
Chapter 31

"Tell me everything."

I persist in my silence.

"You know why I made sure this meet was completely clandestine?" Agitation flaring in his tone. "It wasn't for your guards. I'm being followed. I wasn't sure at first, but then I saw them. Whilst I was hunting for them; I became their prey."

My head lifts.

"I learned the trick of the trade about disappearing. When I was still on the job, I had a network of informants and I knew of undercover operatives embedded into powerful criminal organizations and syndicates as moles. I never understood their theatrics when it was time for them to report back to me. And they took all of these crazy precautions to make sure they weren't being followed. I was their handler then, it was how it worked. Until it didn't. They're all dead now. Let's just say their paranoia was very warranted."

My pulse hitches. I rip my hands out of my hair. "They know then."

His eyes swell. "Know what?"