
chapter 2:the beginning

"What's that look for?" Anastacia asked, "Is it because you can't talk when on guard, at the gate."

"Hey!, Tasia leave Vivian alone, you know he'll be back at the great hall later," Arthur added.

Later at the mess hall, the knights of Round were masticating at the table and drinking their lager beers, minutes turned to an hour and an hour into two then before long many of the knights happened to pass out right where they were seated only to be awakenend by the mourning bell and even though most were all heavy with the weight of their lager the night before, but yet we still all went to training in the mourning.

As the daylight left the sky, and we finished training were made it back to the donjon we were greeted by the warmth of our own beds with their heavy bodies the knights were weak matched with their beds after the hard day of training except for Vivian and Arthur as they, were nonaged.

*Psst* "Hey, V are you still up?" Arthur whispered.

"Yep, Arthur what could you possibly want at this hour we have patrol tomorrow," Vivian asked slightly annoyed.

"Just wondering if you had something to eat I didn't get enough to earlier so I'm still hungry," Arthur added.

*sigh* "I think I have spare rations in my trunk under my bed if you want them, just don't eat it all okay?" Vivian said.

"Okay thanks, V," Arthur said.

"No problem" replied Vivian.

In the morning Arthur (a rookie on his first patrol) and Vivian rose as well to start their patrol at the bar there was a group of men fighting on the street, the group turned to face him, their expressions defiant. One of them stepped forward, his words slurred with alcohol. "This jerk started a fight for no reason! We demand justice!"

Vivian exchanged a knowing glance with Arthur before stepping in to diffuse the situation. With his calm demeanor and quick thinking, he managed to mediate the conflict, ensuring that no one came to harm.

As the first light of dawn began to break on the horizon, Vivian and Arthur watched as the group dispersed, the tension in the air dissipating with them. They shared a brief moment of relief before Vivian turned to Arthur with a proud smile.

"Not bad for your first patrol, rookie," he said, patting him on the back. "You handled that well."

Arthur grinned, the weight of the night's events lifting from his shoulders. "Thanks, Vivian. Couldn't have done it without you."

Together, they resumed their patrol, their bond strengthened by the trials of the morning.