

Stygwyr exited the inn after refreshing himself up and doing his morning stretches. Something that he simply can't not do for some kind of reason. Maybe it's one of the things that keep his sanity. Maybe.

Outside the inn, Strygwyr placed himself upon the saddled Hlotl Beast. Certain followers of the Righteous faction would have been shocked upon seeing this for the Hlotl beasts were regarded similar to holy ones but that would be the minor reason. The major one is that they were powerful enough to decimate a small battalion. Not that he cares though. Hunting these beasts in his home was considered a respected profession.

Taking hold of the reins, he set off on his way to Xhacatocatl, the place he calls home, the place where resides his brethren.

The task that he had just completed was to collect blood offerings from a roadside stop where travelers passing by could stop and rest. There was an inn, and aside from that were a few shops and houses. Didn't seem to be such a bad place to him and yet in a single day not a single soul was left. Not a single one, even a child's.

The runes on his armor and blades absorb the blood of those befallen by him making blood collection far easier. As for the corpses, a blood rite was enough to sap each body of its vitality, turning them into shriveled corpses ready for decomposition. The Twins sure are environment-friendly.

When he thought back about his missions, the places he 'visited' were more or less secluded in away. That was to the point it all seemed a bit shady, the place that is. But all that did not matter, for all that matters was his carnage.

The journey home was not a simple one, not that it ever was anyways. Stygwyr's tempered body still shivers from the creeping cold of Xhacatocatl. Now and then he would order his mount to emit a shrill cry to ward off monsters away and all along the way he never leaves himself unguarded. Let's just say its similar to the boundary mountain range. (get it?)Flying would be the same, if not worse since aviatic monsters reign supreme above the mountain and the skies. He still remembered an enemy that tried to ambush from the sky, only to be mercilessly torn apart by a giant Wyvern. Scary.

He went up and down mountains, the closer he gets to his home the mistier it gets. The mountains in Xhacatocatl are no ordinary one for The Twins hated intruders. Stygwyr thought that maybe they just cared about their followers but thinking back about his assignments, Nah.

As he nears closer, the mist seemingly starts to give way and a giant structure resembling a Shinto shrine becomes more and more visible. The Hlotl beast hovered near the towering structure as Stygwyr chants the passcode.

The door to the shrine opened and let the mounted warrior inside. there was a reason he entered through the shrine for those who try to trespass through different entrances, such a s the sky often met with fates better not mentioned, the barrier created using blood was sturdy. Combined with the monsters hovering around and the anti-personnel magic cannons, one would need to think god knows how many times before intruding.

"Your journey seems a bit longer this time, does it not?"

"I needed sleep, and the inn was nice, what did you expect?"

A woman with a face that seemed to say "don't mess with me" greeted him in a rather nice way. As he walked to the exit of the shrine, a town visualized itself, enclosed within towering mountains. It was a perfect spot to defend from any intruders.

It was a gruesome town, people can be seen fighting each other and houses were constantly on fire. Blood was in the air, with it spurting in every direction. Chaos reigned supreme and the devil's laughter acts as background music. Truly a town befitting for the Regent of Blood. At least that was what is going on in Stygwyr's mind

"Every time, it gets me." Lamented Stygwyr

" What are you talking about? " The girl said questioningly. Her face contradicts with her personality here.

" This town, I always expect it to be all chaotic but this... It's the exact opposite, Kayla"

Truly, the town was indeed peaceful, people dressed in white garments like the one Stygwyr was changing into. it was mandatory to wear white garments which makes one think if The Twins was the regent of blood. The town was clean, the building organized and people were chatting merrily. Confucianism was implemented, god knows where the regent of blood got that from.

"Well, enough of your thoughts, report to the head monk," said the girl named Kayla


Stygwyr went down the flight of stairs from the mountain where the shrine was located and headed to the Offering Temple, where the monks live.

Stygwyr was finally home