

Noticing something something was amiss,Kiyoshi checked carefully when he noticed some shinobi in masks moving in the trees.

'ANBU' Kiyoshi cursed.What are these people doing here.They are shinobi specialised in stealth and assasination.

"Mom,Dad the Anbu are here".But the Anbu already started the killing.

Kiyoshi started doing hand seals and shouted"Fire Style-Fireball Jutsu".The Anbu were caught off guard as they didn't expect a fire year old to use fire ball jutsu.But they recovered quickly erected mud wall.

'Shit' Kiyoshi cursed inwardly as his suprise attack failed.So,he took out a kunai and dashed towards a Anbu.

A fox masked Anbu saw a child rushing towards him, irritated he slashed his sword and scowled"Get lost brat".

Kiyoshi dodged the sword and used sharingan which caught the Anbu off guard.Using the chance he slashed his kunai at the Anbu's neck and killing him.

The remaining Anbu who saw this scene became vigilant as they saw the sharingan.

One Anbu asked after seeing another person in the bandit group also having sharingan which was Kiyoshi's father "Who are you, how are you having the sharingan?"

Not bothering to answer Kiyoshi performed hand seals and used 'Genjutsu: Sharingan' and started fighting the shinobi.

Kiyoshi truly enjoyed the thrill of fighting and killing.He didn't notice this back on Earth but now in this world where fighting and killing where normal, after he broke the threshold by killing , he truly enjoyed it. But he is not pychopath who will kill on whim just because he enjoys it.

As Kiyoshi was enjoying the fight he suddenly notcied something by his side.

'SHIT' because I was so focused on fighting I didn't notice the kick. Eventhough I know the kick is coming I can't do anything ,my body is still growing and adapting to the sharingan.