
Blood Soul Ancestor

Una was the prized disciple of the Highest Heaven Lunar sect. One of the 9 supreme sects of the Azure Pole. She was plotted against by a fellow disciple and fell into misery. After being used and tainted repeatedly. Her cultivation was abolished, and she was sent to rot in the jail of a mortal city for 50 whole years. Will she perish tragically or rise like a vengeful phoenix, tempered with the harshest flames? Obviously the latter.

DreamingSAGE · Fantasi
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3 Chs

1.2 - Like Swatting Flies

The demonic wolf was only at the 9th step of the Essence tier. Expecting it to know better was a sheer fallacy. She, on the other hand, had been at the peak of the Soul tier. A genuine powerhouse of the younger generation. Despite that, she was schemed against and reduced to such a wretched state. She could only blame her poor eyesight.


She stopped thinking about the past and resumed her fishing. As the day gave in to the night, she finally stopped. She looked at her hand critically before nodding in approval. She had only taken a single day to regain mastery of this spell.

As for the fishes that had suffered because of her, she had maintained their vitality while practicing her spell. Having finished, she let them return to the river. If they had enough cultivation, they would have cried out of joy. The demoness had finally left them alone.

Although it was only a basic spell of the Highest Heaven Lunar Arts, the importance of the Moon Fishing spell couldn't be higher. That is because this spell was the foundation of all the spells recorded in the Lunar Canon. Achieving mastery in it meant that one would be able to cultivate the other spells easier.

And for Una, it ultimately meant that she could now use the entirety of the spells recorded in the Lunar Canon. She was the only person in the history of her sect, besides the founder, to have mastered all the Lunar Arts. A feat that had previously solidified her renown as the Moon Priestess. Therefore, she only needed to remaster this seemingly basic spell to regain her proficiency with all the other Lunar spells.

"Casting spells now is easier and smoother than in the past. It is more natural too, just like breathing." She observed, slightly surprised. It seems that her current state hid even more surprises. The Blood Soul Method didn't just allow her to regain her cultivation. It did more than that. She would slowly discover the other benefits in the future.

Suddenly, Una stilled before looking in a particular direction. She had felt a disturbance in the natural qi of the region. Her sensitivity to qi was ridiculous now. Before, she wouldn't have sensed it by relying on her qi senses alone.

"Lunar Reflection" Instantly her eyes shone and an image appeared inside. From what she could perceive through the spell, some cultivators were fighting 25 kilometers away from her position.

"Not a fight, more like an ambuscade, and a betrayal." She corrected herself as she watched the look of shock and betrayal some of the victims wore as they died. Among the struggling party, she could see a youth looking to be in his teenage years. His sword weaved gracefully while trying to fend off the assault on his person.

"Not bad, from what I can see, his form is solid. He may have a chance to become a decent swordmaster." Una appraised inwardly. Numerous thoughts crossed her mind in the blink of an eye.

"But, if nothing is done he will perish here." She uttered softly. The assailants were larger in numbers and superior in cultivation.

"Very well, the stronger among them is only a 2nd step Spirit tier expert. I shall help." One of her reasons for landing a hand was naturally the recovery of her battle prowess. Although she was now a 1st step Soul tier expert, her combat strength was only a bit above that of a 9th-step Spirit tier cultivator. She needed every single bit of blood she could devour.

As for the other reasons…Well, the previously stated one was enough for now.

"Moon Shift." Like a whisper, she faded into the night. In less than 10 seconds, she had reached the battle site. Una appeared like a ghost in the middle of the clearing. Because of the chaotic situation, nobody noticed her sudden arrival. Well, almost nobody. The man who seemed to spearhead the assault turned his gaze toward her.

Looking at the beautiful girl who suddenly popped out of nowhere, dread settled onto his face. He didn't know why but terror had bloomed in his heart. Although she gave no qi fluctuation, something about her presence was unsettling.

"Greetings, fellow Daoist. How can I help you?" He couldn't tell how deep her cultivation was, but his experience told him that she was far above him on the totem pole.

Hearing the sudden words of the man, the battle paused momentarily as the others took notice of her. Silence descended on the clearing as the man waited for her answer.

Una didn't answer immediately. A quick observation of the battlefield showed that almost all of the youth's protectors were dead or dying. The youth was breathing heavily and his body was covered with wounds that he tried to suppress. Despite that, his face was calm and resolute. Had she arrived later, he would have perished already.

She finally turned to the man and answered.

"I was strolling on this fine night when I happened to come across your 'battle', gentlemen." A smile that wasn't a smile appeared on her face. The man didn't believe her but let out a genial smile.

"If that's the case, we are deeply apologetic for the ugly sight we showed to senior and would be exceptionally grateful if you left us to our own devices." He bowed slightly while cupping his fist.

"I am afraid this isn't possible. You see, I am a meddlesome lady by nature." Her sweet voice sounded in the dark clearing.

At this, the man cursed and signaled his men. Two of them resumed the attacks on the boy while the rest surrounded her, pointing their weapons in her direction threateningly.

"Oh?" Her eyes stayed on the leader.

"Attack!" He ordered emotionlessly. Although he felt that she was stronger than him he ultimately didn't believe that she could match a whole group of cultivators with cultivation ranging from the 9th step Essence tier to the 2nd step Spirit tier.

"So, it's like this." As her voice fell, her previously inexistent aura surged and drowned the area. Horror was painted on the faces of the men as they felt the momentous pressure. They couldn't move at all.

