
Blood-Red Rain Does Not Spare Any Flower

This is the story of a young woman whose life ended one evening, in a sense. She wakes up in an unknown place with an unknown cry baby. Is this reality? she always wonder. In fact, this is not an easy journey. Will she escape? Shoes strained with red and a crushed flower in her hands.

Gingerhoneytea · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Freezing hands

No one noticed the commotion going around their table, Sean's two friends were so drunk they were oblivious. The boy stands so close behind them that Linlu can feel his breath on the back of her neck. She tenses slightly.

She delicately turns her head to meet his grinning face. Man, how happy can you be whilst threatening people, have some shame... she thinks, her expression blank. Lucky her though, he's her "savior". She should take this chance.

The knife Linlu saw is pressed under Sean's chin. He sweats profusely, his nervous gaze searching for any outside help. But unfortunately for him, the atmosphere here is not to his advantage and Linlu couldn't care less about his fate. However, as she squirms to escape his wandering hands, the waiter suddenly leans over her. Their cheeks touch, he murmurs coldly.

- Don't move.

She doesn't dare, of course. She swallows uncomfortably, not that she's relaxed at the moment. She still feels the knife she hid was a heavy burden. Unsure of if she should just take it out to threaten them both.

Crazy idea.

Sean starts talking, but not too loudly, as the chances that the young man would slash his neck are pretty...high at the moment.

- Who are you?! You actually dare put a knife on my neck you punk!

The young man's attention returns to his "hostage".

- Call me grandpa and maybe you'll know my name before you die without dignity.

- Who'd want to call you Grandpa?!

Only Linlu can hear the slight laugh that escapes from that tense face. Yet she turns her attention to Sean's gestures; strangely enough, he seems to be looking for something on himself, while distracting the boy by opening his mouth and spouting nonsense.

And... voilà. Sean finds a spray.... Seriously. Linlu facepalms, pepper spray? This guy's really out of luck and besides, the guy's movements haven't gone unnoticed.

The blond boy immediately slaps his hand, making the spray roll across the floor. The room is too dark to see his own fingers, so there's no point in looking for something lying around.

Suddenly, Sean goes limp, as if he's fallen asleep. Deeply. But Linlu glances at the glistening syringe the so-called waiter has hidden back on him. He'd also put his knife away, it was just a diversion to Linlu's surprise.

She feels her heart pounding in her chest, wondering what this guy is going to do to her at present. I mean, she's obviously just witnessed the whole thing. What if he silences me? I'm not that treacherous, am I? Oh dear, she can't help looking around like a deer in panic. Blondie's face was still close to hers.

- You're coming with me, he then muttered rather assertive.

Linlu nods, holding back her excitement because this guy is definitely not one of them. However, she remains on her guard.

They both head for a back door, hidden behind curtains and shelves.

Getting out of here was easy enough, as there are no bodyguards nor CCTV. Rather logical for a private club of this type aimed at the rich. The young man is holding her wrist, his hands are freezing. Is he a living, breathing being? How is his temperature so low. Thousands of thoughts run through Linlu's mind when she's as excited as she is anxious. She can't really understand anything happening, who knows this could've been a fever dream.

She makes up her mind. It's the perfect moment. She suddenly brandishes the knife she'd kept hidden. Her second hand still caught in his grip. She's afraid, of course, but above all she needs to go on living and can't risk being caught by someone who would do worse things than the people she had encountered here.

- Oh? he raises his voice. I was wondering when you were going to use that knife you stole in the kitchens. He adds in a low voice making Linlu's heart quiver.

A thread. The atmosphere between these two is tense. Like a taut bow waiting to release its arrow.

Linlu's hand is shaking a bit with the realization that he DID notice.

- I have no idea if I can trust you. She confesses.

- I don't need your trust. But rest assured, I'm not laying my hand on you. My job is to take these guys down as well as this whole place. I am none of the garbage they are.

She gulps. He could be lying for all she knows but... she saw what he did. She assumed he was a guy who they must consider an enemy. All she needed was another confirmation. A man who can kill is dangerous, but this same man is the key to her freedom.

Then without a sound she hands him the knife.

He nods, satisfied by the reaction.

