
Vampire Princess

I would never forget this day when Uncle Toshi came, knowing I'm not alone to overcome the pain of loss of my family. I was sitting on sofa while Uncle Toshi was preparing the dinner. I'll enjoy home cooked food again.

I remembered I had a dream. This little girl, her memories were erased by the man who killed her mother. I must have known her...

My trance was interrupted by Uncle Toshi calling my name and finished serving the dinner.

"Sayu, I hope you will like my cooking. Though not as tasteful as those of my brother. But we've learned same thing from our father."

I hurry and got on my seat. Uhm, teriyaki and steak. They're feast in my eyes. We bowed our heads and thanked for the food.

"Oishi!" I exclaimed as I took my first bite of the steak. "Uncle, I think you should own a restaurant." I added savoring every chew on my food.

"Sayu," Uncle Toshi called for my attention. I looked up to him. He's pretty serious. He doesn't even touch his food yet.

"I still have a lot of things to tell you," he continued.

My brows furrowed, I'm silenced by the incoming suspense.

"I'm sorry to bother your food. I can tell you later." his smile helped me calm and finish our meal.

After tidying the dishes. We find ourselves in the living room, and an uncomfortable silence fell around us.

"It's about your past, about you. I know your confused since I came here" Uncle Toshi started. I don't dare to interrupt his thought. "I never thought all things would happen so fast, the accident and your 18th birthday."

"So I decided what I have to do the moment I've learned of the accident and came here as soon as possible."

"You remember anything or any memories of you, in school, childhood friends, embarrassing experience?" He asked me making me dig in my thoughts. The earliest I could think of was when we moved here in Charlotte. I was 10 that time, but before that...

"I.." my head started to ache.

"No, I-I don't know but I can't remember anything before we came here." I suddenly felt tears on my face.

"You must have wonder why."

On my head, I'm begging for him to tell me the missing piece in my memories...

"My brother and Rika were not your real parents." He said them truthfully and I was stunned. My body felt limp, I can't even raise my hand to wipe those tears unstoppably falling.

"You need to listen. You need to know the truth." He requested and held both my hands.

"Why are you telling me these all now? Why father or mother didn't tell me instead?" now I'm in denial.

"I don't know their reason but I'm sure they had plan to tell you soon since they also know of your beginning."

"I also doubt about their accident. God knows who could be behind it." I gasped, rage dominating me now. Uncle immediately sensed it and started rubbing the back of my hand in circles.

"You could not think of avenging them. Please don't. You still have a lot to learn and knowing your enemies is one of them."

"What about that vampire princess your telling me I am? Are you a vampire too? Are my parents vampires?" I demanded for the answers.

"Yes, you are a vampire and a princess. But I, I am not like you. I am human. As I've said my brother and his wife are not your parents. They are not vampire but your biological parents are."

"How can this be? H-how did I become a vampire? Where are my real parents?"

"You're parents are the king and queen of pureblood vampires and they were killed by the converted vampires."

"What do you mean by pureblood and converted vampires?" I asked impatiently.

"Pureblood vampires like you, as I knew you were the last who were vampire since birth. You have big difference with converted ones who only became vampires when they were bitten and drank the blood of another vampire who can be either pureblood or converted. It only means that the converted vampires were just created by the purebloods. Also, you can tolerate the sun, but not the converted ones. And you have other abilities in which converted vampires don't have." He explained them long and clear enough.

It gets my hope high, having abilities could help me avenge my parents. But also knowing who I will be facing sends chills to my spines.

"Why did converted vampires turned against purebloods?" I wonder.

"They became greed for powers that made them eliminate all the pureblood vampires leaving only you." He answered me surely.

Then, I immediately thought of the queen I had dreamt. "I-I want to know what is the name of the queen, my mother?" I asked unsure.

"Jesenia," he said clearly. Such a beautiful name. The first good thing I have heard tonight.

I began to replay everything about my dream. Jesenia, the queen and the king, they were my parents. And the little girl was... was me. That dream were my memories... taken from me by the man who killed my mother.

Why? I asked myself. I am not the me I used to know. I lived all these years leaving those people behind. Remembering them now really hurts.

I was shaken from my deep thoughts by Uncle Toshi who is not actually my uncle. But that does not matter now, he's here with me. He puts his arm on my shoulder. I faced him and wrapped my arms on him and plunged my face on his chest like a pillow. I freely let loose of those contained tears and grief. Feels like forever when I had someone to lean on and share my pain.

I shyly held back myself, I just soak uncle's shirt. I looked up at him, "I never thought your such a crybaby" he teased me but I don't feel ashame at all.

I compose myself again, "Do you know the man who killed the queen?" I asked determined.

"I don't know who killed your mother or your father. What I only know was they were converted vampires."

"No! The man who killed my mother was human, a hunter." I said in disagreement.

"How can you say that?"

"I-I saw it. I dreamed about it." I explained.

"Ho-how does he look?" Uncle Toshi asked me in surprise.

"He wore leather brown clothes and cloak to cover his face. He was tall and he used bows and arrows." I said trying to convince him to believe me.

"You sure about that? I don't think he's..." he paused.

"No way, I was there, the man you just described was the one who brought you to my brother." Uncle Toshi's statement got me alerted.

"He... he did? He's alive?" I asked, my anger rising and revenge immediately hits my mind.

"I don't know. Maybe, it was 8 years ago."

All those blurry memories are becoming vivid as I think about the man who robbed my mother's life.

I know it will not be easy, but I'll find him and I'll make him pay. 


Relax, read, enjoy!