

Everyone in the room went dead silent. The air was thick hard to breathe in. Nobody knew what to do waiting for anyone to break the silence that took over the room. The boy with blond hair looked over at Taehyung who was glaring at Yoongi ready to murder. Someone faked cough that broke the painful silence. Everyone turns towards them.

"Well, sis you already know who I am" my oldest brother smiled to me.

"Ah yes hello brother good to see you again," I replied with a fake smile on my face.

"Wait, Namjoon is your brother? How come I didn't know about this?" Yoongi said looking at my brother with shock.

"My sister and I here don't talk to each other much." He said simply. It was true when my brother was 18 he wanted to explore the world. He found the Blue Stone pack in Korea and joined them. My dad was pissed but he let his firstborn son go. My father died two years after that by humans hunting while he was out running. After that, the Alpha from the Dark Knight pack took me and my mother in.

"Earth to Y/N you still with us?" My manager said waving his hand in my face.

"Sorry I spaced out," I said blushing.

"Nothing new," both my manager and brother said at the same time. I glared at both of them. We continued to introduce each other.

"Well, my name Jungkook, nice to meet you," the boy with bunny teeth said. I smiled at him nodding my head.

"My name is Jimin, Hi how are you?" the boy with the eye smile said. I laughed a little at his English accent. The blond hair guy with big shoulders turned towards me.

"Hello...I'm Worldwide...Handsome" He said winking at me. 'uh okay, that was weird...' I mentally thought.

"Ah don't mind him he thinks he's more handsome than me," Taehyung said smirking. "worldwide handsome" glared at him ready to kill.

"Don't start with me again Kim Tae-fucking-Hyung!" Worldwide Handsome yelled. Taehyung got up ready to yell back but my brother stopped him before he could.

"Both of you stop it now, both of you are handsome now get over it!" Namjoon yelled. "Jin, Taehyung when will guys stop arguing?" he said. Both Taehyung and Jin glared at him. Namjoon sat back in his chair looking at the last member to introduce himself ignoring the glares he's getting.

"Hiiiii, I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope!" the boy with the biggest smile yelled. Wow he's loud and my lord his smile is so bright like the sun, I can't look away. Well, that was everyone, now I have to figure out why Yoongi said I was his mate. I turned to face him and come to find out he was already looking at me. He's been quiet this whole time. I took a deep breath.

"So Yoongi, before we talk business let me ask you something," I said slowly.

"Yes beautiful?" He asked smirking.

"So you're my mate...?" I asked him. He smiled but before he can reply Taehyung jumped up from his seat which caused his chair to fling back and hit the wall behind him.

"No!" He yelled. Both me and Yoongi looked at him shocked at the sudden outburst. "I...am...your...mate," he said his face showing no joke. Yoongi becomes pissed at Taehyung.

"Wait for a minute...I have two mates!!??"