He guides her through dark corridors. He halts to a stop and turns back. Looking down on Linlu he acknowledges ;

- And if you wonder, I wasn't supposed to take anyone back after this mission but i can't let you run your mouth out there so you'll be stuck with me.

She understands the unsaid. " Don't mess up, be obedient and you'll be safe".

- Alright. She hesitates. Also... what should i call you?

He raises an eyebrow, having the least expected this question. It quite literally never happened to him, usually people just want to make it out whole and alive.

- You can call me Lyn, how about you? He still inquires.

She lets out a small laugh after hearing his name.

- My name's Linlu, we're Lin- twins aren't we?

He shakes his head, what a peculiar girl.

In the end, she isn't as unlucky as she thought she was. Linlu was here for barely some time before getting out miraculously. Yet, something is bothering her... Everyone who was left behind. Right, what about Ayaan, what about all these girls who are living hell here? Her heart is tight with anger and sadness mixing like chemicals. She doesn't know any of them personally, but she's human. Her first instinct is to help people out, that's why she studied so hard and worked so hard. What is worse than being helpless in these situations? She could only act cautiously, for her own survival.

In a whisper, she seals her fate " I won't forget you "

The door opens to the outside world and she's finally back to society. Lyn's hands are still holding on to her, the cold warmth she can feel leaving its inprint on her soul. For some reason, she chokes back sobs. She isn't as strong as she would claim to be. This whole experience wounded her, of course. The chilly night's wind messes her hair.

- You're free now aren't you? Lyn states with some amusement.

He quietly stands by her side, letting her cry her heart out. He knows too well what these girls and boys are living in such places.

Were they fated to meet though? His target wasn't supposed to be with a girl that night, yet this Linlu appeared. She's not the first they got out, yet it's still unknown what they're going to do. Some of them leave, and go back to their lives and for others it's something else.

As for now, they're going back.

Linlu fell asleep in the backseat, wearing a thick jacket Lyn gave her, while he's driving miles and miles through the night that seems endless.

He watches her figure in the rearview mirror. He sees her chest rising softly then going down in this peaceful harmony. She looks and acts nothing like the usual girls of the club. Lyn is feeling mixed emotions.

The sun is peeking, and there starts a new day.


A distant voice can be heard. Getting closer, closer, closer...

- Hey, hey, hey, hey...

Linlu can't keep sleeping with that disturbance so she reluctantly opens her drowsy eyes.

Wow... imagine seeing a close up of Lyn's face right after waking up. If you think that isn't terrifying, it actually is. Linlu is startled.

- Oh my DAYS. she screams, surprising Lyn who never thought she would have that great of a reaction

- Do you have amnesia? Why are you so surprised? He calmly asks, not even bothered.

She rolls her eyes.

- Excuse me but we were literally nose to nose.

- What a surprise, you're the one who was sleeping like the dead. I had no other choice.

Linlu shakes her head, still sitting in the car.

- Where are we? She inquires curiously after getting out of the car.

The place looks quite peaceful and recluse. A big wooden house surrounded by healthy tall trees, not far from them she sights the gate they probably come from. Nothing stands out from this place, it gives it a cold atmosphere. She thinks, this house may not be a home.

The winter is pretty gentle and the jacket Lyn gave her is keeping her quite warm.

- We'll talk inside. He says while walking up the porch.

She hurries on when she sees him walking so quickly. The door slams shut behind her.

The entrance leads right into the vast living room. Lyn is sitting on the massive dark couch in the center of the room giving him this intidimating aura.

Linlu didn't take off the jacket, the dress underneath is a rather vulgar sight. As she is looking around she feels eyes on her. Glancing back at Lyn she notices his gaze hovering on her exposed legs and thighs which are covered in bruises. She grips the jacket harder, unable to hide anything. He must have understood because then he softly tells her ;

- Upstairs, there are clothes in every room just don't pick the master bedroom.

- Thank you. She mumbles, a slight blush spreading on her face.

How damn humiliating, she swears in her mind.

When she comes down, wearing a brown sweater and grey jogging, she doesn't see Lyn in the living room. Before she can even question anything she smells a strong fragrance. The air is filled with the scent of a good meal. Her mouth is almost watering and her stomach starts growling. Thankfully her prayers are quickly answered.