The suppression came from a huge difference in cultivation but it wasn't this simple. It was more profound, a fundamental difference in life level. At this moment the leader knew that he had underestimated that mysterious girl. Alas, it was too late for regret, he needed to get out of this predicament. So, he bit his tongue and spat a mouthful of blood. Slapping his palms together, the blood mist coalesced into a human figure.

The suppression exerted on him was transferred to the figure as he used this opportunity to retreat explosively. His face was pale and lifeless, it seemed that his vitality was harmed.

"Oh, interesting method, using a clone to divert the power of my aura. Sadly, it uses your vitality as a catalyst. Your lifespan diminished. A harsh price to pay, considering I didn't attack yet." Her voice was calm as she analyzed.

Listening to her, the man's expression turned ugly. Her release of aura was casual, just like breathing out but it was already enough to put him in dire straits.

Una felt like she was talking too much, it was understandable as she had been imprisoned for 50 years without human contact save that of guards and the scums streaming in and out of the prison.

"Let's end this. Playing with food is unbecoming." Her face turned cold and forbidding. The simple aura she had released before was even more terrifying now that she had decided to kill.

She waved her hand and a series of explosions sounded in the clearing. The men who were caught in her aura had perished horribly. Una opened her mouth slightly and breathed in. The spilled blood turned into a red glowing mist and was subsequently absorbed.

The man finally couldn't contain his horror and screamed while stumbling backward. Falling on the grass, he could only look at her with dread. Instinctively, he knew that he couldn't escape even if he started running now.

"Soul tier old monster…You are in the Soul tier!!" This was the only explanation for her godlike suppression. This realization puzzled him as much as it horrified him. After all, this part of the land was poor in natural qi. True experts wouldn't wander here much less take residence in this place.

"Congratulation, you win a peaceful demise." A sweet voice sounded near his ears. He suddenly realized that she had appeared behind him who knows how or when. Before he could beg for his life, his consciousness fell into darkness.

Una stood up releasing the bloodless corpse on the ground. Her gaze fell on the youth, the men fighting him had run away long ago. When they witnessed the gruesome death of their colleagues, they decided to dash into the forest abandoning their orders. In any case, their leader was dead and they wanted to live.

The youth had passed out when he noticed that almost all the traitors had been disposed of. Una looked in the direction of the escapees. She pointed with a finger and mouthed "Moon Goddess's Eyes."

Above her, an illusory pair of eyes cracked open. It was like twin moons had appeared out of nowhere. 30 kilometers away, two figures instantly froze and exploded into ice shards.

After taking care of those nuisances she came before the unconscious youth. His sleeping face was relaxed and harmonious. Looking at him, one would never guess

that he just escaped ruin. Despite the wounds on his body, he was even snoring peacefully.

"Good for you. Having such fortitude at this age." Una's lips twitched slightly. She almost wanted to kick the idiot awake. She could see that his appearance reflected his age in truth. He was merely 16 years old. Considering the concentration of the natural qi in the surroundings, he was quite good, reaching the Peak of the Essence tier so soon. Not only that, but he had managed to withstand the attacks of so many foes while using basic sword arts.

"Impressive, considering some of them were a step and even a realm above him." All those things contributed to her decision to save him. A talent like that could not die because of mundane struggles. Una wasn't into charity, it was an investment. Whether it would pay or not was a matter of the future.

She waved her hand and carried him back with her to the river. Before leaving she took the dead men's belongings. All in a hard day's work of course. The night passed slowly, as she sat cross-legged meditating. she had cured the wounds on the boy but he hadn't regained consciousness yet.

Just as she believed that he would sleep the night away, his unconscious body moved slightly and he opened his eyes. Carefully, he stood up examining his body and wondering why he was unharmed. Seemingly sensing a foreign gaze on him, he was startled when he met Una's crimson eyes.

"Well, hello. I hope you slept well." She said amused

Realizing how rude he was being, he immediately bowed and expressed his gratitude.

"I, Yun of the Blackbird clan express my utmost gratitude to senior for saving me." His voice was solemn but awkward as if he wasn't used to speaking that much. Una merely nodded.

"You can stop bowing, I am not much for these things. Also, call me Una. I will also call you by your name, Yun?"

"Understood, se- I mean Yes Una!" Yun answered more comfortably, he wasn't used to paying attention to his words or manners after all. He appreciated how casual this senior was.

"Good. Now, let's get into business. As repayment for my grace, I expect you to do some things for me. Are we in agreement?" Una straightforwardly asked.

"Of course, just state what you want me to do and I will." Yun nodded, after all, he didn't believe an expert like the girl in front of him saved him due to the graciousness of her heart. He was a bit dazed at the time but he still saw how ridiculously gruesome the deaths of those traitors were.

Una smiled in appreciation, she liked decisive people.

"First, I am not sure exactly where we are, I would be grateful if you could tell me where this place is, in the greatest detail possible. Continent, Region, kingdom, Empire, territory…things like that. Additionally, a rundown on the local powerhouses would be nice.

As for the second and third things, you can not help yet. I will tell you when the moment comes." Una asked the first of her requests. When she was sent to rot in a mortal jail, she wasn't made aware of the name of the region she was exiled to. She had a nagging feeling that she had been sent extremely far away.

"We are in the Sonet Kingdom, one of the 16 kingdoms of the Burning Sand Isle…"

Una was speechless for a moment, her mind blanked and the calm sea of her resentment rippled slightly. Her gut feeling was spot on, she wasn't even on the Palis continent.

'If my knowledge isn't faulty. This Isle should be located millions of miles away in the south of the continent.'

A chill descended making Yun pause in his explanations. He looked at her intimidating figure and tactfully stay silent.

"So it's like that…" Her voice wasn't loud but it frightened one's soul.