watering. 

"Where's the other tattoo?" he asked. 

Lupa turned toward him, leaning against the bed. "Touch me, and I'll tell you if you're close." 

Rollin dragged his finger through Lupa's deep cleavage. 


Rollin drew her finger down her stomach. 

"Still cold." 

Her fingernail came to the line in Lupa's waist where her panties set. 


Rollin moved his finger to the right. 

"Getting cold." 

He moved left. 

"Warmer, yes." 

Rollin touched Lupa's hip. 

"That feels good." 

"Am I hot here?" 

"Yes, oh yes, you are." 

While Rollin was thinking of the tattoo on Lupa's body, Lupa expectedly tilted forward and met Rollin like never before, placing her lips on his. Their kiss lasted, as did their embrace. This buried desire between them broke through to the surface, coming into the light.

Under the moonlit sky, Amarok, the Alpha of the wolf pack, let out a resounding howl that echoed through the forest. The haunting sound carried an urgent message, and the wolves, scattered throughout their territory, immediately began to converge at the heart of their community.

Rollin and Lupa, their enjoyment momentarily forgotten, followed the call of their Alpha. They arrived at the gathering point to find all the other wolves assembled, their eyes reflecting the uncertainty that hung in the air.

Amarok, a formidable presence with beard as dark as midnight and eyes that burned with an inner fire, stepped forward. His powerful howl had summoned them, and now it was time for him to address his clan.

He raised his massive head, his voice carrying the weight of authority and experience.

"My fellow wolves," he began, "Tonight, we face a matter of utmost importance. During a recent encounter, we discovered something that challenges our very understanding of our world."

The wolves leaned in, their senses keen and alert, hanging onto every word their Alpha uttered.

Amarok continued, his voice unwavering. "We encountered a vampire, one of the bloodsuckers. But what makes this encounter particularly troubling is that this vampire bore a tattoo of our clan."

A murmur of disbelief and concern rippled through the assembled wolves. It was a revelation that shook the foundation of their beliefs.

Amarok raised his head higher, his eyes locking onto each member of his pack. "I share this with you because there are no secrets among us. We must confront this mystery head-on. We have always held a deep-seated hatred for vampires, and rightfully so. But we must also consider the possibility that there is more to this than meets the eye. Perhaps this tattoo is a mistake, a symbol misplaced."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "No matter what, my fellow wolves, I want you to remember our history, our enmity with the vampires. We cannot afford to let our guard down. This discovery changes nothing in that regard. But it does remind us that in this ever-evolving world, we must be vigilant, adaptable, and above all, united."

Amarok speech concluded and as the gathered wolves began to disperse, Rollin couldn't shake the urgency he felt about the vampire with their clan's tattoo. He approached Amarok, his father, with a determined expression, his eyes locking onto the Alpha's.

"Father," Rollin began, his voice unwavering, "We can't afford to underestimate this vampire. We should send a hunting pack after him, gather information, and ensure the safety of our territory."

Amarok, his powerful form still radiating authority, turned to his son. His eyes bore a mixture of weariness and sternness. "Rollin, you must understand that I have made my decision. Sending a hunting pack after the vampire may provoke a confrontation we are not prepared for. We have faced countless threats, and we have always prevailed."

Rollin clenched his jaw, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "But Father, this vampire carries our mark. It's a direct challenge to our clan's honor. We should not allow it to go unanswered."

Amarok's eyes hardened, and he leaned in closer, his breath hot against Rollin's ear. "You may be my son, but you will not question my authority in front of the pack. I am the Alpha, and my word is law. Do not forget that."

Rollin's gaze narrowed, and for a moment, he couldn't hide the defiance in his eyes. "Father, I only want what's best for our pack. I fear you are becoming too soft, too hesitant to act when our clan's honor is at stake."

Amarok's nostrils flared, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. "You tread on dangerous ground, Rollin. Do not mistake my caution for weakness. The pack's safety is paramount, and I will not risk their lives in a reckless pursuit. Question my authority again, and you will be dealt with."

Rollin clenched his fists but remained silent. The tension between father and son hung heavy in the air. Rollin couldn't help but feel that Amarok's caution bordered on indecision, and he couldn't shake the belief that their clan's honor needed to be defended more fiercely. As they parted ways, a rift between them grew, one that threatened not only their relationship but the stability of the entire pack.