Right then Lyn emerges from a door on her right, the kitchen supposedly, holding two plates of pasta. They look like ordinary spaghetti but she hasn't eaten a good meal in so long. This might be the best meal of her entire life.

She sits on the opposite couch Lyn's sitting on and starts eating eagerly after thanking him for the meal.

- This is one of my residences, since you asked. Lyn says after taking a bite of his pasta.

Linlu nods, now more interested in the meal.

Lyn understands the signal and waits until they finish their plates before holding a real conversation.

- Now, I should properly introduce myself. He states.

Linlu sits up straight, with her full attention on him.

- My name is De Léon Lyn, I'm from an underground organization which goes by Jigsaw.

- What does this organization do? She asks, amazed by Lyns charisma to say the least.

- We mainly go after the type of clubs you come from. Most of the time they're not only involved in illegal prostitution but also human and drugs trafficking as well as many other things that stay in the dark.

Linlu clenches her fists. She could've been destined for horrible things. Yet, strangely enough this only gives her more determination. She inhales, and makes her decision mentally. It hasn't been hard for her to do so as there is nothing holding her back.

- Since you saved me, I want to repay the favour.

Lyn's cold face shows a hint of curiosity, asking her to go on.

- I want to be your partner. She exclaims.

Then as if considering what she just said, she jumps up in panic, frantically waving her arms.

- I dont mean romantic partners ! Seriously, I mean I want to join your organization!! No confusion here alright?! She screams.

Lyn relaxes on the sofa watching her move so energetically, a smirk forming on his face.

- You know, you can't just join like that, are you valuable?

- YES ! she claims.

Now Lyn is even more curious. He is twirling his long hair methodically watching Linlu acting stubborn.

- Im a medical student, well, that was before I got kidnapped but I can be a medic. You can train me for other aspects, I know I'm not worth much right now regarding fighting and all that.

After thinking this sounds pretty advantageous for him, they don't have anyone in the medic ranks that go sur le terrain. Yet, he still has one important question that he can't seem to think the answer to.

- But, any sane and normal person would want to go back to how their lives were before if given the chance. That's why I'm wondering, why do you want to stick around, Linlu? He asks gravelly.

Linlu sits down, holding eye contact with him. Her own eyes show no traces of fear, nor of any intention of backing down.

- I know, I thought about this as well when I was in that rabbit hole but...

She seems to be picking her words very carefully. Picking up the letters, the tone, the sentence like a kid would pick beautiful flowers in a huge field.

- I have nothing and no one to go back to. My family consists of my mother and my sister, they always rely on each other, my absence won't change their daily lives. I have friends and I love them but all I lived for was to be able to help others. This also explains why I worked so hard and got into the medical field. I don't care what my job is, I just want to be useful even if I get hurt in the process. So please, Sir, consider it.

She told her speech in a strong, resolute voice. Her hands resting on her knees. Her face still shows the bruises she got back then, giving her that wounded appearance. Her eyes still look gentle, butterfly like lashes shadowing her pupils when she looks down.

She won't be quiet anymore. Maybe she is making the wrong decision but does she want to go back now? For the longest time, she lived her gray life with no hopes of making a change.

Lyn is taken aback by her strong attitude. How peculiar... He stands up. He also made up his mind. He never had a working partner so might as well,uh?

- You will be my partner, Linlu.

The girl exhales the breath she has been holding. Relief spreading through her tense body. She feels like her bones just turned into marshmallows.

- I will do my best, I promise.

Lyn approaches her. His hair gently sways as he makes his way.

- No problem, Sarge. He says, patting her head.

Quite the funny sight, he thinks. Linlu smiles.

- Training starts tomorrow when we go back to the HQ, puppy. he states before leisurely making his way upstairs.

There Linlu stops him in his tracks.

- You don't .... look Hispanic. she chimes.

Lyn snorts.

- Very funny miss, my adoptive parents were Hispanic though what can I say?

- Really?!

He mumbles in affirmation and disappears upstairs while Linlu flops on the sofa.

...Was it the right thing to do? she wonders.


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